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Literature Please come visit. People get upset, write poetry about it, and post it here. Sometimes we also talk about books.

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Old 01-02-2009, 04:29 PM   #1
Breathless Horror
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 1,888
My Writer's Craft Assignment.

I wrote this for my writer's craft class. The requirement was it had to be under 600 words in length. I'm just curious as to what you guys think. PEACH me please!

Tom Blanks

Tom Blanks looked around in confused wonder at the alien landscape that surrounded him. Purple trees with green flowers abounded and little odd three-eyed yellow things with beaks and a body reminiscent of a lizard/rat crossbreeding experiment bounced jovially from branch to branch. They twittered as they hopped and bounded and gazed at him with an all-together too knowing smirk. Suddenly Tom became aware of a wizened little man sitting under something that looked remarkably like a rhododendron, only a slate grey color with shockingly pink flowers and a gaping maw full of teeth. The man sat serenely, almost as if there wasn’t toothy jaws slavering some six inches from his wrinkled face. Nevertheless, Tom made a mental note not to get any closer to that plant than absolutely necessary. The man was clothed simply, in what appeared to be a rough linen toga, but dozens and dozens of gold bracelets adorned his wrists. The man smiled, revealing an almost Cheshire cat-esque grin filled with light green teeth, and spoke in a soft raspy voice.

“Hello Tom.” he said, “I’ve been waiting here for you for a long time, I have. Yes, a long time indeed. I have a secret for you, I do. Do you want to hear it? I think you do. The knowing will drive you mad, but you want to know anyways, I can see it, I can. Would you like to know what it is? All you have to do is ask him, and he will tell you. Oh how the knowledge will rend your mind! But I can see it in your eyes, you won’t be turned away now, will you? Ask!”

Tom tried to say no. His eyes bulged in mute horror as he felt his tongue move, heard it speak sounds he had never heard before, or believed possible to make with a human mouth, that made something in the back of his mind gibber and twitch. Deep inside his soul, in a part that still remembered running from unimaginable horrors in the dark millennia before the first glimmers of human civilization, Tom felt something huge awaken under the earth. Horrible, unspeakable, unthinkable knowledge poured into his mind, and his shrieks pierced the humid air as he raced through the sea of cyclopean plants that whispered and moaned mad secrets in his ears…

The coroner shook his head, he hated dead bodies in the morning. It was perfectly clear what had happened: The man had sat up in bed, opened his bedside drawer, removed the revolver from the drawer, and shot himself in the head. The headboard, and much of the wall, was covered to some extent in the ruins of his skull and what it had once contained. “Goddamn” the coroner thought, “this is going to be one hell of a day…”


And yes, I do know that I'm a bit of a Lovecraft wannabe XD

A prank a day keeps the dog leash away - Jello Biafra

I want your skulls! I NEED your skulls! - Misfits
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