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Old 09-25-2006, 02:42 PM   #101
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I once dreamt a mad man was chasing me with a gun & firing it at turns out the gunshots were thunder I must've heard whilst sleeping.
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Old 09-26-2006, 01:15 AM   #102
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I have some really weird dreams. The one I had last night, I had to save an opera singer and she was on a land fill, and her skin was blue, and I failed and the world fell into darkness and I was set to burn, but I woke up.
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Old 09-26-2006, 08:50 AM   #103
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Were you watching The Fifth Element before you went to bed?
You can't give a Dementor the old one-two!
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Old 09-26-2006, 08:07 PM   #104
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actually the sound track... heh.
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Old 09-28-2006, 06:53 PM   #105
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I've been ahving these recurring dreams that a man has been chasing me (like some freak ex that can't get over you.) In every dream I stop running to help him do something and nearly get killed by him, ending the dreams where I had just gotten back to running, but feeling weighted and paranoid, simply because he's so closely caught up. (I'm also always driving the same, massive black Cadillac Escalade.)

In the last one, I had stopped this time to help him get something at a hardward store. It was some sort of wooden poker, thing, with designs in it. (Like a table leg.) When standing in the store, I really freaked out and walked out, knowing I had to keep running; I was still holding the wooden table leg. It was a tiny store, and outside was a four lane highway, with a grassy divider in the middle, then, and the very far opposite side, was a massive 'park'. (Actually, it was fourty feet of grass, then dense forest.) My car was parked all the way across the other side, near that grassy part, all pitch black.

As I was walking across the street I dropped the table leg, and really freaked; I couldn't turn around to pick it up, because I knew he was right there (and in the pitch black, no one could help me.) But I knew lying on the ground he may get it and use it as a weapon against me.

Ulitmately I went across the street and began looking for my car; I couldn't see it, only headlights coming from just outside the forest; his headlights, him watching me: I didn't know where he was, though, or when or from where he would do something. At this point I was simply terrified, ready to collapse crying (for I still could not find my car.)

Then out of thin air (as things usually appear in dreams) Marilyn Manson walked up next to me from the side. At that point I already felt much, much better; whatever this man who was chasing me did, I now had a witness, and someone to help me. He walked me back to me car, as though he knew exactly where it was; when I got in, I thanked him profusely and he nodded, then said: "You know, this is your dream and you can make whatever you want to happen happen. You can even destroy that man who's trying to kill you." I thanked him again and drove off, knowing that I would no longer have to worry about that man. While I would still be constatnly driving (in this recurring dream) I knew, during the dream, that it wouldn't be out of fear, but out of simply wandering spirit.

These used to happen at least once a month, but since that last one, I haven't had one of those dreams in two months. =D
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Old 09-29-2006, 05:44 AM   #106
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Originally Posted by Kraven Obscuria
It's usually your consciousness shifting from your physical body into your etheric/astral body, providing the sinking feeling. Many times during this your subconscious creates a dream scenario to mimic the physical sensation that your are feeling, hence tripping or falling off things.
Many times during falling asleep or dreaming I have the sensation of being pulled forward, falling, tripping, etc. usually then I can convert the regular dream to a lucid, OBE, or astral experience. Also when sometimes you feel like you moved your head or one of your limbs, even though you know you are laying perfectly still, this is a another sign. Hope that helps....
A few years ago when I was living in a creepy hostel in Latvia (room #13 even), I had the scariest dream EVER. I had just broken up with (and was still being tormented by) "the Vampire," so-called because he looked like one, and he indulged my lust for blood (ahem). Anywho, I was very distraught by the whole ordeal when I had this dream:
I was searching through a dark forest after a party, trying to find where everyone had gone. Then I found a lit-up cabin where the kitchen was. I went in, and found the cook there. I told him that I needed to find some lingonberry jam. He told me to go to the back room, where all the industrial-sized appliances were. So I did. It was dark back there as I was searching for the lingonberry jam. Then I started to hear this SCARY sound... like a metal pole pounding (one beat per second) on a metal floor. When I heard that sound, I knew I needed to get out of there. So I started running back towards the front room, where it was light and the cook was. I could feel a vampire/demon/spirit chasing me. Just as I made it to the door and thought I had made it, the vampire spirit caught me and yanked me down to hell. The physical sensation of being pulled down was SO intense. Then I woke up, and all I could see was the light coming in from the hallway through the cracks in the door. Then I started to sob.

Does anyone want to offer their analysis on this one? I still can't figure it out completely... especially what that sound was, and what the lingonberry jam could symbolize?????
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Old 09-30-2006, 06:52 AM   #107
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Does anyone want to offer their analysis on this one? I still can't figure it out completely... especially what that sound was, and what the lingonberry jam could symbolize?????

I hate to disappoint you, but the only person who can properly interpret your dream and how it affects your life is you. Just give it some time and think about it a bit. You''ll be able to make connections to your life soon enough. ^^
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Old 10-01-2006, 06:25 AM   #108
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Most of the time, I have strange and odd dreams.

Like one where the Cruxshadows came to my church.

Another where when a female hits puberty, her genitals become a male's.

I believe that dreams are more than just dreams.

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Old 10-01-2006, 07:48 AM   #109
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[quote]Sometimes when I dream it seems so real that I don't know it's a dream until something impossible (to the waking world) happen--then I'm like "Oh, I'm dreaming..." Can you decide whether or not to wake up?

A lot of times, I dream that I'm someone else, like a man, or someone else I know.

Yeah, I have that, too! It's really cool. ^^ (And a bit odd.. o.O)
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Old 10-01-2006, 08:23 AM   #110
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In my room, I have a cage with three rats living in it. The other night, I'd come out of a dream and was partially awake when I thought I felt something under the covers, nudging me and moving the exact same way as my rats do, so I thought one had escaped from the cage. After a brief investigation, in which no rats were located in my bed, I thought I saw a small black rat climbing up the side of the cage (none of mine are black). I slowly realised I'd been dreaming while awake, and the strange black rat was actually a chew toy hanging from the bars. :o But the rattish nudging was definitely a wierd sensation, and I did feel daft realising I'd been literally daydreaming.

Last night I can't remember exactly what I was dreaming about, but I do remember going into a lift with a few people, and when the doors closed the lift pulleys broke. It didn't feel like a "falling" dream though, and I wasn't worried at all about hitting the ground. I accepted that it was inevitable and unavoidable, and that it was going to be OK to die.
You can't give a Dementor the old one-two!
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Old 10-03-2006, 02:20 PM   #111
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I had a dream last night that my beloved Noel Fielding was suffereing from a fatal disease & got to meet him before he departed.

Then I woke up, checked the time, then fell asleep again.

This time I dreamt I had buried some stuff long ago on a beach. When I found the location, my stuff was all buried in the sea. I managed to get the container of my stuff (which was my old Barbie 'Pull, Pop 'n' Play House') & all my items were in pristine condition, despite being buried for about 10 years. But some guy I used to have a thing for when I was about 9, he was there with me. But we we had the same features as we did when we were that age, though we looked about our present ages.

That one made me very sad...
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Old 10-03-2006, 02:49 PM   #112
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Actually, last night, I had a dream that in a wide field, where there was an amusement park, there were everyone in my school of this date.

Every time I left and came back, there were less and less people in the field. During this time, I would jump and fly, but fell unsuccessfully. Finally, there was only one person left, an acquaintance of mine who attempted to sexually harrass me. The next time I came back to the field, there was nobody. No more amusement park. I stood there and flew off, into the sky.

Has anyone here had a deep love dream? Not a "wet" dream, but one where they felt an intimate, innocent love?

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Old 10-03-2006, 02:51 PM   #113
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I have, but they always make me feel a bit down when I wake up...
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Old 10-03-2006, 04:40 PM   #114
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I have a lot of recurring dreams. I'm not very good at remembering my dreams, but there is one that's particularly memorable. I'm being chased by someone who looks like a mafia guy, and I'm constantly trying to escape by misdirecting him, running quickly around corners and then going in unexpected directions.

The location is always the same -- it's in a posh hotel-type building; the kind with huge glass panes everywhere 'n' whatnot. I'd try to lose him by going up one lift, running around and then going down another lift. Or I'll run into some obscure room and get lost in a maze of pretentious decor. Sometimes I'll run outside and across the river; on the other side is a strange assortment of buildings which seems like it was pulled straight from a computer game. (I distinctly remember crouching on a ledge over the river -- it's Tomb Raider all over again!)

Another location I've experienced is an open desert area with lots of oddly shaped buildings (again). But this place appears to repeat itself indefinitely; if I run in one direction, I'd just end up back where I started in no time.

I'm not sure what the message is behind these dreams (if there even is one), but they fascinate me nonetheless.
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Old 06-12-2007, 05:48 AM   #115
Maggoty Anne
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i used to have a recurring nightmare in which i got a pet kitten. it hated me so much, for no particular reason. eventually i got so mad at it, i kicked it, and it died.

last night i had a fight with my mom. when i went to sleep i dreampt my leg got accidently amputated in an accident, and she refused to drive me to the hospital because she was mad at me.
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Old 06-12-2007, 10:27 AM   #116
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When I was in my early teens, I dreamt recurringly about ferrets. I could be in outer space, the local mall, school, whatever, and somehow ferrets would be involved. I have NO idea why -- I didn't know anyone with ferrets, have never owned one, etc.

My favorite dream happened when I was engaged; I had a dream that the wedding went totally wrong. Everyone showed up at the rehearsal in jeans, but then that became the wedding. I couldn't get people to walk down the aisle in pairs so we marched in this roundabout way around the church. There were two female ministers, identical twins, but I'd forgotten my glasses AND my contacts so I couldn't see either one. In the middle of the service, my mom shows up at the side door carrying a can of kerosene and an unlit cigarette in her mouth, and I have to run over to tell her there's no smoking in church. She has an RV behind her with her entire family in it, and I'm trying to explain that some of these people were not invited. At that point, I realized it was a dream and started laughing. I WOKE UP laughing. It was the weirdest sensation, but quite fun.
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Old 06-13-2007, 11:38 AM   #117
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one night there was a giant yellow spider in my bedroom that i couldnt catch...this really has no relation, but when i woke up i had huge bite marks on my wrists. I had a dream that night that there was a man by my fireplace who was taunting me and he had red gleaming eyes, then i heard whispers of things in my own voice insulting me...i had a bout of a terrible fever of delerium. I saw myself in a room of mirrors with my mouth forming a small circle as if i had lost my soul through my mouth and couldnt speak. I was climbing out of bed and looking into the mirror, I used to have a lot of strange imaginative fantasies when i was younger. The man with the yellow eyes was in my bedroom, but then began to come into my dream, he was normal looking with blonde hair, average height- and he began to chase me- the weird part was when i began to ran, i ran down an allyway in the dark it was raining- as i was running i could feel my legs running down through the i was half awake and half asleep- it was like running straight through my bed into an allyway. then i ran down stairs into a basement and locked a steel door behind me where these people where hiding- like some gang cult group- and someone through me a key. i kind of thought maybe that the huge yellow spider caused the nightmares but i dont think any spiders in our location cause delerium.
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Old 06-13-2007, 11:55 AM   #118
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I have a recurring dream where my teeth are falling out, and I'm trying to push them back into my gums. I've had this dream for many years...generally about once per month. I always end up waking up, and immediately sitting up and feeling my teeth to make sure it was just a dream and that my teeth are, in fact, NOT loose.

The other night, I had this stupid tooth dream again, BUT in my dream, I dreamed that I woke up and felt my teeth (like I generally do when I wake up from this dream) and that they were really falling out. It was terrifying. Then, I finally woke up, in tears.

I hate this stupid dream.
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Old 06-13-2007, 12:20 PM   #119
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my dreams usually take place in a big house decorated differently to fit what happens to be going on in the dream, and i always know the layout, but I have no memory of actually going to a house like this. I usually always have the same group of people with me in the house, and thier personalities change but they will have the same mannerisms and what not, but i have never met any of them.

It's like this big soap opera in my head...
To die would be an awfully big adventure -Peter Pan

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Old 06-13-2007, 02:24 PM   #120
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My dreams are very melancholy, usually sad. Once I dreamed I was a test subject in a research facility. Once I killed my best friend, and had to cover it up from the police. Once I had to hide a severed arm. In all of them, I rarely care. Most of the time, my dreams are just unpleasant enough to want to wake up, but not unpleasant enough to actually do it.
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Old 06-13-2007, 02:25 PM   #121
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I dream frequently about either zombies or water which, according to traditional, non-psychoanalytical beliefs, represent emotional stasis and deep passion respectively. I guess I'm confused deep down.

As for sleep paralysis, I know it all too well. The most disturbing incident occurred when I went to stay with a now ex-boyfriend of mine, who lives about 200 miles away. He's a trained butcher and a cookery enthusiast, so in his flat he has a set of very sharp, professional knives and cleavers, in a special case in his kitchen.

While I was nodding off, I could hear foot steps, banging and muttering coming from the stairs that led up to his flat. The noises passed the kitchen, and I saw a shadow by the door to the bedroom turn into a slithering, glistening, vaguely humanoid mass. It moved towards the bed excruciatingly slowly, muttering to itself all the time. As it reached my side of the bed, two arm-like shapes emerged from the general mass and two of the horribly sharp knives emerged from the 'hands'. Quick as anything they were plunged into my abdomen, hooked upwards and I was lifted from the bed.

My boyfriend later told me that I actually arched off of the bed and started screaming, and he was unable to get any kind of sense out of me for ten minutes or so thereafter. I recall waking properly in the doorway of the bedroom.

Still scares me thinking about it actually
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Old 06-14-2007, 04:52 PM   #122
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A while ago I had what was probably my most unpleasant nightmare up todate.

All it consisted of was a little asian boy whose head was repeatedly exploding in front of me. It was like what you get with some scratched DVDs - the one moment repeats again and again.
So his head was exploding over and over again in my face, blood and brains flying at me repeatedly. And there was nothing I could do about it, no matter how much I tried.
And the worst part was that I was aware of what was happening, and that I was aware that it was a dream, but I couldn't wake up.

So I was just waiting for my alarm clock to ring and wake me up, while still dreaming, and the head exploding again and again.
It wasn't very scary, just very, very unpleasant.
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Old 06-14-2007, 05:19 PM   #123
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The other night, I dreamt I was riding through the desert in a Chevy Camaro with some guy from a stoner rock band. Apparently, I had won a contest, and the grand prize was just that.
Anyway, I asked him if he'd ever heard of Spirit Caravan and he replied no. So I mentioned that it was fronted by Scott Weinrich, at the mention of which he became really excited.
He dropped me off at my home, which was apparently one of many clay, ancient-Aztec-like houses in the middle of the desert. I could hear my parents screaming at me before I woke up; I think it was a bad report card. XD
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Old 06-15-2007, 07:10 AM   #124
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I had a dream once that George Harrison of the Beatles, disguised as the Grim Reaper, was playing electric guitar outside of my apartment building window. I chased him, and he ran away. I awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of an eerie voice that seemed to say, "Don't be afraid." That was the night before the world found out that George Harrison, my Grim Reaper, was dead.

I still consider that to be one of my most haunting dreams.
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