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Old 09-26-2005, 11:25 PM   #51
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You're really good at taking things OUT of context, EPS. Like how i put up a picture of my cat, Truffles, who has black fur. Yeah, i don't know what you were trying to incite with that, but whatever. This isn't the first time you've deliberatly taken things i've said out of context to prove some twisted point you have. Actually, i'm very surprised that you didn't just write something up, slap a badly misspelled version of my name on it and hope that people believed i really said it. It's not hard to make up quotes.

Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Sometimes i like to floss my teeth with pubic hair from a random stranger. It makes me feel more womanly.
Tstone, like i said, whatever i did in the past has nothing to do with this girl. I don't ask you to trust me, much less do i want your friendship. Her doing her own thing has nothing to do with me.

And as far as maybe i'm her. Well, maybe i'm you. Maybe this whole time, you and i are the same person and i'm fighting with myself. Also, i'm alkilyu and EPS. i banned myself so that i could get internet attention. I also happen to be the admin of this site, Teapotscar and Edible Eye. ANd Al Gore. I actually invented this internet thing, just so i could create this site, start a riot, get myself banned twice and stir up drama with myself. Didn't you know that? Of course you did. I'm you.

AAAAAAAnyhow. This girl, she didn't ASK you to trust her. She didn't ask you to participate in her thread. So if you have a problem trusting people and interacting with them before they give you a blood sacrifice, sample and sign a contract with said blood, well then don't talk to her. Leave her alone. There was NO reason you should have flamed her or corrected her like that if what she was doing had absofuckinglutly nothing to do with you, your life, or your loved ones. Let her be her and let her do what she want's. it's not hurting you, Tstone. So kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP.

And as far as your little comment Alkilyu, i'm not interested in making friends. I don't need people on my side. If you look i haven't even talked to her directly. Just because i see someone being an asshat for no reason to someone that doesn't deserve it and decide to defend the person of their wrath, doesn't mean i'm looking for a friend or comrad. it means i don't like how some people around here treat others. Period. I don't know her, and honestly, she hasn't shown me anything that would make me jump to get to know her. But that certainly doean't mean that i should treat her like shit, dismiss her off my radar, and act like she less of a person then i am.

So take your head out of your collective ass's and realize that for ONCE in this place, a flaming wasn't deserved. Flame me all you want. I can take it. But dont just do it cause you have to prove some macho point that you're an honest asshole. Cause no one will remember the honesty, just the asshole.
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Old 09-26-2005, 11:27 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by winged_dreams
I hope no one hates me because of this? *gulps* And I'm not trying to take anyone's side.

Fuck being afraid of people hating you. You're standing up for what is obviously right. If the people don't like you for it, then maybe you should take a look at the people you're worried about upsetting. get what i mean?

I'm glad you sid something. Not enough people stand up for the bullying that goes on around here. To coin a really old phrase and make this sound ghey "you go girl!"
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Old 09-26-2005, 11:31 PM   #53
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
I just saw that a certain someone chimed in starting shit (her mere presence only works against those she wishes to impres-I mean protect) and I went from there.

i started shit?! That's a laugh. Just because i'm defending someone is not starting shit. Tstone started shit when he started being a dick for no reason, no matter what he thinks he was trying to do.

I know you hate me, but don't fucking reach for reasons. I've provided you with enough REAL ones.
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Old 09-26-2005, 11:54 PM   #54
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Instead of trying to jack your post count up, why don't you condence all your hatred towards those here to one post? You wanted back sooooo bad and completely ignored my point about your reputation being shit by YOUR OWN ACTIONS so blaming us for others shunning you is, well it's the norm for you but it's still sad.

Again, you aren't trying to defend anyone out of honor, you are doing it so that you can get your shots in on those who you blame for being so unpopular. I think you are hoping that these people weren't here for your previous shit so they won't have anything against you. The problem with that is you. You have had a second and third, hell you had a forth chance and that user was just obnoxious, again you with the repressed hatred wanting revenge.

You said on more than one occasion you found a board better than this one (after they let you come back no less) so why are you here? Who here begs you to return? All you do anymore is try and start shit, and YOU were renown for going after noobs for minor infractions like spelling and posting in the wrong thread, so why do you take a stance against that now?

Dammit have some pride for Godsakes.
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Old 09-27-2005, 12:50 AM   #55
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
Instead of trying to jack your post count up, why don't you condence all your hatred towards those here to one post? You wanted back sooooo bad and completely ignored my point about your reputation being shit by YOUR OWN ACTIONS so blaming us for others shunning you is, well it's the norm for you but it's still sad.

Again, you aren't trying to defend anyone out of honor, you are doing it so that you can get your shots in on those who you blame for being so unpopular. I think you are hoping that these people weren't here for your previous shit so they won't have anything against you. The problem with that is you. You have had a second and third, hell you had a forth chance and that user was just obnoxious, again you with the repressed hatred wanting revenge.

You said on more than one occasion you found a board better than this one (after they let you come back no less) so why are you here? Who here begs you to return? All you do anymore is try and start shit, and YOU were renown for going after noobs for minor infractions like spelling and posting in the wrong thread, so why do you take a stance against that now?

Dammit have some pride for Godsakes.

Okay Alkilyu, let me spell this out for you.

1)The messages can only be edited up to five minutes past the time you post them. So what i said in one, i couldn't get into the first one, cause i couldn't go in and edit it.

2)You seriously want to bringup the amount of posting? You really can't stop calling everyone a post whore when you yourself have the mosts post around her in the shortest time span. you're showing your hypocritical side again.

3) Tstone has nothing to do with why i got banned. I have no animosity towards him for anything connected to why i you and i have problems. Etc. Again, stop trying to find little conspiracy theories where there arn't any. I don't have anything against Tstone except for what we're talking about here. And since this has absolutly nothing to do with YOU, why don't you stop trying to up your post count by taking jabs at me on a subject that you're not wanted in?

4)I know why my reputation is shit. It's hard to have a good reputation when people trash talk you all the time. I don't care what YOU believe, Al. I KNOW what happened. I take resposibility for what i do. LIke me calling you a fuckass. I said that. ME. I'm taking responsibility! I've never shrugged the responsibilty off of my shoulder for ANYTHING that i did, no matter what you want to implicate me of doing.

5)I have my own reasons for being here. I don't need to explain them to you. So just forget about wondering why i don't just leave, cause you're not going to find out. Don't worry your megalomaniacal head about it.

6)Please stop asking me to have Pride. I know you don't give two shits about what things i have or don't have, so stop with the psuedo-caring about my pride okay? I'm doing just fine, i feel fine, and frankly, my pride in myself is whole and intact. See, that's because i don't base what happened here on how i feel about myself. I know who i am, i know what happened, i know what i do day in and day out. If you're so concerned about my pride, stop jabbing at me. Have the pride to be a better man then someone that bully's newbs and takes himself way too seriously.

What's that? You don't like me telling you what to do with how you are? Well, then don't be a hypocrite and tell me.

k? Thanks for playing, bye bye!
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Old 09-27-2005, 01:01 AM   #56
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Case in point, i just tried to edit that post ^ and it showed me a little message that says something to the effect "The administration has decided that you cannot edit posts after five minutes. Please contact the administration if you have any questions."

So this is what i was going to add, to better make my point:

Me trying to "get shots in" at tstone for what "repressed hatred" i have for him is way off base. I'm not exactly hidden about how i feel about the people that ARE involved with what happened to me, so i don't know where you get "repressed" from. ANd hatred? Not nearly. I don't feel that passionatly for you all. Sorry to disapoint you, but it's a looooong way from being hatred. Lets call it....hmm....irritation. Yeah, that's it.

One more post for me! And alkilyu will reply and up his post count too! Cause he just can't stay out of shit that doens't involve him. And then EPS will come in with some snide remark, or maybe a sarcastic rip, or she'll mis-quote me, or even make a quote completly up just to defend alkilyu, who doesn't need defending.

You are so predictable. and you're thinking right now "I'm PREDICTABLE! you're predictable!" typity type type about how i'm predictable and got banned and you can't trust me cause i lied and blah de blah blah. I've heard it all before. You're so predictable.
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Old 09-27-2005, 01:02 AM   #57
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and just so i can get my dig at YOU alkilyu, here's another post, just so i can see that counter go up....
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Old 09-27-2005, 01:38 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah..
Only you could take an attempt to try and inject a bit of levity into what was becoming an increasingly hostile situation, and try and turn it into something filled with hidden drama and intrigue..


What's even lamer is that the only time you log onto Gothic now, is to complain,whine, bitch and complain some more..

You even started TWO ENTIRE THREADS for that specific purpose in the last couple weeks..

Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
You know, i'm really sick and tired of shit HERE getting deleted without a word..

It's a fucked up thing to do.

If it's the Admins, what the fuck? WHY? i mean, are you TRYING to drive people away by deleting shit at random?

If it's the Mods, which i don't think it is, cause i'm sure they would say it with pride, then fucking do something about it.

You've already lost one person to deleting shit, and crap load of other are getting pissy about it.

If you're going to do it, At least let us fucking know.
Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
Wait, are you saying that he was taken off moderatorship by the admins? he didn't give it up? They reasoning was that he was too caustic with his words?

Wow. I'm at a lose for words. I mean, the admins are actually regulating the Mods. LOL.
Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
Didn't Peter say he was leaving cause of this. I mean, he created a whole thread about it.

And peoples shit has been dissapearing. I mean, not just random posts, but WHOLE threads. Like my "What happened?" thread. Where did it go? And that one guy had TWO threads of his deleted. Can't remember his name. Dammit. He made threads about them dissapearing.

Anyhow, that's fine if we have the censors like that. I guess that makes sense in a scared of teh intranet way.

BUt seriously. It's just fucking RUDE to delete shit at random without a reason. There is no reason those threads that were deleted should have been. I don't think ANYTHING should be deleted. LOCk it if you must, but at least that way we can view your reasonings.

How would you feel if you came around and a thread that you had started just up and dissapeared without a trace and no one knows what happened?

Yeah, shitty.

Mark my words man, you're not going to be attracting a lot of people with shit like that. And sooner or later the regualrs are going to get tired of seeing their thoughts dissapear.

Someone needs to fucking OWN up.
Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
get used to it kids. It's been moderator policy to do that without warning for years now.
Funny, you haven't been here for YEARS..

Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe
I'm not getting pissy with anyone, Al. I know what the rules are.
Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe

Look, the plain and simple rule is this: Don't act like an ass. Especially to the mods.

As long as you follow that rule, you'll be fine.

Do I even need to continue??

Don't you EVER get tired of being so negative?

What makes the LEAST amount of sense, is you bitch about how much you hate the New Admins, you bitch about how much you loathe the mods, you bitch about how much you despise the "Elder" members, yet you are STILL here..

Doesn't make much sense does it?

I agree..

Don't you have ANYTHING better to do than to try and start some silly desperation filled plea for attention once or twice a week?

Even BEXXLE, who you tried to "Champion" (LOL) had the self-respect to leave and not come back..

You have created at least THREE fake ass alternate id's, pretended to be a brand new member everytime you got banned, lied to everyone here I don't know how many times, manipulated the trusting nature of our members over and over and OVER again, and yet you don't understand what the problem is with everyone here..


Do you even have the tinest bit of comprehension how ludicrous that truly is on your behalf?

One more thing, if it wasn't for YOU, no member of this forum would need to second guess all of the NEW members, and wonder whether it was YOU having conversations with yourself again or YOU trying to make us all look like a bunch of fools again..

This group has always been slow to totally accept someone new, but you irrevocably damaged the tiny amount of blind 'trust' that we awarded new members with your neverending twisted little charades..

So yeah, now people question the motives of many of the Newbies around here, and the only person to blame for planting that giant seed of Distrust is you, no one but you..

So next time you get the itch to start pointing fingers, please escort yourself to the nearest mirror..

And for God's sake have a little respect for the members (myself included) who are desperately trying to find lost family members, or save family members who had SO MUCH DESTROYED this past weekend..

Enough with your drama already. Many of us have lost so much recently, and you spit on all of the pain that is being felt by the many members of this forum, with your constant and childish, hate-filled rantings..

Please for the last friggin time, CUT YOUR CRAP!

Have some self-respect, get a Goldfish, take up knitting..

ANYTHING would be better than your incessant complaining!

Last edited by Empty_Purple_Stars; 09-27-2005 at 02:18 AM.
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Old 09-27-2005, 01:42 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by Bodnoirbabe

And then EPS will come in with some snide remark, or maybe a sarcastic rip, or she'll mis-quote me, or even make a quote completly
And for the record, I don't need to 'misquote' you, your posts stand alone just fine without any literary license on anyone's part.

If you don't believe me, read your own post history.

Although you will need to look it up under all three of your aliases..

Get your facts straight please before you make unfounded accusations..

That's a good general rule of 'thumb' in just about any situation.

Last edited by Empty_Purple_Stars; 09-27-2005 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 09-27-2005, 02:10 AM   #60
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Drama-Rama Over..
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