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Old 06-16-2005, 09:38 PM   #676
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ice I'm tellin need to keep out of the house and into something fun, like DeMolay. If you find a chapter close to you that you'd like to join, I'd be your sponser (just means you tell them you know a Sr DeMolay) and hell, I'd even PayPal you the initiation fee.
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Old 06-17-2005, 04:05 PM   #677
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Hell, I'm all for the men spanking each other and running around naked and stuff!

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Old 06-17-2005, 09:24 PM   #678
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Hey- so some of you may be wondering why I'm still posting, and not working in freaking the middloe of nowhere- I quit that job. I'm staying here for a couple of weeks, and then me and my boyfriend are going to go live in the mountains and hike for a month.

I know this is about "today", but I feel like giving a life-update for those who don't follow the link in Gran's signature to read all of the dirty details of my life.

My boyfriend... is cool. We both have this passionate hatred for stupidity and anything besides amazing fun and adventure. He's my ex-boyfriend's best friend, and he recently got kicked out of living at my ex-boyfriend's house, because he was seeing me and my ex "couldn't take it" (quoth my ex's mother...). Actually, come to think of it, we're pretty much orphans since *my* parents kick me out every freaking week and then call me "worried" (after throwing me on the street... NICE....).

It's strange, I've been seeing this guy for like, two weeks-ish, and yet we've been through a LOT together, already. Getting kicked out, getting chased with a broken beer bottle, accidentally having a three-some with his best friend, then him getting jealous after we did it, almost dying in so many car crashes, playing in the woods, me giving him mono.... this is like 6 months of "relationship" building crammed into two weeks... and it's cool. Neither of us really have any cares, because we've both had hard times, and we know things get bad, and then they change, and then they get bad again, and none of it matters.

But yeah... things with my ex-boyfriend are bad. Not the attacker-stalker-weirdo who was on gothic for a few days, but a different one. This one just turned into an alcoholic once I broke up with him, and now spends his time telling me how much of a worthless slut I am. Good times.

But seriously- I'm having a lot of fun. I miss y'all, though.
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 06-18-2005, 01:41 PM   #679
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I don't mean to sound like an ass, but, how do you 'accidentally' have a threesome?

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Old 06-18-2005, 08:09 PM   #680
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Hmm... Yesterday had an anxiety attack on the SF Muni. Er, good thing I had a hoodie on otherwise I'd've looked like I was having crack and meth withdrawals at the same time. Uhh... wasted time by reading the news, smoking a stogie on the "porch" and watching some well.. I forgot what show, but whatever it was it didn't help. I guess CourtTv isn't the greatest idea when you're having a freak-out episode.

This morning woke up ehh.. wayyy too early. Stewed in bed about what my options were considering my situation - y'know, thinking of better, safer alternatives to what I had figured out while staring into the blackness which was my ceiling at 1 AM. I figured out what I should do, but I'm deathly afraid to have a go at it.

Any of ya ever been in this situation - general situation, seeing as I haven't told my actual situation yet - where you are just absolutely a ball of nerves because you have too many options for an incredibly tough decision which will affect the outcome and just about every single day for at least two months back to back? If ya have, you know a little bit of the situation I'm in and what I'm feeling.

I don't mean to sound angsty or hormonal or anything like that or whatever you could label this; I just need a major vent for this. I've thought about it, and if you're going to label it anything, file it under "Despondent rant in a last attempt to get a clear idea of what is about to happen."

*Breathe in* *breeeeathe ooout*

Allright. That aside, I wasted more time before I enact my decision by going to the theaters and slapping my hard earned $6.50 on the counter to have their permission to see "Batman Begins". The movie was fairly good. It made attempts to be funny, but those didn't really fly with me, 'cause they weren't actually funny (well, they could have been if I was in the err.. chemically altered state of mind like when I saw "Madagascar". I still can't decide if it was really really really rediculously funny, or that it was just rediculously funny due to the chemical I "incidentally" inhaled while experimenting with "green" materials. Err.. forget I just said all that, I'm stalling). The guy who played Batman.. ehh. I would've preferred someone else. He didn't really cut a Bruce Wayne for me. There were some holes in there that irritated me.. and a decided lack of swearing. In fact, there was none. I mean, psychopathic hallucinating (bad trip too) criminals are running all over the city and the worst thing I hear is "damn!" And I think I just made that up right now to quell the discontent I feel with the movie for that lack of swearing.

In fact, speaking of swearing, after I got home, I pulled out the copy of "National Treasure" someone lent me 'cause they thought I'd like it ('cause they think I like fogey mystery stories). So, I zap that into my uber DvD player which I had to fight tooth and nail to buy, to open the box of, and to plug in, but that's a different story. I sit back with a blanky and some pillows (hugging one to my chest like if I moved it, my heart would stop beating) and let the light emitted from the Telavision splatter my face in a weird irridescent blue that I can never quite figure out (I mean, why the hell is it BLUE? Why not RED, or YELLOW [wait, fuck that, I hate yellow]?! Whatever). So, I'm sitting there, and it strikes me. Why did "Riley" say (to the extent of, I forgot the exact words, it's been two hours) "and you sweared!" when the chick who was much hotter than the Batman chick say "blah blah blah, you can't be so dang serious about taking the declaration of independance?!"?! I mean, (excuse me while I use this, as it is so out of charactor and I really despise the use of this [most of the time {ie when I'm not being facetious or sarcastic}]) W T F?!?! That irritated me throughout the rest of the movie. I know I should just forget it, but like.. ARGH.
Ok, and the rest of the movie (jumping tracks so I don't kill you all with my dumbass rants) was fair. I mean, YEAH, he's soooo totally going to figure out all those dumb riddles and clues in less than five minutes. HAH. I fart in your general direction! That's the dumbest thing ever. I just spent all week having a riddle competition with someone (who happens to be related to the above ^^^ rant), and in that whole time was there never a riddle in which either of us figured out the goddamned (holy crap, I swore!!) answer within five minutes. I mean, we had some pretty easy ones like (just pulling this one out of my ass) "What's black when you buy it, red when you use it, and grey when you throw it away?" which my opponent (not apponent <.&lt got in ten minutes.. but like, getting back to the point, those riddles in the movie are like rediculously impossible to get without at least sitting down and twiddling your thumbs... I mean, unless the scriptwriters were dumbasses (and yes, I use the plural, I don't know why, but I'm using it as a derogatory statement too. Take that, Hollywood/Disney!!! Oh, yeah, I brung it, biatch!) err, so yeah. The script was ok, and to just continue my irrevelent rant about it, why the hell would the chick yell "hold on hold on!" when she and Nick Cage and half the cast are falling down a freaking huge well thing? Argh! That well/tunnel/tomb/treasure room thing was shit. It would have taken years to do all that crap like build the tunnel and make the staircase... and dig A MILE straight down into the freaking earth under New York in the 1700s! And let's not forget how the freakin' hell would they get all that treasure down there? I mean, jeezus. >_<

*sigh* whoo. Alright, sorry people. I just have a ton on my chest right now and no where else to go.

Thanks for watching, and now a word from our sponsors... 8)


edit: and if you guys can't figure it out, the answer to the riddle is "Charcoal".
edit edit: if you can't figure out why it's charcoal, I'm sorry, but you're a dumbass.
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Old 06-19-2005, 11:11 AM   #681
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Originally Posted by ice
edit: and if you guys can't figure it out, the answer to the riddle is "Charcoal".
It took your friend ten minutes to figure that out? Not to berate your friend, I'm sure he or she is lovely and intelligent but I thought it was a pretty easy riddle ... Was it early morning? Or late at night? Was there tequila involved?

And in case anyone should want to direct me to the Introduce Yourself Here thread, I have already done so, and posted a photo. ANd respecting that newbies such as myself don't generally get to make their own threads, I decided to find a thread (in General, so that I wasn't interrupting anyone's personal conversations in other threads) and make some replies.
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Old 06-19-2005, 04:45 PM   #682
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crashnightshade: Introduce Yourself Here is in the General Forum, which is the forum this thread is in, just fyi..
And also, I'm so glad you're smart enough to get the one I just pulled out of my ass in seven seconds. I mean, wow. It's such an accomplishment. You kick so much ass it makes my eyes bleed.
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Old 06-19-2005, 05:31 PM   #683
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I am not sure what you meant by the bit about the Introduce Yourself Here thread, but I was under the impression that once one /had/ in fact introduced herself, she would be free to take part in posting in the other threads. I did not, that I know of, place myself in a conversation that was directed toward a specific person, nor did I, to my knowledge intrude on anything that anyone else would know not to comment about.

Am I confined to only being allowed to post in the "Introduce Yourself Here" thread until I am given permission to post elsewhere? If that is the case, then I would advise those in charge here to mention that somewhere in the thread that outlines the proper etiquette on how to be a nonoffensive newbie.

And I would like to point out that your original post at first gave me the impression that you did in fact use the riddle in question while competing wth your friend, and that they did take a full ten minutes to come up with the answer. I was not trying to amaze anyone with my razor sharp mind, when in fact it is far from it, as you so graciously pointed out. I was only making an attempt to be sociable; there is really no need to be rude.

If I was not supposed to post anywhere other than the Introduce Yourself Here thread until given permission, then I will quietly wait for someone with some kind of authority to take my hand and lead me to the threads in which I will be allowed to post.

*bows humbly and exits*
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Old 06-19-2005, 06:34 PM   #684
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Whatever, don't get to abashed right here. You can post anywhere without even posting in the Intro thread, just follow some of the rules in the Newbies thread and you'll be fine.
And don't worry, I'm only in a snippy mood right now. I'm sure others won't be.

*oh, and I only scanned your post, so if you had more things to say, then I guess it's too bad.
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Old 06-19-2005, 09:23 PM   #685
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and they wonder why men drink so much...

"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 06-19-2005, 11:07 PM   #686
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Er, I worked at the dark dungeon of the airline then walked home a gazillion miles.
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Old 06-20-2005, 10:40 AM   #687
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Ice, been there done that.

The best thing is just to get the hell out. The situation's not going to improve, at least not enough to make it okay for you to stay. Once things get violent, it's best to make your exit. Could be worse next time, babe. Be careful.

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Old 06-26-2005, 12:20 AM   #688
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today I waited outside in the 105 degree arizona heat for the fucking bus to come so I could send stuff out at the post office. come to find out 30 minutes later the post office closed an hour earlier than all the other SANE post offices in phoenix and I was too late to go to any other one.

so I went grocery shopping. came home and fought with my boyfriend online since he lives on the other side of town. didn't go over to his apartment with my roomate like i usually do. stayed home and sulked online.

yeah rough day. hopefully tomorrow will be better.
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Old 06-26-2005, 07:49 AM   #689
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Shaved my head. Haven't done that in along time.
Just got out of the shower. Realized there was too much
untattot'ed space on my body. Went outside realized
how hot and STICKY it was, went back in. I guess
I'll clean this pig sty.
Wait cold beer just poped in my head, alrighty,
cold beer and cleaning (while blaring music) is the plan.
Maybe a roll into the Herb garden as well.
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Old 06-26-2005, 04:56 PM   #690
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Woke up, took a shower, made eggs and bacon, drove around for a bit. Got gas, went to the mall (>_<), bought a pair of sneakers to replace my old ones which are falling apart, saw Star Wars III just to see what it was like (I didn't pay for it)... it was ok. There was some cool stuff, but all that "They're voting to give him total executive power... we shouldn't have gone to war... they lied to us, and we'll die... this war is for nothing, it was his idea..." crap was TOTALLY pointless and irritated the hell out of me... Drove in circles a bit, went to the Farmer's Market and bought some peas... drove home, took a nap, woke up, got on the computer.

Thanks, Wolfie. I know my limits, and when people infringe upon them I'm able to warn them, or just get away. S'tough sometimes.
Thanks, though. *hug*
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Old 06-26-2005, 09:37 PM   #691
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I woke up at one. That’s what I get for reading Interview With The Vampire for the third time until 4 a.m. I’m such a dork. My mother came home with some fabric and asked if I could fashion a Hawaiian skirt for her B-day party. Ugh, this is what I get for owning a fancy-ass sewing machine. Oh well, I don’t mind but it just feels like one of my lazier weeks.

We went grocery shopping because we have nothing in the fridge. Well, I wanted to purchase some synthetic hair falls and hair dye from Sally’s Beauty Supply. But mother said that she didn’t have her Sally card blah, blah, blah, blah. I was like ‘so?’. She didn’t really care about saving a few bucks. But her point was that if she bought the card then she should use it. I felt silly later because I realized that I had my own money in my purse.

I came home to sit on my ass. I watched The Simpsons, Family Guy, and American Dad. Now, I'm here boring people who are bored enough to read this, with my mundane day. I'm going to check if there are new Writhe and Shine comic strips. :P
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Old 06-26-2005, 10:25 PM   #692
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Okay I will try my hardest in the future to NOT talk about my car, so I'll say something here and try to keep it at that.

Today I went to 7-11. I was walking in, a guy was walking out, and said "Hey, does that have a Hemi in it?" I dropped my head and said "No, it's just a base model." he then said "Well it's a great lookin' car!"


I get a compliment a day, average, on it. Everytime I go somewhere and get out of it, or go to get back in, someone says something nice about it. Alot of bruthas comment on it, most ask the same thing: "Is that as nice to drive as it looks?" and I always say "Hell ya!" (one brutha, I wasn't even thinking, I said "Thanks brutha, keep it real", why I don't know) one yesterday said "You should lemmie borrow it sometime!"

I got to talking with him (in a pimped out Buick) and said how I come from the time when big cars were admired, back when you'd be talking about the best of something and call it a Cadillac ("That's the Cadillac of dildos") and he was astonished that I felt that way, since most guys my age are getting racers. I told him I was from North Portland, and he said "Ahhh that explains it. Yoos a nigga from da day! DA DAY!"

It's boosted my self-esteem ten-fold too. In the past, no matter how goods I felt about myself, I didn't want to walk back to or give a girl a ride in my car because I hated it so much I didn't clean it. Long story, but I got stuck with it after a drunk totalled my 97 Neon and the stupid State Atty's Office fucked up the paperwork and didn't submit to the judge that he pay me for what the insurance did not (HE was uninsured) and at the time my life was so chaotic caring for a dying relative that I didn't have the time to pursue it further.

So, in conclusion, I am a Nigga From Da Day. It should be above my avatar instead of Andrew Eldritch. Dontcha think?
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Old 06-27-2005, 04:40 AM   #693
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That's pretty fuckin funny!

Got up got a cup of coffee realizing it was pouring and both my windows and my sunroof were open. I's going to be a great ride to work. Monday
lovely Monday. This fucking sucks a monkeys nut!
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Old 06-27-2005, 08:03 AM   #694
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Yeah Mondays suck big time especially this Monday because I have to go to the gyno
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Old 06-27-2005, 08:32 AM   #695
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I smell like a man. I ran out of deodorant and had to use my husband's. :shock: At least it doesn't have that cheapo death reak that some of that shit they make for guys does. It's Pheonix from the axe deodorant line. So at least I smell like a sexy man............

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Old 06-28-2005, 04:55 PM   #696
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Portland Beware!!

After being stranded at the airport and comped a room with her son last night for her troubles in Houston, my very best girlfriend is FINALLY here from Texas..

I am soooo excited!!


And she is like me in just about every twisted way..


And her Hellspawn grew up with mine..

Gods help us all..


I'll post pics of our escapades along the way...


I am trying to convince her Portland is the best place to live on the West coast..

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Old 06-28-2005, 05:36 PM   #697
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this day sucked.

woke up
~ate three Eggo waffles, i love them
~put up some dry wall with the worlds worst drill, the entire 2 foot cord is nothing but eletrical tape, you have to hold it all funky so it works.
~realized it's a lot harder than i thought to hold the drywall over the molding while useing that damn drill to keep it in place.
~learned that it's a bad idea to throw a full piece of drywall at the wall(especially the part you managed to finished)
~added new drywall to my list of shit to buy.
~decided to post here after i took a shower
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Old 06-28-2005, 09:27 PM   #698
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Learned I have a pretty strong grip, and that I can make a pretty good fist - and that I really need to clip my nails.
Discovered that I really need to work on my "under-pressure" skills. Man. That was embarassing.

Edit: learned I can be really repetitive in the wake of that kinda stuff.
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Old 06-29-2005, 01:25 PM   #699
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I got an email back from an ex of mine, with another strong hint at me taking her out on her bday. Eh...I don't see any harm in it, and we haven't gone out in awhile, so I officially asked and she officially accepted, so uh...wish me luck! :?
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Old 06-29-2005, 02:35 PM   #700
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hey, man - good luck.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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