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Old 06-28-2007, 04:31 PM   #1
wishcat's Avatar
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Location: San Diego, CA. USA
Posts: 355
Zombie walk in San Diego

This looks like so much fun. I wish I could participate but I work that day.

warsaw zombie walk

pittsburgh zombie walk
*You left the sweetest taste in my mouth!*
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Old 06-28-2007, 04:59 PM   #2
Alaizabel Cray
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Hah, wow, that does look like fun. If only I had a way of getting to SD... my parents would kill me if I just hopped on a train, and I don't know anyone who'd be interested enough in going to wanna drive me four hours to get there. Perhaps I could work on setting a similar thing up here. I know a few people who'd definitely be in... And some that I could talk into it. Hm. *walks off to find a notepad, mumbling something about subliminal advertising*
He said "It's all in your head"
And I said, "So's everything," but he didn't get it
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Old 06-28-2007, 05:21 PM   #3
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Haha, you can befriend my friend on myspace, I think she's helping organizing it. She has a bullitin posted with lots of info in it. Maybe I can re-post it here for you.

Here is her myspace:

And here is her bullitin with more info. on it about the zombie walk.

If you are coming to the walk, please RSVP here:

We'd really like to get a fairly accurate headcount, just so that we know how many people to expect.

We've been getting a LOT of messages asking for details about the walk, so in case you missed it, here are answers to the most frequently asked questions:

The walk is taking place at Balboa Park THIS SATURDAY.

We are meeting between 6:30PM and 7:00PM, at the fountain between the Natural History Museum and the Fleet Science Center. (see maps below).

The walk is starting EXACTLY at 7:00PM. If you're late, try to meet up with us somewhere along The Prado, so that you don't have to run to catch up with us.

There is NO FEE to participate! This is entirely FREE!

To participate you MUST be in costume/makeup as a zombie (and only zombies - not skeletons, vampires, ghosts, etc. - it's a zombie walk, afterall!). Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes.

If you need help with makeup, there MAY be a couple of people who are willing to assist you in applying it, but you absolutely HAVE to bring your own makeup and application equipment. Try to keep it simple, if this is the case, as you probably won't have time to go back to your car to put the stuff away before the walk starts. Get there between 6:00PM and 6:30PM if you want help with your makeup, so that there is time to complete it before the walk starts. If you are willing to help with makeup (and have the skills to do so), please show up at 6:00PM.

This is not like a haunted house, nor is it a parade. We are not scaring people, we are not throwing items to/at the public, nor are we promoting anything. In fact, we're not interacting with the public at ALL. You are encouraged to remain in character as a zombie during the walk. Don't touch anyone that isn't part of the walk and even those that are part of the group... make sure you have permission first.

If anyone asks who is in charge - nobody is officially in charge. This is a loosely planned event and our website/MySpace are merely a conduit for information so that we can all show up at the same place, at the same time. If you have questions, please ask us here, BEFORE the walk. If you absolutely have to ask something at the walk... go to the chick with pink and blue hair

This IS an all-ages event and there may be younger children joining us on the walk. This isn't to say you have to be a saint, but please use common sense

If you ARE under 18, please try to bring a parent/guardian with you - or at least make sure that your parents know where you are and what you're doing.

Please bring picture identification, just in case we have to prove that we're not actually undead. Don't want any live burials... that would kinda suck.

Please leave the alcohol and drugs at home. Please don't ruin this for the rest of us. If you want to drink... do it afterward, somewhere else. Don't get us wrong... we like alcohol, but this isn't the time or place for it. Also, do not bring weapons of any kind. Even fake ones. Zombies don't carry weapons anyway.


As stated above, our starting point is within Plaza de Balboa, at the fountain located between the Fleet Science Center and Natural History Museum. We will be meeting at the edge of the fountain closest to Park Boulevard.

Where the red & black X is... meet there! You'll see a few zombies sitting and/or milling about.

We'll be making our way down El Prado towards the Museum of Man and then swing around and head back the way we came. We may venture off onto side paths and whatnot, so be prepared for possible chaos!


The parking situation is this... all of the grey areas on the map below are parking lots. Please pay attention to any individual lot hours that may be posted (most lots are open 24 hours). Valet parking (for a fee) is offered in front of the House of Hospitality (and The Prado restaurant) in the Plaza de Panama until midnight on Saturdays, if you choose. The closer you park to the Science Center, the closer you will be to the meeting point.

The parking lots outlined in black are the closest lots.

How to get to Balboa Park...

Southbound from I-5
Take the 10th Avenue Exit off I-5. Turn left on "A" Street and left again on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Northbound from I-5
Take the B Street/Pershing exit off I-5 to Pershing Street. Take Pershing and then left on Florida Dr. Turn left on Zoo Place to Park Blvd. Left on Park Blvd.

Southbound from Hwy 163
Take the Park Blvd. exit off Hwy 163. Turn left on Park Blvd. Follow the signs to Balboa Park.

Via Public Transportion
Check the SD commute trip planner.

Thank you ALL for promoting the heck out of this walk and making it as big as it is so far.

We'll see you on Saturday!

P.S. - There WILL be a zombie walk taking place at Comic-Con and we will be announcing more information about that next week. Stay tuned! Let your friends know that they can add us as a friend (or visit - fully launching next week!) to keep up to date on future walks!
*You left the sweetest taste in my mouth!*
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