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Old 03-31-2006, 06:44 AM   #51
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Saddam Had No Wmds, Lived In Dream: Report

by Martin Sieff
Mar 15, 2006

WASHINGTON, March 14, 2006 (UPI) -- A major new report extracted in Foreign Affairs confirms that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 Iraq war began.

The report also documents Saddam's remarkable incompetence and unreality as his almost quarter century-long tyranny collapsed around him.

The report, entitled "Saddam's Delusions: The View from the Inside," was produced by the Pentagon's Iraq's Perspectives Project and written by Kevin Woods, James Lacey and Williamson Murray. It was commissioned by the U.S. Joint Forces Command, or USJFCOM, and it is based on previously inaccessible primary sources, Foreign Affairs magazine said. Extracts from the report are being published in an 8,500 word article in the May-June issue of Foreign Affairs.

The USJFCOM documents that even as U.S.-led coalition forces massed on Iraq's borders in early 2003, Saddam remained convinced there would be no invasion -- and he believed that even if there were, he and his regime would survive.

"Saddam believed that the United States was a paper tiger and that France and Russia would protect him," Foreign Affairs wrote.

"Ignorant of military history, logistics, and technology, Saddam lived in a bubble due to the atmosphere of fear he had had instilled throughout his civil and military bureaucracies," the magazine said. Therefore, "once the war actually began, its ultimate result was a foregone conclusion."

The article confirms recent assessments that Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction before he was toppled, but it says that he wanted others to suspect he might. "In the last months before the war he realized that it was too dangerous to continue playing this double game and finally decided to cooperate fully with international inspectors. But at that point his track record of repeatedly lying meant that no one believed him," Foreign Affairs said.

Even on the brink of the war that would topple him and shatter his power, Saddam's greatest concern remained "preventing a coup," Foreign Affairs said.

"This allowed him to stay in power, but it meant that his armed forces were almost completely ineffective at dealing with actual military operations against a competent foreign enemy," it said.

"Every senior commander interviewed after the start of hostilities emphasized the psychological costs of being forced to constantly look over his shoulder," the report wrote.

The report also rejected the widespread view in many Bush administration and neo-conservative circles in Washington that Saddam deliberately planned the current insurgency in Iraq.

"No. He thought the United States would never attack, and was confident that even if it did, the resulting war would follow essentially the same script as the first Gulf War in 1991, without a full-scale invasion all the way to Baghdad," Foreign Affairs wrote, describing the report.

"He did pre-position a lot of military materiel around the country before the war started, but only to disperse it and keep it safe, so that it would be available either in the later stages of a long and drawn-out campaign against the coalition, or to reestablish control at home afterwards (as he did in 1991, when the Kurds and Shia revolted).

"As far as can be determined from the interviews and records reviewed so far, there were no national plans to embark on a guerrilla war in the event of military defeat. Nor did the regime appear to cobble together such plans as its world crumbled around it," the report said.

"The regime ordered the (prewar) distribution of ammunition (around the country) in order to preserve it for a prolonged war with coalition forces," it said.

The report concludes that Saddam was so out of touch with events in the totalitarian bubble that he was convinced the war was still going brilliantly well when everything was collapsing all around him.

"How did Saddam think the war was going? Swimmingly. Because everyone knew that Saddam severely punished anybody who told him unpleasant truths, the entire regime was built on lies. During wartime, this meant that junior officers told senior officers that everything was going well, they reported it up the chain of command, and Saddam himself remained a prisoner of his delusions," Foreign Affairs said.

"As late as the end of March 2003, Saddam apparently still believed the war to be going the way he had expected. If Iraq was not actually winning it, neither was it losing -- or, at least, so it seemed to the dictator," the report said. "...The evidence now clearly shows that Saddam and those around him believed virtually every word issued by their own propaganda machine."

That was why, the report, said, on March 30, "Saddam's principal secretary directed the Iraqi foreign minister to tell the French and Russian governments that Baghdad would accept only an 'unconditional withdrawal' of U.S. forces because 'Iraq is now winning and ... the United States has sunk in the mud of defeat.' At that moment, U.S. tanks were a hundred miles south of Baghdad, refueling and rearming for the final push."

The report looks unlikely to trigger any sea-change in American popular perceptions of the war. But it may make it even more difficult for the White House and the Republican Party to counter the steady slide in the president's popular standing since the delayed and botched responses to Hurricane Katrina last summer.

Martin Sieff is a UPI Senior News Analyst

"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 03-31-2006, 06:45 AM   #52
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Tenet, thanks for posting the story about the harp seals. I like to stay on top of things like that ... I make decisions about purchases and communications with my congressmen and senators based on news articles like that.

Also, about the guy trying to break into jail; is it appropriate to punish him by sending him TO jail?
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Old 04-02-2006, 05:22 AM   #53
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Lestat is coming to Broadway.

LESTAT, one of Anne Rice's most celebrated literary characters, is coming to Broadway beginning March 25, 2006 at the Palace Theatre.

Over the next eight weeks, The Playbill Club will offer an inside look into the development of Lestat including exclusive interviews with the illustrious team of Sir Elton John (music), Anne Rice (source material) and Bernie Taupin (lyrics).

"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 04-03-2006, 05:09 AM   #54
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Courtney Love's Vagina Considering Retirement

Los Angeles, CA -- Courtney Love just can't win. In addition to a recent arrest for out-of-control behavior at a club performance, as well as publicity surrounding her drug trial, the troubled singer is now dealing with an angry and resentful vagina, who says it is ready to walk away from the media spotlight forever.

"Courtney's vagina is very tired," said lawyer Bruce Kramer. "It obviously needs some time away from Courtney and all the craziness that surrounds her. It's been a busy couple of years and it's just exhausted. The effects are really starting to show."

According to close friends, the "retirement" wasn't a sudden decision but one that Courtney's vagina has been thinking about for several months, if not years.

"Courtney's vagina has been through hell and back," said talk show host David Letterman after Love made a guest appearance on "The Late Show." "I don't know Courtney's vagina well, but I could tell that it wasn't happy. That was obvious during our interview segment. I wish it the best of luck."

Fans were saddened to hear the news but are hopeful Courtney may reconcile with her vagina and consider a reunion tour sometime in the near future.

"I told Courtney's vagina to quit the business years ago," said former boyfriend Edward Norton. She just wouldn't listen. Lately, it just seemed like work for her. I think this is the best decision for both parties."

"Courtney's vagina appreciates all the support of her fans and just needs time to relax and not think too much," Kramer said. "If she decides to come out of retirement, her fans will be the first to hear about it."

Critics expect a bitter custody battle over who owns the rights to the late Kurt Cobain's estate.

"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 04-03-2006, 08:08 AM   #55
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We´ve had the "Vagina Monologues" here in Europe... But, hmmm, talking vaginas ???

Just imagine, you´re alone with your girlfriend (substitute girlfriend with whatever turns you on, but comes equipped with a vagina) and suddenly you hear two voices: one going like "Yes, that´s it" and the other "No, stop it!" ;-)

Where´s that "German - Woman, Woman - German" dictionary? ;-)
"Jump off roofs with me"
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Old 04-05-2006, 04:33 AM   #56
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Inventor develops digital tombstone

A Dutch inventor has developed a digital gravestone with an LCD display showing pictures and films.

The tombstone has an infrared sense which activates the display when anybody stands in front of the grave.

The screen lights up with messages from the deceased, along with videos and pictures, reports De Morgen.

Henk Rozema, 65, from Zwolle, came up with the idea after he made a DVD of his own life to show at his birthday party.

When a lot of his friends asked for copies of the DVD, Mr Rozema realised he could be on to something and decided to develop his digital tombstone.

"I'm an engineer and I thought that must be possible," he said. "We are not the Flintstones. This is the digital age!"

Petrified for the millionth time...
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Old 04-05-2006, 06:36 AM   #57
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So much for the quiet dignity of the grave. To think, I used to LIKE cemeteries. That's one tombstone that I wouldn't mind seeing vandalized. Oh well. I guess thats "progress" for you.
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Old 04-05-2006, 07:01 AM   #58
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It's sad, isn't it? The inventor sounds like a character. I mean, he made a DVD of his own life to show at his birthday party.
I bet he wears novelty ties.
And asks people he's just been introduced to to pull his finger.
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Old 04-05-2006, 08:34 AM   #59
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Exploding paperweight costs teacher his hand

VENTURA, California (AP) -- A teacher who kept a 40 mm shell on his desk as a paperweight blew off part of his hand when he apparently used the object to try to squash a bug, authorities say.

The 5-inch-long shell exploded Monday while Robert Colla was teaching 20 to 25 students at an adult education class.

Part of Colla's right hand was severed and he suffered severe burns and minor shrapnel wounds to his forearms and torso, fire Capt. Tom Weinell said. No one else was injured. He was reported in stable condition at a hospital.

The teacher slammed the shell down in an attempt to kill something that was buzzing or crawling across the desk, said Fire Marshal Glen Albright.

Colla found the 40 mm round while hunting years ago and "obviously he didn't think the round was live," said Dennis Huston, who teaches computer design alongside Colla.
Petrified for the millionth time...
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Last edited by Morrigan_Dubh; 04-05-2006 at 08:38 AM. Reason: To put the title in the title box >_<
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Old 04-05-2006, 09:00 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by PinstripesAndPithHelmets
That's one tombstone that I wouldn't mind seeing vandalized.
What a disgusting sentiment. So because you don't like the concept that tombstone has, designed by the one laying underneath it no less, you 'wouldn't mind' the pain and trauma and heartache and sadness the family and his other loved ones would experience seeing his memorial desecrated?

Have some goddamn respect, child.
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Old 04-05-2006, 02:18 PM   #61
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Sorry, babe. Ben might be right about the redistribution thingy, I left the URL just in case. ~ Wolfie

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Old 04-05-2006, 04:47 PM   #62
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See? If you leave the bloody things alone, they eat pests and you don't end up with a cooked arse.

Be kind to your local arachnids...
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Old 04-05-2006, 04:59 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Sobeh
What a disgusting sentiment. So because you don't like the concept that tombstone has, designed by the one laying underneath it no less, you 'wouldn't mind' the pain and trauma and heartache and sadness the family and his other loved ones would experience seeing his memorial desecrated?

Have some goddamn respect, child.
Oh give me a fucking break. If somene is that god damned arrogant, then I say YES. Knock the thing over. Why the hell should other visitors to the cemetery be forced to watch this asshat's life in full motion video simply because they got too close to his fucking tombstone? THAT'S disrespect. Disrespect for the other families. I don't even think Narcissus was that vain. At least HE had the good taste to sit quietly looking into a puddle rather than proclaim how worthy his life was to everyone within earshot. Is that good enough for you, or is this whippersnapper child being too uppity? Either way, you can go fuck yourself, OLD MAN.

How old are you, anyway?
"I saw Judas Iscariot, carryin' John Wilkes Boothe." - Tom Waits
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Old 04-05-2006, 05:11 PM   #64
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Originally Posted by PinstripesAndPithHelmets
Oh give me a fucking break.... (etc)
You attribute arrogance as a motive, yet know nothing of the motivation, nor of how the family responded to the idea, nor how strangers perceive it. Have you even seen a picture of the thing?

I'll grant you that having a 'production' as part of your tombstone, and the concomitant bleed into the awareness of others, could easily be selfish no matter the motivation, so that's a valid critique. However, vandalism is an extremely poor choice for negotiating that debate, which is where the 'child' reference comes from.

I don't care about chronological age - vandalism is by and large a childish outlet, no matter how many revolutions of the Earth you've been a part of.

Want to know my age? Check my profile.
The phrase "we (I) (you) simply must---" designates something that need not be done. "That goes without saying" is a red warning. "Of course" means you had best check it yourself. These small-change cliches and others like them, when read correctly, are reliable channel markers.
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Old 04-05-2006, 05:23 PM   #65
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Perhaps another element of maturity is being able to recognize facetious statements when they fairly well slap one in the face. I'm not actually GOING to vandalize anything, although if someone else did I wouldn't be particularly broken up. It's like when someone says "I'd like to slash the tires of thatt gas guzzling Hummer 3." I know I feel that way whenever I see one of those mechanical monstrosities trundling down the road, but I don't actually do it. I apologize for my rather uncouth outburst suggesting that you go fuck yourself - also a facetious statement - but I stand by my initial response. This guy is a self absorbed asshat. His tombstone idea is wasteful, logistically improbable, and silly as fuck to boot.
"I saw Judas Iscariot, carryin' John Wilkes Boothe." - Tom Waits
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Old 04-05-2006, 05:29 PM   #66
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I was kicked into gear by the phrase 'wouldn't mind', because this seemed to objectify the suffering that such an act would cause in others, which I found objectionable. However...

Originally Posted by PinstripesAndPithHelmets
This guy is a self absorbed asshat. His tombstone idea is wasteful, logistically improbable, and silly as fuck to boot.
...this sentiment is pretty close to my own, when it comes down to it.

I get pissy when ideas are presented certain ways. Fuck me runnin', I guess.
The phrase "we (I) (you) simply must---" designates something that need not be done. "That goes without saying" is a red warning. "Of course" means you had best check it yourself. These small-change cliches and others like them, when read correctly, are reliable channel markers.
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Old 04-05-2006, 08:32 PM   #67
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Man held as terrorism suspect over punk song

LONDON (AFP) - A love of punk and hard rock anthems by The Clash and Led Zeppelin reportedly led to a British man being hauled off a plane bound for London by police on terrorism fears.

Indian-born Harraj Mann, 23, played "London's Calling" by The Clash and Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" through the stereo of a taxi he caught to Durham and Tees Valley Airport in northern England.

The taxi driver, however, grew suspicious of his passenger after listening to the lyrics of his chosen songs and alerted the authorities after they reached the airport.

Two police officers boarded Mann's flight to London's Heathrow airport shortly before take-off last Thursday.

"I got frogmarched off the plane in front of everyone, got my bags searched, asked every question you can think of," Mann, a mobile phone salesman, told his local newspaper, the Hartlepool Mail, on Monday -- a story that was picked up by the national press on Wednesday.

"I was being held for questioning under the Terrorism Act," he said.

By the time Mann was set free his plane had already departed.

The offending lyrics by The Clash include the lines: "London calling from the faraway towns, now war is declared and battle come down.

"London calling to the underworld, come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls."

"Immigrant Song", for its part, starts: "The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, to fight the horde singing and crying Valhalla, I'm coming!"

A spokeswoman for the Durham Police confirmed that a man was escorted from the London-bound flight, questioned by police and released without charge.

"Safety is paramount and we respond to concerns from members of the public in the way they would expect us to," she said.

"In this case the report was made with the best of intentions and we would not want to discourage people from contacting us with genuine concerns regarding security."

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Old 04-07-2006, 08:20 PM   #68
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Monster rabbit devours English veggie plots

LONDON (AFP) - In a tale reminiscent of the last Wallace and Gromit movie, furious villagers in northeast England have hired armed guards to protect their beloved communal vegetable gardens from a suspected monster rabbit.

Leeks, Japanese onions, parsnips and spring carrots have all been ripped up and devoured by the mystery were-rabbit -- prompting the 12 allotment holders in Felton, north of Newcastle, to hire two marksmen with air rifles and orders to shoot to kill.

"It is a massive thing. It is a monster. The first time I saw it, I said: 'What the hell is that?'" the Northumberland Gazette newspaper quoted local resident Jeff Smith, 63, as saying on its website (

He claims to have seen the black and brown rabbit -- with one ear bigger than the other -- about two months ago, and at least three fellow allotment holders say they have seen it as well.

"I have seen it and it is bigger than a normal rabbit. It's eating all our crops and we grow the best stuff here," said retired miner George Brown, 76, quoted by the domestic Press Association news agency.

Smith could not be reached for comment Friday, but his mother told AFP that the hare-raising story is true -- and no less an authority than the British Rabbit Council said it was credible.

"Certain breeds do grow very big, like the Continental Giant" which can be 66 centimetres (26 inches) in length or more, a spokesman for the Nottinghamshire-based council, which represent rabbit breeders, told AFP.

In the last hit movie featuring Wallace and his dog Gromit, the two cartoon characters battled a monster rabbit that was cutting a swathe of destruction through locals' prize vegetable plots.

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Old 04-08-2006, 07:20 AM   #69
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It's just a harmless li'l bunny, eh?
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Old 04-08-2006, 11:15 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by MorgaineFey
Spider-hunting nudist burns own buns

Aussie pours gasoline in spider hole, lights match; arachnid’s fate unknown
Updated: 2:52 p.m. ET April 3, 2006


Copyright 2006 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.

© 2006

MorgaineFey, I have a concern that the site might get in trouble from this kind of post. I appreciate the article and think it's the right kind of content for this thread. But the Rueters copyright and redistribution warnings make this dicey.

In the past, when wanting to post stories that I discovered from Associated Press or Rueters, I either search for another independent news author without all the restrictions, or paraphrase the story in my own words. That way we avoid all appearance of impropriety.

Copying and pasting the Copyright 2006 text worries me too.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

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Old 04-08-2006, 12:00 PM   #71
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'Pot Tarts' and 'Buddafingers' Manufacturers Busted

DEA arrests 12, seizes marijuana-laced candy and soft drinks in San Francisco Bay Area

MAR 16--OAKLAND, CA – Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”) Special Agent in Charge (“SAC”) Javier F. Peña announce today the arrest of Kenneth AFFOLTER, 39, of Lafayette, CA, and eleven other individuals on charges of distribution of marijuana. Agents served five federal search warrants on March 16, 2006, without incident. Three warrants were served at warehouses located in Emeryville (on the Oakland border), one in Oakland and one at AFFOLTER’s residence in Lafayette. All searches conducted were at locations associated with AFFOLTER. As a result of the searches law enforcement seized four sophisticated indoor marijuana grows, thousands of marijuana plants, a large amount of U.S. Currency, two semi-automatic weapons, one revolver, and hundreds of pot laced candy and soft drinks.

SAC Peña stated, “In a way, this case sort of answers the question, 'What will they think of next?' What so many people don't realize is that innocent children may somehow get their hands on these products and think they are just normal candy or soft drinks - thus, making this action not only illegal, but potentially tragic.”

This investigation began in October 2005, when the DEA Oakland Resident Office obtained information that AFFOLTER was operating Beyond Bomb, a manufacturer of marijuana candy in Oakland, CA. The marijuana laced candy and other edibles manufactured by the company mimic the name and appearance of well known name brand candies and products. Some of the product labels seized by investigators include Stoney Ranchers, Munchy Way, Rasta Reece’s, Buddafingers, Pot Tarts, Double Puff Oeo, Tri-Chrome Crunch, Keef Kat, Twixed, Budtella, Puff-A-Mint Pattie, Puffsi, Bong’s Root Beer, and Toka-Cola.

This investigation was conducted with the assistance of the Richmond Police Department, Oakland Police Department, Vallejo Police Department, Lafayette Police Department, Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement, Contra Costa County Narcotics Enforcement Team (CCNET), and the Alameda County Narcotics Task Force (ACNTF).

This case is being prosecuted by the United States Attorney’s Office in the Northern District of California. The charges are only allegations and the defendants are presumed innocent unless proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


I want a Pot Tart damnit!
"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 04-09-2006, 09:40 AM   #72
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From this weeks e-mail:


"Now THERE'S a couple that knows how to fight!" summarized an enthusiastic Reuters reporter, telling the story of a couple in Mexico who got into a spat in their Oxkutzcab, Yucatan, home. Like a scene from the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", the report says, the couple's fight escalated from knives to guns to home- made bombs; their house was destroyed.

Juan Espinosa was arrested and Irma Contreras was hospitalized with third-degree burns. Unlike the "Smiths" the couple didn't get a happily-ever-after ending: Espinosa said he was glad his wife suffered burns, and Contreras reported she was sorry she had not "hacked off his manhood."

...Coming next fall, with Brad Pitt as "Juan" and Angelina Jolie as "Irma" in the amazing sequel....

Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

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Old 04-10-2006, 09:45 PM   #73
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Guess it was more like 'WAr Of The Roses'.

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Old 04-10-2006, 09:54 PM   #74
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Sex And The Disgruntled Teen

More proof that *not* having sex is sad and dangerous -- even in Texas. What is wrong with us?

By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Abstinence is a gnarled wart on the big toe of hot wet life. This much we know.

Or, rather, more specifically, those silly little abstinence programs wrought by the neocon Right and jammed uncomfortably into America's increasingly crumbling and confused public schools and all of which aim to force-feed teens bogus evidence that sex is deadly and icky and fraught and poisonous and should be avoided completely if not somehow surgically eradicated, and if you really must indulge in things prurient and sticky then please go home and whip out your Bible and be sure to avoid your dad's Hustler or the shower massager you little demonic heathen slut. Such programs are bogus and false and misleading and harmful and stupid and wrong. In a nutshell.

Did you see this story? It's the latest finding, the outcome of the most recent and quite thorough nonpartisan study, from Texas A&M no less, surveying teens in 29 Texas schools and all proving once again that these insidious and dangerous programs have absolutely zero effect on curbing teen sexual appetites and activity, and, if anything, actually induce teens to have more sex.

It's an outcome the likes of which we have all seen a thousand times before and for which we all can already pre-emptively guess the results, and that makes any moderately enlightened or sexually aware or even slightly educated human anywhere on the planet only say, well, duh.

After all, hormones have always trumped uptight conservative dogma. Sex and testosterone and raw human heat always laugh in the gnarled face of any oppressive and misdirected authority that attempts to curb it or reject it or shut it all down. Just ask all those gay priests in the seminary, shuffling between beds every night, just after lights-out. Shhh.

Of course teens are having sex anyway, in straight-up defiance of what they sense is pure governmental ignorance and outright lie. But the nasty catch is, as a direct result of these insidious programs -- programs that cannot, for example, contain any information about birth control or sensual awareness or moist philosophies of pleasure -- they're just doing it badly.

Which is to say, you want to virtually guarantee more unsafe sex and increased rates of teen pregnancy and more disrespect for the flesh and a tragic ignorance of all things sensual and delicious and naked in the world? You want more sullen teens and violent youth culture and a virulent 50-percent divorce rate among people who have no idea what good sex is really all about? Keep advocating those abstinence programs, senator.

After all, don't we all know, you might reasonably ask, that when you stab at the blood-rich heart of youthful prurience and aim your uptight dogmas in the general direction of all those white-hot urges currently flooding through just about any human body like Coors through Jenna Bush, you merely create a negative charge, a deep resentment, all coupled with general bitter mistrust of authority and the urge to smack your establishment misinformers (i.e.; parents governments teachers bosses seething joyless Christian gods) upside the head with the pig iron of their own sad ignorance? Really, don't we know this?

I mean (you might further inquire, your bones of indignation now aflame), have we learned nothing from repressive third world regimes and dictators and fundamentalists and the Catholic Church? Have we gleaned no lesson from those who would deign to shove happily rigid doctrines down the throats of the masses only to see that oppression regurgitate as war and discord and a black cloud of joylessness and spiritual poverty and degrading sacklike clothing?

Look. We all know that telling teens to abstain from sex is like telling tequila to abstain from the lime. Telling teens to repress their burgeoning beautiful natural chemical lustful cosmic urges that have been only recently delivered to them on the wings of salacious and well-lubed angels is like telling a fervent piano devotee that Mozart is a hack.

People who advocate such nastiness should be ashamed. Ashamed and humiliated and then flogged with the dead fish of their own tepid and miserable sex lives. Just an opinion.

So then why the hell do we do it? Why do abstinence programs exist? Why does BushCo (and why do even some irritating Dems) insist on wasting millions of dollars pushing such worthless and dangerous curricula through our schools, programs that limit the minds of our youth and taint their bodily awareness and work about as well as the war on drugs? Don't you already know the answer?

One reason and one reason only: the programs are a flaccid bone thrown to the quivering dogs of the Midwestern born-agains, that rather desperate and deeply unhappy sect of overly religious voters whose fear and dread and homophobia helped Bush con his way into a second term and who have somehow, some way swiped the reins and who have an unexpected choke hold on the national agenda. Period.

And oh my great goddess would it not just be goddamn shockingly fabulous if we could somehow be bold and different? If we could, for example and across all of America's public schools, teach the absolute opposite of abstinence? What a utopia we could envision. What a radical and gorgeous and messy and funky and delirious new world we could perhaps slowly, slyly nudge into being. Don't you think?

Which is to say, what if our schools, from kindergarten on, from our earliest textbooks and curricula and chalkboard diagrams, contained unashamed and unembarrassed and all-natural and healthily playful and (as time and age permitted) deeply informative and honest and raw and real information about human sexuality, all woven naturally into the curriculum much like math and reading and biology and revisionist world history and all those lies about World War II and Vietnam and Communism and religion? I mean, can you imagine?

And what if said information was designed to be all about natural, respectful, consensual sexuality, as honest and fleshy and complicated and potentially harmful but as ultimately gorgeous and peculiar and raw as human sexuality is so stickily wont to be?

Would that not, as I truly believe it would, be a major step toward curing many of the ailments plaguing our youth, and, by extension, our culture?

In other words, would a relaxed, sex-positive education planted like a hot seed from a very early age not affect a gradual and rather luscious sea change in the overall sexual attitudes of the culture, much the way you can slowly train the ear to hear nuances in music in or the eye to see the divine in nature the tongue to taste God in a bottle of Lagavulin 16? You're goddamn right it would.

Which is, of course, exactly why the Right can't have it. And why the culture seems so many light-years away from allowing such a mentality to invade our children and taint their precious minds with thoughts of what it means to truly respect the luminous flesh of the body and take all responsibility for its machinations and gyrations and quivering needs.

We simply don't believe we are allowed to enjoy life in such a way. We simply are not here to dig deep into what it means to be human, fleshed, meaty and tremulous and whole. This is the prevalent dogma of our current leadership, the unhappy worldview of the currently dominant quasi-religious Right, the violently antihuman ethos of our time.

The body is a disgusting shameful vehicle and the Earth is an exploitable sandbox to be abused at will and life is merely miserable purgatory where you scratch and claw for money and power and survival while you eagerly await ... what was it again? Oh right. The Second Coming. Charming. And right now, sadly, a belief that's all too prevalent.

So on they go, these silly programs, sucking millions of tax dollars ($160 million next year alone, despite all the studies) all wasted on teachings that are a running joke to sentient adults and a degrading slap at our youth and a giant middle finger to what the sexual human experience is all about.

Good thing teens see right through it all and have more sex anyway. But how very sad that we simply refuse, absolutely refuse, to open wide the thighs of education to teach them how to do it right, full of juicy respect, reverence, delight and true understanding. Oh, what a world we could make. Don't you think?

"And if you didn't get all that, here's a short synopsis. I FUCKING DON'T LIKE YOU, CUNT."

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Old 04-10-2006, 10:17 PM   #75
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 9,548
Tenet, I really enjoyed that piece. Newfoundland is considered right-winged and still we get a really good sex education in our schools. They never told us sex was wrong, they just said if we're going to do it, we should know about birth control and STDs (Or STIs as they're telling my brother now), and I can testify that it really didn't cause a increase in sexual activity amongst teens.

In fact, I was horrified when I first heard the things they teach in some American schools. Like how mutual masturbating causes pregancy.
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