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ORDER & CHAOS pt. 19

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Posted 06-07-2009 at 07:24 PM by Goth Writer
Updated 06-11-2009 at 09:55 PM by Goth Writer (It's a work in progress...)

“That is a fine idea, Restadicus,” replied Hydro. “Tell Mara I’m proud of her. The four seraphim are here and are ready and willing to visit your plane. Keep in touch.”
Four portals appeared in the Council Chamber. Through them emerged Smithforge, Listhew, Glasslook and Heartsing. They embraced the warriors and Lore Masters.
“We are glad to see all of you,” declared Glasslook. “It seems we have our work cut out for us. The red dragon is a persistent demigod and will not be easily banished from this plane now that he is here.”
“Let us journey to the Ghastly Fens,” said Sharon. “We must confront the Drystyx Monks and Thoth while our strength is at its peak.”
“I agree,” stated Alex. “This invasion from the Plane of Chaos concerns all of the Regions of Gaea. Siegemunde is stuck on the far side of the Fens. It will be prudent for us to reach him and proposition his aid.”
“I will do as you suggest, Alex,” said Restadicus. “Siegemunde is a capable magic user and deserves to be informed of the recent events.”
The Leader of the Lore Masters pressed his hands to his scrying glass.
“Siegemunde, this is Restadicus. Can you hear me?”
“Yes, Restadicus. The Daemon Lord and Dire Queen have battled in Arkadia. This has happened because the gong seal has been broken. Is everything alright over there?”
“I’m sorry, Siegemunde. Taliesin defeated Guardon and his companion. Thoth and the Drystyx Monks have attacked us here in Coermantyr as an act of vengeance. They are based at the Crossroads in the Ghastly Fens. We will try to reach you if possible. Hold the fort there until we get through. We have a Planar War on our hands, Able Wizard.”
“Thanks for the information, Lore Master,” answered Siegemunde. “The lich folk and I will hold our own on this end. Don’t worry about us. Deal with the Denizens of Chaos on the behalf of Gaea. I will contact you if they come this way.”
“May the Fates be with you, Siegemunde,” answered Restadicus.
“Its time for us to head north, My Friends,” said the Leader of the Lore Masters. “Representatives of every known Region are here. Wotan will accompany us and Mara will fly above. With the assistance of the staunch seraph trolls we have an opportunity to turn these foul invaders before they do any more damage. Let us be on our way.”
The warriors took fresh mounts from Coermantyr Castle and set forth on the trail to the Crossroads. They saw groups of goblins and orcs riding Lykanthros but they steered clear of the sizeable group. Lord Taliesin and his mercenaries had established a reputation among the scurrilous humanoids as fearsome fighters.
The warriors traveled through the twilight hours and came to the Burial Ruins at nightfall. Gaea’s twin moons formed parallel crescents behind the tower of the Sod Stronghold. Eerie torches burned along the ramparts. Mara circled above the structure but Thoth was nowhere to be seen.
Zolgnath and a handful of his assistants appeared on the ramparts and issued a warning to the Lieges and their friends.
“Do not tarry here, Gaeans. The demigod, Thoth, claims this land. If you choose to resist us you shall be destroyed.”
“That is not an option, Zolgnath,” replied Restadicus. “We are here to send you back to the Plane of Chaos. You do not belong here. You have enough power and influence in your own Realm. Go now or face our wrath.”
“I refuse. This plane is ours,” said Zolgnath.
The Leader of the Drystyx Monks incanted an attack spell.
A green, poison cloud appeared over the stronghold of the monks and rushed down at the Gaeans. Wotan uttered a counter spell.
A gust of wind carried the noxious mist out of range of the fighters.
Sigrid and Jalhi Bengal fired a volley of arrows at the monks above, striking two of them. Alex, Reoren and Leif cried out their missile sorcery.
The caustic, electric bolts overtook two more of the black-robed monks.
The portcullis of the stronghold lifted and a gathering of Stalactite Orcs and Goblins emerged from within. They engaged the warriors in a bitter melee.
Gilead, the Key Mage of Coermantyr issued forth a ring of warding to push them back.
A half-dozen of the charging wolf creatures were successfully pushed away but the others were already too close to be affected.
Taliesin and Sharon Redthorne drew their longswords and contended with their opponents. Gnoll also unsheathed his sword and entered the fray. The five merfolk fired a barrage of bolts from their crossbows, dropping three of the orc riders. Smithforge and Heartsing exchanged blows with the circling goblins. Glasslook and Listhew opted for longbows and felled three Lykanthros with their high-velocity arrows.
Bjorn, The Watcher and Ben Frostberry joined the battle with their companions. Ben used his dagger while the other two halflings employed their slings. Satvinder and the other tiger folk joined with Fangoz, the stone troll, to initiate an all-out assault on the wolf creatures. They braved their slashing claws and fangs to bludgeon and hack at riders and mounts alike.
Nighthawk and his goblins tumbled around the Lykanthros and their mounts to drop a dozen of them.
Gilead issued an attack spell of his own.
A blue energy ribbon flew upward at the Drystyx Monks but overshot its mark.
Restadicus and Wotan used an experimental spell.
A wide, blue beam of ice issued forth from the hands of the two, adept mages and merged into a single, wide beam. This they guided up the wall and across the rampart where the Drystyx Monks stood. Three of them were frozen solid and subsequently shattered by the hurled stones of The Watcher and Bjorn Roundtree.
Thoth flew over an outcropping of stones on a nearby hilltop. Mara responded quickly and tackled the red dragon in mid-air. The two, great lizards struggled for some time, exchanging blows and bites. Green dragon blood fell to the Fens below and sizzled on the damp soil. Mara was enraged at the bullying of Thoth and struck him a powerful blow to the jaw. The red dragon lost consciousness and fell to the ground with a sickening thud.
Restadicus spoke over the din of battle and issued Zolgnath an ultimatum.
“Drystyx Monks, this is your last chance. Leave this plane or be destroyed.”
“Alas,” Zolgnath cried, “we yield for now, Restadicus. Do not think we will not return for what is ours. We will meet again at another time.”
The Leader of the Lore Masters joined with Wotan to bind the dragon and his black-robed cohorts.
The Drystyx Monks and comatose Thoth were lifted in an Ethereal Funnel guided by the hands of the Gaean sorcerers. Gilead and Leif generated a spatial portal to the Plane of Chaos at the base of the whirlwind. The denizens were forced through it and vanished from the Burial Ruins. The goblins and Lykanthros that remained fled in apprehension.
“Excellent!” cheered The Watcher. “Done well this day all of us have. The goblins and orcs remain but a newfound grasp of our resources we gained. Ready we’ll be for coming challenges we face.”
“I agree, Aged Halfling,” said Restadicus. “Each of you brave warriors have honored your respective Regions. Let us venture north to meet with Siegemunde in Lich Town. I’m sure you, Sigrid and Reoren will be glad to see your homes free of the red dragon for a time, Leif.”
“Yes, Restadicus,” replied the Sentinel. “I will speak with Siegemunde. We have much to research in the Academy. Our magical abilities are sure to be challenged again. Let us go, My Friends, while our strength is with us.”
The warriors mounted their horses and followed the magical halo of Leif through the marshes of the Ghastly Fens. They would reach Lich Town in a matter of hours.
Raven awoke from a full night’s sleep.
I feel surprisingly rested, she thought. I’ve been concerned for Sharon Redthorne. Something tells me that she’s doing alright. Well, I’d better be off to college. I’ve got my work cut out for me, that’s for sure.
Raven conducted her ablutions and donned a fresh set of clothes. She ate a quick breakfast and rushed to the nearest bus stop.
Rauros witnessed the demise of the Dire Queen and her suitor. He was surprised that Lord Taliesin and his companions did not attempt to enter the Abyssal Cairn.
They must have other concerns on their minds, he thought. So be it. I have my own affairs to attend to.
The Leader of the Harad Ghul sat on his throne for a few hours when the other agents of the Guild of Assassins returned to the Council Chamber of the Abyssal Cairn.
“Greetings, Dakros, Loki and Blueblood. It is good to see the Harad Ghul gathered together. Have any of you seen the specters, Athros and Zalkos?”
“They approach as we speak, Rauros,” replied Blueblood.
The green specters flew through the torch-lit collonades of the Arkadian stronghold. They hovered over the proscenium of the Council Chamber.
“The Gaean warriors have returned to Coermantyr Castle, Rauros,” said Zalkos. “They have banished the red dragon, Thoth and the Drystyx Monks that remained. This was accomplished by the sorcery of the Lore Masters of Coermantyr and a silver dragon. It is evident that the Plane of Order has taken an active stance in thwarting the movements of the Plane of Chaos in this Realm as in others. It has been ages since direct war was waged between the titans of the distant planes. This may occur again with the imbalance of power employed by Restadicus.”
“Thank you for the information, Specters. I regret that those who summoned you are no more. You are welcome to stay in this plane. Conduct additional reconnaissance on those who oppose us and you shall be duly rewarded. I shall consult the scrolls in the library here. The titans that you speak of intrigue me. Perhaps I shall find a means to contact them.”
“Such a thing is simple, Master Assassin,” said Athros. “You need a scrying glass to channel your energies of perception.”
“A scrying glass?” replied Rauros. “That is what the Dire Queen, Iskendrea, used during her arcane experimentation. Her tool was taken from this place, however. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is in the possession of Siegemunde in the Ghastly Fens. He is a dabbler in magic and would be intrigued by such an object when the more traditional mages of Coermantyr would set it aside.”
“Rauros, let us hasten to the Ghastly Fens,” declared Blueblood. “The orcs are ready to prove themselves in their service to you. Allow us to journey north and we shall surely find the scrying glass you seek.”
“Very well, Blueblood,” said Rauros. “We will act on the intelligence of these Ephemeral Specters. It seems we have need of this magical tool once used by Iskendrea to contact Guardon. I have grown weary of the confines of this cairn for a time. It will do me good to travel through the open wilderness once more.”
The goblins and orcs rushed from the Abyssal Cairn and mounted their Lykanthros steeds. They charged through the moonlit forest in the direction of the Ghastly Fens.
Lord Taliesin and his companions approached the edge of Lich Town. Leif and Reoren rode up to confer with Einar, who had taken charge of the village guards during their absence.
“I’m glad you’re back,” declared the sturdy guard. “There are rumors of a dragon afoot and the lich folk have kept indoors for safety. I understand there was a gong seal separating the Plane of Chaos from the Gorgon Plane. It appears that this barrier has been breached. Fishermen and hunters in the southern Fens have reported fiery wizards and a Stronghold of Sod at the Crossroads.”
“Regretfully your intelligence describes the situation accurately, Einar,” Reoren answered. “I spent some time trapped with other Gaeans in the Gorgon Plane and have been saddened to witness the appearance of the Denizens of Chaos in Gaea around the same time that I returned with the other warriors.”
“Thoth, the red dragon, has been sent back to the Plane of Chaos with the Drystyx Monks,” said Leif. “We must meet with Siegemunde and encourage him to delve into his tomes of experimental magic. There is a Planar War upon us. Every outlet of arcane energy that may defend our Realm will prove beneficial to us in our time of need. The other warriors are waiting, Einar. Allow us entrance into Lich Town so that we may meet with Siegemunde and discuss possible future defenses for the various Regions.”
“Very well, Leif,” answered the guard. “Do as you must. Siegemunde has informed us that he awaits the latest word. Travel within and discuss these matters with him personally.”
The travelers thanked Einar and gestured for the other riders to move forward to the town gates. Other lich folk hastily turned cranks to open the broad, wicker doors to their settlement.
A few lich trolls remained out of doors despite the warnings of the presence of the red dragon. They went about their business in hushed tones. Taliesin and his allies passed through the marketplace and tethered their horses to the elevator leading to the Martial Academy. A stablehand took their spent steeds and prepared fresh mounts for their eventual exit.
The warriors marched across the network of bridges and platforms constructed over the soggy earth. They entered Siegemunde’s study. The Director of the Martial Academy was immersed in a small mountain of scrolls. He looked up from his project and smiled.
“Greetings, Taliesin and Friends. It is good to see all of you. I understand there is a red dragon flying the skies of Gaea.”
“This is true, Siegemunde,” Taliesin said. “The gong seal in the Gorgon Plane has been breached. The Summoners, Guardon and the Dire Queen of Arkadia, returned to the Abyssal Cairn. They were destroyed but the Denizens of Chaos yet plot against us. Restadicus petitioned the Ethereal Entity, Hydro, in the Plane of Order to send a silver dragon named Mara to help us. The four, seraph trolls that aided us before have also returned and stand before you here.”
Taliesin gestured toward Listhew, Heartsing, Smithforge and Glasslook. The seraphim nodded to Siegemunde in greeting.
“With the invaluable assistance of Mara Restadicus succeeded in banishing Thoth and the Drystyx Monks to the Plane of Chaos,” said the Liege of Mystic Down. “We do not know if or when they may again attempt to invade us here. For this reason we ask that you go over your experimental records and search for new magic that may help us better defend Gaea in this desperate time.”
“That is wise advice, Taliesin,” responded the Director of the Martial Academy. “I have already undertaken a holistic perusal of the arcane materials I have collected. I will inform you if I come across any lasting method of again separating the menacing Denizens of the Plane of Chaos from us. Unfortunately, this task will take time. I have many unorganized and undated scrolls of mysterious authorship. They speak of sorceries that can prove risky at best and cataclysmic at worst. Let me look on these documents for another day and meet with me here. All of you appear tired and have ridden hard on the trail to get here. Get some food in your stomachs and a full night’s rest. We shall discuss this business again, tomorrow.”
“Very well, Siegemunde,” replied Taliesin. “I admit that all of us could use some rest. The invasion of the red dragon and the Drystyx Monks has been foremost on all of our minds. All of us shall retire this night and return here at the morn. May your research prove rewarding, Bald Mage.”
The warriors departed from the Martial Academy and stayed at a town house on stilts across from the marketplace of the lich folk. Sigrid, Leif and Reoren met with other guards and lich trolls, informing them of the latest events. The fighters of Gaea were treated to a fine dinner of rabbit stew in the dining hall of the town house. They ate their supper heartily and retired to their rooms early in the evening.
It was later that night when the alarm horns blew. Lord Taliesin and his companions awoke and assembled in the reception room of the town house. Einar rushed in and addressed the group.
“The Harad Ghul is attacking Lich Town! They are led by Rauros and his red-armored assassins.”
The band of fighters hastened outside and saw the wicker gates at the front of the marketplace forced open. The goblins and orcs had taken one of the stone pillars from the Burial Ruins and placed it atop a set of wheels to function as a battering ram. Dozens of Stalactite Orcs, Lykanthros and goblins ran into the marketplace of Lich Town. They grappled with enraged merchants and guards who raced from their dwellings to the front line. Lord Taliesin and his friends drew their weapons and entered the battle as well.
The mages, Alex, Gilead, Leif, Reoren and Sigrid combined their magical resources to generate a ring of warding around the defenders of the town.
A broad ring of magical energy surrounded the villagers and warriors. It repelled some of the attacking humanoids but many more braved the scorching heat of the enchantment to leap into the melee. The merfolk fired their crossbows. Each of the Dagonites hit their marks and five of the goblins fell to the damp soil. Bors and his son, Torvald, united with Fangoz to execute a whirling attack pattern with their weapons. The large stone troll bludgeoned two of the goblins into pulp, while Torvald ran another through and Bors flattened a fourth.
Siegemunde appeared on the ramparts of the stilted Academy and uttered a bolt spell.
He guided his hands over the battling humanoids, releasing a barrage of electric missiles. Five more of the goblins and orcs fell to his attack.
Jalhi Bengal and Satvinder incanted a shielding spell for the tiger rangers.
Each of the feline anthromorphs was covered in aquamarine armor. Boosted by their Ethereal Shields the rangers spun into the center of the battle, attacking their opponents with both their curved daggers and longbows.
Rodnik, Thorgrym, and Claude strode with vehemence into the fray, slashing with their weapons and claws. They released torrents of green blood that sprayed over the crowd.
The halflings, Bjorn Roundtree, Ben Frostberry and The Watcher fired their slings at their enemies from a distance.
Nighthawk, the defected goblin, and his assistants forewent parlaying with their maverick kindred and engaged in battle with full force.
Flamering and Starfling, Jalhi’s wyvern familiars, fought with Athros and Zalkos in the air over the mob. The young dragons spat fireballs at the clawing specters to no avail.
Gnoll, the wood troll, and the four seraph trolls fought directly with the Harad Ghul. They defeated five of them by evading their scimitars and parrying with their longswords.
Rauros and Loki left Dakros in charge of the goblins and orcs. They scrambled to the side of the marketplace and scaled the ramparts of the Martial Academy with a pair of grappling hooks. The red-armored assassins rushed to Siegemunde’s study and took the scrying glass ensconced there. Rauros put it in his travel pack and the two goblins rappelled down to the battle. Siegemunde saw the escaping Harad Ghul from the opposite end of the ramparts. He unleashed a series of electric bolts at them. The baldheaded wizard’s shots missed their targets. Rauros and Loki returned to their garrison of invaders.
“Retreat, Goblins and Orcs,” cried Rauros. “We have tested these fighters enough this night. Let us regroup in Arkadia and return again.”
The humanoids followed the command of their Leader and moved back out of the marketplace of Lich Town. Lord Taliesin and Sharon Redthorne were confused by the sudden lack of interest of their opponents. They checked their companions for injuries.
“Let us hold, My Friends,” said Taliesin. “Although I wish to pursue our enemies as much as you it is prudent that we tend to the welfare of the lich folk, here. They have suffered substantial destruction to their homes and have need of our assistance.”
“Thank you, Taliesin,” stated Leif. “We will rebuild what was lost soon enough.”
“Taliesin, the scrying glass has been taken,” yelled Siegemunde. “It is missing from my study.”
The Liege Lord ran to the base of the Martial Academy.
“I understand, Siegemunde,” replied Taliesin. “I wish to retrieve it as we speak but cannot. This night’s battle was fierce. The fighters here need rest. Let us hold a meeting in the morning and determine the next course of action. The Harad Ghul move on us like never before.”
“Very well, Taliesin,” responded the Director of the Academy. “I’m simply concerned over the detrimental possibilities of such a powerful item falling into the wrong hands. We are both familiar with the result of the Dire Queen’s contact with Guardon in the Gorgon Plane.”
“Yes, Siegemunde, your concern is valid,” said Sharon.
The Baroness of Coermantyr strode up to the base of the Martial Academy next to Taliesin.
“We shall journey south to Arkadia tomorrow. For the time being allow us to help the lich folk rebuild their tents and booths. The silver dragon, Mara, remains in Gaea. We will inform her as to what has happened here. She will keep a watchful eye for Thoth’s possible return along with the movements of the marauding Stalactite Goblins.”
“Thank you both for your input,” said Siegemunde. “I will return to my study and burn the midnight oil. There are yet sorceries to be learned that may prove successful in keeping the Denizens of Chaos from Gaea permanently.”
The warriors retired for the second time that night to their lodgings in the town house. They took some time to clean their weapons then went to sleep.
Rauros steered his Lykanthros mount south. The hordes of goblins and orcs marched behind him. They traveled through the night and reached the Abyssal Cairn by morning. Athros and Zalkos flew over the red-painted shoulders of the Leader of the Harad Ghul.
“Quickly, Rauros, the scrying glass,” hissed Athros. “Tap its power before the warriors of the other Regions arrive here.”
“Very well, Ephemeral Specters. I will do as you suggest for I also fear the entrance of Lord Taliesin and his numerous allies.”
“Tiamat awaits,” rasped Zalkos.
“Tiamat? Who is that?” asked Rauros.
“She is a five-headed dragon,” answered Zalkos. “Each head is of a different, Chaotic Color. These are red, white, green, blue and black. The red head throws sulphur, the white ice, the green acid, the blue steam and the black ash.”
“A formidable asset this dragon would be if convinced to join our cause,” said the Leader of the Harad Ghul. “I will use this scrying glass, once employed by the Dire Queen, to contact this Titan of Chaos.”
The wrinkled goblin assassin extended his hands over the scrying glass, mounted on a swaying frame before his throne. His eyes rolled white from the strain of the invocation.
“Tiamat, this is Rauros. Can you hear me?”
“Yes,” replied a deep voice. “Release me from these bonds so that I may fly free.”
“I will consent to this on one condition,” Rauros said.
“Yes,” replied Tiamat. “What is it?”
“Lead the Stalactite Goblins and Orcs to victory against Lord Taliesin of Mystic Down.”
“As you wish, Rauros. I shall do this as soon as I enter your plane.”
An Ephemeral Oval appeared over the proscenium of the Abyssal Cairn. It widened as it grew and the giant, five-headed dragon stepped through it.
“Join with me now, Goblin and Orc Assassins,” declared Tiamat. “We shall claim this plane on the behalf of Chaos.”
“Very well, Tiamat,” answered Rauros. “We shall march to Mystic Down and deal with the trolls there directly.”
The Leader of the Harad Ghul addressed the hordes of goblins and orcs crowded around the collonades of the Council Chamber of the Abyssal Cairn.
“Stalactite Goblins and Orcs, our time is at hand. Let us enter Mystic Down without trepidation. The great dragon is with us. In honor of her agreement to assist us we will mark our shields with the insignia of the five-headed dragon. Now we shall be known as the Stalactite Forces of Tiamat!”
The dragon flew through the many pillars of the stronghold and the humanoids charged after her. They were ready for a pivotal conflict.
Taliesin and his comrades rose at the dawn after a few hours of sleep. They helped the lich folk reassemble their booths and tents in the marketplace. Afterwards they visited Siegemunde in his study in the Martial Academy.
“Taliesin, you and your friends should leave this place,” declared the Director of the Academy. “Go with Leif, Sigrid, Reoren and Thorgrym. They will better help you find the lost scrying glass from the central location of your Tower in Mystic Down.”
“I agree, Siegemunde,” Taliesin replied. “The goblins are sure to have prepared a serious fight for us by now. They are likely to move on Wood’s End and my stronghold soon. We will journey there and prepare our defenses. If Lich Town is assailed send a message to us directly and we will come to your aid. Einar will remain here and is a competent guard. He organizes the defensive garrisons of the lich trolls with order and efficiency.”
“We bid you farewell, Siegemunde,” said the Baroness. “You are an adept magic user and researcher as well. The sorceries you find will yet prove to be a great asset to our cause.”
The warriors departed from the settlement of the ghoul trolls and headed south. They passed the abandoned Sod Stronghold of the Drystyx Monks in a matter of hours and soon met the standing trees of Mystic Down. All of them urged their steeds to move quickly for they shared a common concern for the

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