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View Poll Results: Are we letting kids grow up too fast?
yes 60 67.42%
no 16 17.98%
i hate kids.. i'm glad i never was one! 13 14.61%
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Old 06-09-2005, 01:14 AM   #101
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I knew of a 12 year old who got pregnant by a 18 year old in fort Mac.
it's truly amazing how shit like this happens, and the problem is, who's to blame?

Well it seems that it's all dependant on the situation. It could stem from a multitude of problems.

1) Child defiant: The kids wanting to wear something that the parent doesn't want them to wear.

2)Parental stupidity: Letting them wear something so that they are not left out.

3) Fashion companies: for condoning the fashions of the pre-teens.

4) Common sense: Kids not realising that being a whore isn't cool.

When I heard that my girlfriends sister (who was 12 at the time) bought a thong, I was appauled. Why would a 12 year old want to wear fancy underwear? WHO was she trying to impress? Being a guy I can't even see the attraction to having thin material shoved up my ass all day, let alone let people see it.


I guess I think a little differently then the "main stream" people today. When I was 13 I wanted a girlfriend, and call me old fashioned, but the only thing that I wanted from her was a kiss. Although I didn't get either one of those, the point still remains that when I was younger all I wanted was a little taste of puppy love, not anal sex. I lost my virginity when I was 15 years old, she was 16. And I can happily say that me and her are still together (me being 18 now). Then I look at my girlfriends sister, and I wonder. Why does she HAVE to have a boyfriend? Is there something wrong with being single? And when she gets one, she stays with him for only a week or so. Maybe i'm just talking out of my ass. All I know is that I prefered the days when girls didn't always dress up like whores just to be part of a fad.
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Old 08-28-2005, 02:54 PM   #102
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My View about it, I am 15 years old, so I am right in the middle of all of this. Durring middle school I thought it was disgusting, and I still do, we have these dance teams at my school which, slut wise have replaced cheerleaders. pardon my sterotypicality, but at our pep rallys it is apparently appropriate for them to dance to things like "Candy shop" with suchs dirty lyrics as "Take you to my candy shop and let you lick my lollie pop" and I feel like in a school, that would be offencive the short skirt and low cut shirt trend, unfortunate in my location last for all accept about four months of the year because of the tempuratures, its a vile thing to see when you go up the stairs... and I will admit to owning a short skirt, singular, ONE short skirt. and I will also admit to having recently becoming sexually active, but I am only okay with that because its a monogomus relationship we use protection and I know what I am doing, because I spend the time educating myself, I belive the real problem today lies in the "Abstiance Education" as I like to refer to it. If we had decent sexual education in our schools teens and preteens would make better choices.
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Old 08-28-2005, 08:53 PM   #103
Blushing Heliophobe
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Mmmm, I defintitely agree with our society being way out of wack. But I think the whole clothes thing is like symptoms of a disease.

I think there's a disease in our society of not teaching children their worth. We don't teach little girls anymore that it's good to be beautiful on the outside but it's more important on the inside. We don't teach them to find men who believe that.
We don't teach little boys how to be real men who view women as equals, as treasures...we teach them how to blow stuff up, beat up bad guys, and bag as many chicks as possible. They aren't raised to be men who think and aspire to higher things in life...and they aren't raised to value women who do.

So now, we have little girls who think that lewd stares pointed in their direction equal approval, that someone sleeping with them equals love, and having sexual poise + a relationship = accompishment.

So now, we have little boys who think that it makes them a man to sleep with and disrespect little girls. They think coarse talk makes them mature, and that sleeping around with as many women as possible will help them win the inevitable 'who's dick is bigger' contest.

And just as cultures and languages are lost over generations and time, I believe that our society is rapidly losing these values...and our children are just a reflection of that. Perhaps if we had poised, mature and responsible parents teaching our children their inner worth, we may have had a shot.

Oh well.

Disclaimer: I am not pro-burka or anything. I am not saying that everyone should suscribe to a certain set of dress or values. All I'm saying, is that if I - as an adult - wear a revealing top, I know that the attention I am recieving feels good...but does not define my inner worth...

***done ranting now***
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Old 08-28-2005, 10:45 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by TheKenna
My View about it, I am 15 years old, so I am right in the middle of all of this. Durring middle school I thought it was disgusting, and I still do, we have these dance teams at my school which, slut wise have replaced cheerleaders. pardon my sterotypicality, but at our pep rallys it is apparently appropriate for them to dance to things like "Candy shop" with suchs dirty lyrics as "Take you to my candy shop and let you lick my lollie pop" and I feel like in a school, that would be offencive the short skirt and low cut shirt trend, unfortunate in my location last for all accept about four months of the year because of the tempuratures, its a vile thing to see when you go up the stairs... and I will admit to owning a short skirt, singular, ONE short skirt. and I will also admit to having recently becoming sexually active, but I am only okay with that because its a monogomus relationship we use protection and I know what I am doing, because I spend the time educating myself, I belive the real problem today lies in the "Abstiance Education" as I like to refer to it. If we had decent sexual education in our schools teens and preteens would make better choices.

A RUN-ON SENTENCE (sometimes called a "fused sentence") has at least two parts, either one of which can stand by itself (in other words, two independent clauses), but the two parts have been smooshed together instead of being properly connected.

Please, please, PLEASE do not be afraid of using a period. It is your friend. I dont like feeling like i'm running out of breath when i'm only reading something in my head.

Continuing with the subject of this thread.

Personally, i believe that it's the parents fault. Not because they are buying these things for their daughters (although this is a big bad thing), but mostly because they are not teaching their daughters about self respect.

It's been statistaclly proven that girls that were taught about sex at an earlier age developed a more realistic and healthier sense of self then those girls who were taught that sex and their bodies are a taboo. The educated girls, on the whole, made their own decisions to abstain from sex and promiscuous behaviour (including dressing in seductive fashions) then their uneducated counterparts.

Lets put it this way. Teens, as a whole, are defiant. If a parent has taught their little girl that sex is a no no and that acting in a sexual way is a sin, when that little girl grows up, she's going to rebel. And she'll do it because almost all teens feel their parents are wrong.

However, tell a little girl that sex is natural, tell her that her body is beautiful and she should respect it and admire it, then what is there left to rebel against? I mean, you tell a kid NO, and they're gonna do it. You tell a kid "this is how it is" there's no NO there for them to fight against. You're not telling them yes. What you're saying is "There is this thing out there that you're going to have to make a decision about eventually. As your loving parent, i would like you to be as informed as possible about it so that you make the best decision for yourself."

People are stupid to put all these little hang-ups on their kids because of some thousand year old book. It only leads to trouble.

Education is the key.
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Old 09-22-2005, 10:49 AM   #105
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Ok, I am in the 6th grade and I still haven't lost my virginity (thank goodness), and even though I am in sixth grade, I don't think that sex is gross. Just popping ur cherry in the 5th grade is just....wrong. As sum1 sed be4. Like I could understand getting ur first kiss in the 5th grade (like me) but having sex? just makes me squirm just thinkin about it.
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Old 09-22-2005, 03:31 PM   #106
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Well most girls around my age 16 or so dress like there trying to get fucked or picked up , hell you could mistake most of them for prostitutes. Its utterly disturbing the things you see in shops these days , slutty gear for kids nearly every girl in my school would waer a thong.. My question was Why?! ... God why the hell put one on ? .. Could anyone actually explain because I honestly have no idea they look uncomfortable and the thought of having a string up your arse isnt exactly attractive.

On the Sex subject I dont see the reason why people are so desperate to sleep around or lose there virginity , in my eyes its something special you should only ever do with someone you actually love but ... most people it seems to be just another daily event you do with differnt people daily every night just like having a drink.
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Old 09-24-2005, 08:23 PM   #107
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Last year I dressed up as a kid. I had nothing better to do and my sweet tooth was bugging me. So my friends and I got plenty of weird stares since we were all sixteen and over.

Anyway back on topic. Too many little girls going to school decked out in slut wear. It’s perfectly fine for people to wear revealing clothes except in school or at work. Any place but not at school!!! (Don’t forget church, but I’ve never seen people stupid enough to dress like that in church.) I wonder how plenty of girls at school get away with those short denim mini skirts with ragged edges. For the love of god, those tinsy skirts are barely enough to cover their asses. Honestly, does school look like a nightclub??

These days girls have their midriffs exposed, low cut shirts (sometimes their boobs are practically pouring out), too much make up, and those tinsy skirts. Those details are enough by themselves but combined, that crosses the line. As pertaining to the thread I’ve also noticed this in middle school girls. And I suppose high school kids can be considered children as well. Once again school isn’t a nightclub and girls shouldn’t be allowed to dress like that anyway. When girls reach the legal age to enter a nightclub then they can dress as skanky as they please.

I’m surprised girls don’t feel uncomfortable dressed like that in front of teachers. I rarely wear a short skirt. When I do at least I look decent and wear stockings underneath. Looking feminine doesn’t mean that you should look skanky. I mean don’t people have a little shame anymore?
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Old 09-25-2005, 11:28 PM   #108
mortalitas incomitatus
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our girls are out of control. thank the goddess i had a son.

my friend has two twin daughters, 12, one alex, has turned out more like her mother...gothic, intelligent, open minded, strong, independant if not a little morbid at time as she is new to the "goth" scene and takes herself a little too seriously........ but the other, sara, she is truly scary, not an individual, creative thought in her body. She put blonde high lights in her hair ( with out permission) because her friends did it, she sulked for a week when she was told she couldn't get her nose pierced (like her friends!) at 12! who the fuck wants to get a hole punched through their face??

my point is how can two beautiful young girls turn out so differantly when they have the same parents, upbringing, genes....etc...???

i think though where i am (adelaide, australia) we are still a little behind than you guys in the u.s. the problem with our young girls throwing their childhoods out the window seems to be much worse in the states.
i see you news show (20/20 and such) and i just end up shaking my head, but then i walk through the city and i see these girls in such a hurry to grow up and i think our problem is definantly growing at a rapid rate.

its such a shame to see this happening, society puts such a burden and so much pressure to grow up, yet it is destroying the fragile minds of our youth. they should be outside playing sport not worring about university/collage, after school jobs, bofriend/girlfriends etc...etc...

no wonder there is such an epidemic of anti-depressants and other prescription drugs amongst our pre-teens and teens

but when do they stop being a pre-teen and become a teen??

may the goddess help us......We're f##king up our kids.....and there is no-one to blame exept for ourselves.
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Old 09-29-2005, 09:58 PM   #109
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I think it's stupid, I see parents down the street all the time with their "slutty" looking children, I mean, damn! If a child is below the age of 16 the parents SHOULD be responsible for how they dress. Although If I was a parent I would definatly let my child choose their clothes to an extent. If my 12 year old daughter wanted to buy a mini skirt, a push up bra, and G-strig, I'd definatly have to put my foot down.
I mean I am 16 years old... I wish my parent would have let me wear what I wanted to wear, instead of enforcing the sluttier clothes on me. My mother wanted to keep buying me low cut things, I mean how screwed up is that... I hate people
Back to what I'd do... I would try my hardest to keep my child a child, as soon as they hit highschool, around 13, I'd relax a bit though, they can choose to a further extent, and as soon as they hit 16 they can wear whatever the hell they feel like.

Another thing I can't stand is sex at a young age, Like I've said I'm 16, most of the people in my year have already had sex, I think there are about 20/140 people in my year that are virgins, and about 10/128 in year 12... What is the point of having sex? For me, I want to have sex when I'm with someone I trust, when I feel right and when I feel I'm in love. That may sound stupid, but it's better than barely remembering your first time because you were blind drunk...
But pre-teens having sex? How horrible... like someone said before, these kids should still be playing with dolls, when I was 12 I was playing with my Barbie dolls, and collect bugs for my dead bug museum, and dancing to the Spice Girls music. Not out playing with boys -_-'

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Old 09-29-2005, 10:02 PM   #110
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*pokes* You seem quite capable of intelligent thought. Please read the "For the Newbies" thread and introduce yourself.
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Old 10-17-2005, 03:19 PM   #111
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My little cousin really admire me, and wants to be goth. (Which is not going over well with her catholic parents) So she tells my big sister this. And what does my sis do but give an eight-year-old girl an itsy bitsy black leather clubbing dress. And then she actually went and wore the dress to school.
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Old 11-09-2005, 03:20 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by mlwlildevil
does no one find it disgusting that he was jacking off on the phone?

I agree that sort of thing is absolutely inappropriate and unnecessary. Who the hell wants to hear someone moan and groan over the phone while you're trying to tell them something? It shows people that he has no respect for himself as well as others.

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Old 11-09-2005, 04:50 PM   #113
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I guess the US have really screwed up childhood problems. In my hometown, I have seen the same stuff going on, but it isn't as strong as it seems in the US.
Really, the innecesary sexualization of preteens is something that could be prevented with education and common sense, from the parents and the little guys and girls who love to make themselves look stupid.
My aunt makes me angry for letting her two brats use high heels and bikinis. OMG! They're are 5 and 7!
I have a 12 years old cousin who uses padded bras, has eating disorders and is, overall, stupid.
But they're are all stupid, and somehow, related to me.
What mekes me not-so-sad, is that I have two lovely girly cousins who respect themselves (Love for them!) and a goth-wannabe one (sadly she likes My Chemical Romance, and they're the reason she became a goth-wannabe, but I'm already "guiding" her to better stuff.)
Anyways, what's with kids, really?
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Old 11-09-2005, 04:56 PM   #114
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Yay. Sorry for the typos and bad grammar.....
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Old 11-09-2005, 09:58 PM   #115
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I feel kind of hypocritical pointing fingers here... I'm only eighteen, I walk around in stiletto boots, slit skirts, fishnets, corsets, and the occasional push up bra..... I know porn stars who keep it more toned down than me sometimes. I can say "Oh, well I'm at an age where I'm full swing into sexual maturation, and am practically an adult" but isn't that exactly what those girls are saying?

We went to eat in a Red Robin the other day, and of course we were getting funny looks from the booths around us, however.... in two seperate booths there were girls dressed skankier than a sorrority slut. Jeans cut down to where their pubic hair will one-day be... shirts with those slutty descriptive words... rips in their ass and caked on make-up. And their mother sat with them, dressed just the same.

It will only be a couple of years until my sweet little niece is their age... I can't imagine her like that. The idea of it horrifies me personally.
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:23 PM   #116
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I suppose my story makes more sense when I mention both girls looked around ten or eleven. Pfft... the details I look over.
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:38 PM   #117
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CountessBathory, your avatar gets hotter by the day!
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." Oscar Wilde
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Old 11-09-2005, 10:56 PM   #118
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Thank you so much...
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Old 11-19-2005, 09:38 PM   #119
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My father's half-assed sister pratically raised her daughters to act (and look like skanks). I remember hearing about how her younger daughter, Randi, was discovered in the woods with two guys completely buck naked! (She was twelve at the time, and they were both in their early twenties!) Her older sister, Melissa, would take her to the parties that she went to and would actually ENCOURAGE her to drink, and would help her find a man that she could "spend some time" with.
Both their mother, and my stupid ass grandmother would tout the pros of having a man, always reminding them that they were ABSOLUTELY NOTHING without a man.
I would always tease them about having so many boyfriends.
I would never call their boyfriends by their names, I always called them by what day of the week it was. (Example:, "Hello Thursday, how are you?" "My name is not Thursday, it's Jeff, and I'm her boyfriend!" "You sure as hell won't be tommorow!")
And to think that my stupid aunt encouraged that stupid shit! (And still does to this day as a matter of fact!)
What really makes me sick is the fact that they all like to brag about their sexual escapades! It's all they talk about!
They still make fun of me (and my parents) to this day because my parents weren't so "sexually open" with me!
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Old 11-20-2005, 09:03 AM   #120
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I blame bad parents. Irrespective of the influences of society, ethnicity or economics I think it is possible to raise children who are morally sound. I've witnessed good and bad parenting happen in the best and worst of neighborhoods, and I'd say that parents, far more than society, media, neighborhood, friends, churches, ethinicity, economics, and so on and so on are THE single most influential factor in how children grow up.
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Old 11-20-2005, 09:33 PM   #121
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It seems so obvious doesn't it? It's perfectly clear to any parent that gives a damn, anyways. It's simply too bad that schools, politicians, lawyers, and who knows who else would rather play the external influence blame game and file rediculous lawsuits in the name of "protecting children".
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Old 11-20-2005, 11:53 PM   #122
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I always wanted to hide my body since I didn't think it was anything special. My mom dressed a little inappropiate for my age but luckily it never wore off on me.
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Old 12-02-2005, 04:55 PM   #123
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I've got 13 words for you "I want that shirt so that I can look sexy! Like Britney Spears!" -heard from the mouth of a girl no older than seven while walking through WalMart
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pssst, Morrigan, tokidoki shashin wa ii...
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Old 12-02-2005, 08:47 PM   #124
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I'm so glad I didnt have a girl... man I'd be a totalitarian wreck of worry
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Old 02-15-2008, 09:28 PM   #125
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Kids these days know everything about sex, drugs and rock and roll that I knew at 19 and they are 12! WTF!?!
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