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Old 06-08-2008, 11:20 PM   #26
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I have some cool ones

I've got one on my foot from treading on an oister, one on my middle finger from where my brother tried to cut it off with scissors when we were little, one on my chin from slipping over and hitting my face on the toilet bowl whilst trying to hide during a game of chasies, one on the inside of my arm from hitting myself in the arm with the string of a bow doing archery, one on the back of my ankle from a hurdle falling on it...

And my coolest two:

One on my tongue from when I was little almost biting it in half,


A row of tiny dots around my ankle from when I stood in a rabbit trap.

Hist. Hark.
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Old 06-09-2008, 07:12 AM   #27
Azura Mistryl
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Did you stand in this rabbit trap on purpose or by accident?
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Old 06-09-2008, 08:30 AM   #28
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Like as some members here, I got so many scars that I stop counting or remembering them.

Here's a couple of them that stand out:

-Huge keltoid (raised scar) between pinky and ring finger on left hand from getting it caught in metal grinder in welding class.

-Long jagged line across pointing finger, knuckle and almost quarter way up hand from getting it caught in automatic sliding door. (use to work at a retail store...)

-Two inches long thin white line in shape like this / on my right bicepe from metal grinder accident.

-One on front of shoulder from getting cutted while practice armed drill when I was in ROTC. One of my favorite one.

-On my upper lip from kitty accidentally clawed it when it jump up on couch I was sleeping on.

-My shin have a huge dark purple/reddish scar from when I fell during rock climbing and cut it open all way to the bone.

-A really ugly messed up stitches job one on back of knee. You can even count every holes from threads on it. I got it from when a dog was swimming with me. Thats why you'll see me flee from dog in fear if it come in water.

That's some of scars I have. I love it when girls wear scar with pride instead of hiding it. I like girls to have at least a couple scars, it show that they have a interesting life. Today most people doesn't even have any because they grew up in very sheltered environment, so they never had any experience doing anything exciting. So it suck!
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Old 06-09-2008, 04:02 PM   #29
Lux Interior Ate My Brain
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My two most horrible scars are on my right leg and on the top and side of my thigh.
The first one came from when I was....7 (if not close to that age) and I was trying to squeeze between an open dishwasher door and a table while my mom was loading the dishes. My mom went to shut the door on the dish washer right when I was passing through and the corner of the door ripped deeply into the side of my thigh. I had to keep it bandaged up for two months.

My other one, the worst of all, is a dark 5 inch one right above the knee that looks like a skeletal hand. I got it from falling off the side of a rotting picnic table in my pajama pants last year (don't ask).
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Old 06-09-2008, 06:41 PM   #30
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Oh I just remembered about one of my more unusual scars, I have one from when I kind of crushed my tail bone (I say kind of because it was never x-rayed so I don't know for sure if I crushed it) from falling out of a tree house. The interesting thing about it is that it doesn't look like a scare so much as a faint, constant bruise (one of the pretty purplish ones not one of the icky yellow/brown ones). The kind of sucky thing is that right now I do have an actual bruise there that I got while Jake and I the new apartment (the roommates don't move in until Wednesday so we took advantage of having the place to ourselves)
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:33 AM   #31
Murasaki eyeliner
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i ve got one on the inside of my thigh, 6 inches long from when i when surfing and a massive wave(im not kidding i swear this thing was about 5 metres high) carried me over a very spiky rock was actualy quite exilerating until i noticed the rip in my leg

ive also got one in the shape an inverted cross,well if you squint.
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Old 06-10-2008, 03:05 PM   #32
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ive got one about, 3 inches long on my upper thing on my right leg from a screw. i gouges myself walking by a counter we had pulles out whil we were renovating.

ive got an odd shaped, kind of like a backwards E shape in the middle of my forehead from the car accident that gave me the wicked one on my right knee.

ill have a new one where this rock hit me a week and a half ago on my right temple.

ive also got a relatively big burn mark on my left arm, from lifting something out of the oven. its about the size of a silver dollar.
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Old 06-10-2008, 03:59 PM   #33
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I just remembered one i have on my shin like a \ (which is also on my other leg in the same direction in the same spot, but i don't know how i got this one) from when I was like 6 or something and we had this really old red velvet-y sofa set and I remember that one of the arm chairs had this small bit of the spring or framing sticking out on the front of it, you wouldn't even know it was there unless you felt for it just under the cushion. Anyways I was kneeling on the chair and slided off it to get to the floor. My shin dragged along the edge of the chair and I felt this digging in pain and screamed out when I got to the floor and saw my shin ripped open from the sharp spring sticking out.
As much as I have a bad memory, that's one thing I've never forgot from my childhood.
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:50 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Azura Mistryl
Did you stand in this rabbit trap on purpose or by accident?

Ahaha, accident It was hidden under some leaves and twigs and stuff, and I just stepped right in it.
Hist. Hark.
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Old 06-10-2008, 10:55 PM   #35
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I don't have any really interesting ones...but my fiance has a scar that is the size of a perfect splatter mark where grease dripped on his arm at work but he was holding stuff so he couldn't wipe it off until it burned the mark into his arm.
The only thing I have is a scar thats about a half inch long on my knee where it got cut down to the bone but I refused to get stitches.
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Old 06-11-2008, 06:38 AM   #36
Azura Mistryl
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Originally Posted by disorder
Ahaha, accident It was hidden under some leaves and twigs and stuff, and I just stepped right in it.
...O.O I am now kind of scared to go walking through the backwoods. I'm probably gonna have to bring a stick or something to test the ground with...
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Old 06-11-2008, 08:57 AM   #37
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I have them on my arms and a huge one on my knee. xD I am danger prone and ex-emo kid. hahaha
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Old 06-11-2008, 11:29 AM   #38
Bete Noire
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Hmm I split my knuckle on a rope swing. Some mates were swinging it and I didn't notice and it caught my hand hard. fucking hurt. And left a pretty little jagged scar.
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Old 06-12-2008, 05:29 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by Bete Noire
Hmm I split my knuckle on a rope swing. Some mates were swinging it and I didn't notice and it caught my hand hard. fucking hurt. And left a pretty little jagged scar.
O.O! Damn. I have a puffy one on my hand from moving my bed and one deep on my arm from opening a gift with utility clips on my belt. Don't ask why I had utility clips on my belt, I was 15 and bored.
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Old 06-18-2008, 12:16 AM   #40
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Lets see, I was in a couple of accidents as a child that scarred me, I'll start with the first. I was in a walker as a toddler and I managed to pull a cord down in the kitchen that held a kettle of boiling water, which fell on me. Lucky my mother had the smart idea of covering me in wet towels, which stopped most of the scars. All I have is a large one on my left arm and a smaller one on my right, which is covered when I cross my arms. It's like freakish freddy kreuger skin which I can't feel properly, which would have been kinda cool to be covered all over in.
My other scarring accident was jumping on a bed as a child, I fell on a sharp wooden table and skinned my nose. Had to get it stitched together, so even today I have a hook shaped scar covering my nose where it was put back together.
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Old 06-18-2008, 01:37 AM   #41
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Hmm...I have so many...

Okay, a large scar on my left middle finger due to me crushing a bottle in my hand when I was 12. Severed some nerves on that one...

A large L-shaped scar on my left elbow due to falling off a dirtbike when I was 16, and being dragged a bit behind said bike after the fall.

4 small round scars on my right leg from a dog bite when I was in my early teens.

A strange dotted line scar on my right foot from trying to climb over a spiked fence and my foot slipping.

A plethora of scars on both my arms from my stupid vampire phase when I was in my late teens and early twenties.

A long, jagged scar from my left wrist to just before the elbow, from falling into a hole in an abandoned house when I was 22.

A small scar above my right eye which to this day I have no clue where I got it. My family doesn't recall how the wound happened either.

A small scar on my right knee where shattered cartilage was removed. (The result of unwittingly walking into a mosh at a club and being crushed up against the stage.)
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Old 06-19-2008, 06:09 PM   #42
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Well I haven't really got many interesting scars. I do have:
About 4-5 inch long scars on my back from stretch marks (but they were scabbed and bleeding when i found out about them)
One on my foot when i fell in a pit of barnicles and it split my foot open. I still have pain in that foot sometimes.
Heaps on my legs from just randomly getting kicked, hitting motorbike pegs etc.
One on my thigh from my motorbike's brake lever thingy cutting me as i turned.
one on the back of my leg from snapping a stick and it cut me. I bled heaps then.
A scar on my ankle that i did myself with a razor and then put ink in it to make a small pentagram tattoo. so more of a tattoo than a scar.
And about... 40 Self Inflicted scars which i prefer not to talk about with people whom aren't close to me. Some about a week old..
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Old 06-20-2008, 02:07 AM   #43
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Some of my "nastiest" and most recent scars (of which there are many) are set of small vertical lines, two on each shoulder and one following each hipbone. Each is about one and a half inches long. They were the least painful scars I've ever gotten and probably have something to do with my current pregnancy ;D

I have a small scar on the back of my right hand from getting stabbed during a fight, and an almost matching one on my left hand where there is a cat claw embedded just under the skin.

All along the inside of my left foot is a jagged purple scar where I scraped it against a plexiglass sheet and tore down to the fatty tissue earlier this year.

And sloping from the space between the big toe and the second toe to the beginning of the arch on each foot are curved scars where a rather nasty pair of platform flipflops rubbed it raw while walking in DC.

I have a small raised scar above my left breast from a fight with a rather nasty ex-boyfriend.

There's a ton of small scars along my right wrist and forearm from a stage of dubious mental stability.

I've also got a long raised scar on the back right of my head where I fell out of a tree, hit a rock, and they had to staple it shut because the stitched were popping out as fast as they were putting them in.

I have scars up and down my legs and arms from biking, rock climbing, various fights, my cats, my puppy, falling out of and off of things, running into things, shaving, etc.

To top it all off is an indent above my right eyebrow that is visible when I move my eyebrow around where my mom closed my head in a car door when I was a toddler. Explains a lot, eh?

Well, that's all that I can see or remember without stripping.
Originally Posted by Joker_in_the_Pack
At some point, you need to look yourself in the mirror and realize that what other people did to you does not define you as a person. You and your actions define who you are as a person. It's up to you to be a good person, in spite of all the evil you've faced. In fact, it should be because of the evil you see that it's good you do. Be the change you want in the world. Next time someone tells me that they're an asshole because they've had a bad life, I'm stabbing them in the eye with a spork.
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Old 06-21-2008, 12:56 PM   #44
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Bleh. I've got a really unattractive scar a little ways above my right ankle from falling on top of something.. (I have no idea what it is anymore, since it happened when I was five.) It cut all the way down to the bone and now it's this inch long depression in my leg. Dunno if this counts as a scar but my left thumb also grows funny because of it being slammed in the screendoor around the same time. Then I have a non-noticable scar just above my hairline from playing pretend and ran into the corner of a table, cracking my head open.

I have two self inflicted scars on my wrists (near the back of them) from last year when I was curious as to why people were crazed over cutting o.o. They're really faint though. Then I have numerous battle scars on my arms from battles with my sister. Most of them are nail marks.. Then I think I also have one from when I was little from my sister when she smashed a porcelain cat on my head.
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Old 06-21-2008, 10:55 PM   #45
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I have a few old slices on the back of my right fore arm from my old cat from years ago. I have a perfect pitchfork scar on my right middle finger.

Yeah, I know the photo is crap. The scar looks uneven, but the thing is actully very balanced and even. I don't have the foggiest idea how or where or when I got it. All I know is is that I have had it for atleast 15 years, and I am presently 22 years old.
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Old 06-24-2008, 02:58 AM   #46
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I have a scar where I cracked my head open when I was 6 - which is just off centre on my forehead. In a slightly irritating asymmetrical way.

I have chickenpox scars on my legs and in my eyebrow.

Its not really a scar but two of my fingers aren't straight and bend wonkily because the school nurse refused to believe they were broken and didn't re-set them.

But nothing very interesting.
'The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.' - Salvador Dali

Pie Jesu domine..... Donna eis requiem - *thwack*

'To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.' - Giorgio de Chirico
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Old 06-25-2008, 09:55 PM   #47
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I just realized I don't have that many scars...hmm. I've got one on my knee from cutting it on a chair at the doctor's office when I was 6. That one is kind of raised for some reason. I have one on my wrist from my dog running over me when I was laying on the floor. There are a couple of burns on my hands from baking cookies and stuff. Then I have a / shape in the middle of my forehead from running into a door at age 12, which I got stitches for. Cool, I know.
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Old 06-26-2008, 05:26 AM   #48
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On my left forearm, I have a scar about an inch long where a stage block caught me as it was falling. It wouldn't have scarred so badly if the scab didn't keep cracking off. Most of the time it isn't too visible, but sometimes it goes bright pink.

There's one acrosss my knee that isn't too big where I tripped over my father's telescope.

On my left hand there's a little patch where during my last rehearsal of a play, at the moment when I had to be pulled off a bed onto the floor, the girl doing it dug her long nails into my hand by accident because I nearly bashed my head. It was still bleeding when I was performing and got blood over my white shirt.

Another drama related one is a little line down my middle finger, which I got from tripping over a wheelchair in a blackout.
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Old 06-26-2008, 07:53 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by LiUsAiDh
Its not really a scar but two of my fingers aren't straight and bend wonkily because the school nurse refused to believe they were broken and didn't re-set them.
Is it still possible to get them fixed?
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Old 06-27-2008, 09:54 AM   #50
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No, don't think so, the bones have fused.


'The difference between false memories and true ones is the same as for jewels: it is always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant.' - Salvador Dali

Pie Jesu domine..... Donna eis requiem - *thwack*

'To become truly immortal, a work of art must escape all human limits: logic and common sense will only interfere. But once these barriers are broken, it will enter the realms of childhood visions and dreams.' - Giorgio de Chirico
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