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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 07-28-2010, 08:43 PM   #1
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Free Kent Hovind!


I just found out that Kent Hovind has been wrongly improsoned!

Kent is a very smart scientist who has been working for years to prove that god is real and has been stopped at every turn by other jealous scientists who are lead around by their wallets.

I am utting togethar a protest with my friends and when we get enough support Ill bring it to my youth paster and well really get this gonig!

here's teh website:


He was so closeto the truth they even had his wife imprisond for halping him!

Here is hs other w-page.

If you guys want to help post ur emal in this thread and I'llput you on the mailing list.
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Old 07-29-2010, 02:24 AM   #2
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The man is an idiot. He built the Jesus Dinosaur land. He is peddling crap to kids and calling it science AND religion - it is an affront to both.

On top of this he didn't pay his taxes. That means hard working Americans actually paid for his silly dinosaur theme park.

Fuck him. The crass bastard should rot in there. He must of missed a few chapters in the Bible when he was studying to be an 'evangelist'.
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Old 07-29-2010, 09:03 AM   #3
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You are a idiot if you trust the goverment Stenn!

I knmow they said they put him in jail for taxes but they really put him in jail to cover up the truth about dinosaurs. also the g-mint was taking HIS hard-earned money...last tim i checked that's stealing, we should put ombamba in jail.

The governmanthas no rights to take your hard earned money that's stealing!
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Old 07-29-2010, 02:41 PM   #4
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Alright SSJ, before I offer my erm, comments on this whole thing, I would like to ask you something... Learn how to speak, for the love of god please. You're making me think of a lobotomized Gummi Bear warbling on about this stuff with its nuts in a bench vice.

Now that my personal issues have been dealt with...(TL;DR at the end if you don't want to read this)

Can you actually prove that the government put him in jail to 'cover up the truth', as you so put it? And don't link me to some Christian Science site that warbles on and on about it like a broken record but doesn't actually prove anything.

Secondly, no, the government was not 'stealing his hard-earned money'. By being an American citizen you are obligated to pay your taxes. Do I like taxes? Hell no I don't like taxes, but that doesn't change anything now does it?

Let's go over the charges put forth against this fellow, now shall we?

Twelve tax offenses(not paying his taxes)
One of obstructing federal agents
Forty-five counts of structuring bank transactions.

Now, we've already covered the first of three categories of charges, and the second one is rather obvious. In case you don't know what the third is, however, let me give you an 'official definition'. 'Structuring, also known as smurfing in banking industry jargon, is the issue of transactions structured to avoid certain record keeping and reporting requirements mandated by law, such as the United States's Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and/or 26 USC 6050I (Form 8300).'

Please don't reply to this bit by repeating 'You're an idiot if you trust the government', because I will very happily reply 'You're an idiot if you blindly support someone because of their faith'. REGARDLESS of what this man was doing or his 'cause', whether you think it is just or not, he has committed criminal acts. I would imagine that if it were anyone else doing this, you wouldn't have any problem with it, but of course because he's Christian and therefore he must be only trying to spread the 'truth', he should be exempt from stuff like this?

Ahem, no.

Now, okay, I don't particularly believe in the Christian god. I'm not going to get into my religious beliefs here or anything of the sort as that isn't the subject of the topic. This man is trying to prove that god is real and that he 'has been stopped at every turn by other jealous scientists who are lead around by their wallets.' Okay, that's a pretty serious claim, we should look at that, right?

If you actually do some RESEARCH on the man, even OTHER CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS don't like him. The people from Answers in Genesis, who are rather... off, and are creation scientists just like this man, dislike and criticize him. Now if your -own peers- don't like what you're doing, obviously you should stop and think a little bit but I suppose this guy must be 'too good' for that, hm?

Okay, as far as his own work, I did a little snooping, and I noticed that for how this man is supposed to be some awesome scientist that's 'SO CLOSE TO DISCOVERING THE TRUTH', I assumed he must have been very well-educated to actually be able to do such. Interestingly enough, other than an actually-accredited high school diploma, he holds three degrees in 'Christian Education' from unaccredited institutions. In case you don't know what an unaccredited institution is, it more or less doesn't meet actual educational standards(which are in my opinion very low anyways) and therefore is not actually recognized as education on the same level as what would be 'accredited'. In other words, Hovind is more or less walking around acting like some awesome scientist and in reality has a high school diploma and some degrees in -education-, and that's about it.

Going more in-depth about Hovind's degrees, it should be noted that for one of them, acquired from Patriot Bible University, is -incredibly- sketchy. Being a member of a family who has sent certain members off to universities like this(one being PBU, actually), I do have actual accounts of the educational standards of such institutions. Graduates lack basic knowledge of most subjects if it's anything other than English, and even then English isn't taught to well. An example would be Hovind's dissertation for PBU, which is not only incomplete(four chapters totaling 101 pages, where he claims in the introduction that it is 250 pages with 16 chapters) with poor writing and spelling. Pages are repeated, references are absent, and the work isn't original, which originality is expected in a dissertation.

Patriot Bible University actually refuses to disclose the dissertation(Wikileaks released it, however), which dissertations are -always- made available to the public by the institution that it was submitted to.

Also note that Hovind actually is pretentious enough to list himself in the phone book as 'Dr. Hovind', which is very unusual for anyone with a Ph.D, even a real one(Hovind's are not real) to do.

Sternn noted that Hovind was the man to build the 'Jesus Dinosaur land', as well. I should note that a statement by Hovind himself, claims that "the creation world view says dinosaurs have always lived with man and there might still be a few alive today." Funny enough, being raised in a Christian family(and still having to pretend I hold the faith, or be kicked out of the house), I don't ever recall reading about 'And there were dinosaurs on the earth' or whatever. The closest thing I ever hear or read about such is Christians trying to twist the Bible to their own ends for such claims. Funny what two to four thousand years of constant rewriting and change does to a book and the people who believe it. Secondly, if there 'might still be a few alive today' as far as dinosaurs go, I think we would have found them after god-knows-how-long but that's my own opinion. Note that Hovind also never got a building permit for the park. Building permits are there primarily to actually assure that the person doing the construction isn't making something dangerous to human life, via being not up to code or built incorrectly, etc.

Oh and yeah, if you want to talk about stealing SSJ, other people had to pay for this man's silly little amusement park because he didn't pay his own taxes. He caused -other people- to suffer. Not too Christ-like, now is it?

Okay, so let's go over what this man thinks is correct about the creation story and all that, what SSJ is heralding as proof that God exists and that the world was created, etc. This is a quote:

Hovind summarizes his version of the young Earth creation story into the eponymous "Hovind Theory" taken from a variety of creationist sources. The "Hovind Theory" was presented at Hovind lectures and in his work "Unmasking the False Religion of Evolution". Hovind explained the Biblical account of Noah as follows: Noah's family and two of every "kind" of animal (including young dinosaurs) safely boarded the Ark before a −300 °F (−184 °C) ice meteor came flying toward the earth and broke up in space. Some of the meteor fragments became rings and others caused the impact craters on the moon and some of the planets. The remaining ice fragments fell to the North and South poles of the Earth, concentrated towards those regions by the Earth's magnetic field.
He explains the fossils were created by billions of organisms that were washed together by the mass destruction of the worldwide flood, completely buried, and rapidly fossilized.
The resulting "super-cold snow" fell near the poles, burying the mammoths standing up. Ice on the North and South pole cracked the crust of the earth releasing the fountains of the deep, which in turn caused certain ice age effects, namely the glacier effects. This made the earth "wobble around" and collapsed the vapor canopy that protected it.
During the first few months of the flood, the dead animals and plants were buried, and became oil and coal, respectively. The last few months of the flood included geological instability, when the plates shifted. This period saw the formation of both ocean basins and mountain ranges and the resulting water run-off caused incredible erosion – Hovind states that the Grand Canyon was formed in a couple of weeks during this time. After a few hundred years, the ice caps slowly melted back retreating to their current size and the ocean levels increased, creating the continental shelves. The deeper oceans absorbed much of the carbon dioxide in earth’s atmosphere and thus allowed greater amounts of radiation to reach the earth's surface. As a result, human lifespans were shortened considerably in the days of Peleg.
Because I'm getting very tired of typing and I want to take a shower right now, I'd just kind of have to point out that this man asks people to prove this, or prove that, and then they put forth ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS, and Hovind gets to just go 'Lawl, this is what I made up in my head, this is right, I have no evidence for any of this but I'm going to act like I do'. The man's a colossal moron trying to argue with people that actually know what they're talking about. Even OTHER CREATIONISTS think that Hovind's ideas are stupid and point out the obvious fact that the man can't actually back up what he says.

I literally had a couple more pages of stuff I could've said about this whole thing but I really need a shower and such.

TL;DR: Hovind's full of crap and he's a douchebag that has the brain of a grapefruit. He can rot.
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Old 07-29-2010, 06:16 PM   #5
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I thought it was established long ago that Lemmy Kilmister is God. So technically there is proof that God exists if you listen to Motorhead.

I doubt that's who this nutcase is trying to prove the existance of, however. Sad.
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Old 07-30-2010, 11:03 AM   #6
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As an atheist, all I have to say is "haha!".
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:40 AM   #7
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As somone who is savedi will be sayin ghahaha when the devil is pwning you in H-LL!
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Old 08-06-2010, 10:45 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Infiniti View Post
Alright SSJ, before I offer my erm, comments on this whole thing, I would like to ask you something... Learn how to speak, for the love of god please. You're making me think of a lobotomized Gummi Bear warbling on about this stuff with its nuts in a bench vice.

Now that my personal issues have been dealt with...(TL;DR at the end if you don't want to read this)

Can you actually prove that the government put him in jail to 'cover up the truth', as you so put it? And don't link me to some Christian Science site that warbles on and on about it like a broken record but doesn't actually prove anything.

Secondly, no, the government was not 'stealing his hard-earned money'. By being an American citizen you are obligated to pay your taxes. Do I like taxes? Hell no I don't like taxes, but that doesn't change anything now does it?

Let's go over the charges put forth against this fellow, now shall we?

Twelve tax offenses(not paying his taxes)
One of obstructing federal agents
Forty-five counts of structuring bank transactions.

Now, we've already covered the first of three categories of charges, and the second one is rather obvious. In case you don't know what the third is, however, let me give you an 'official definition'. 'Structuring, also known as smurfing in banking industry jargon, is the issue of transactions structured to avoid certain record keeping and reporting requirements mandated by law, such as the United States's Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and/or 26 USC 6050I (Form 8300).'

Please don't reply to this bit by repeating 'You're an idiot if you trust the government', because I will very happily reply 'You're an idiot if you blindly support someone because of their faith'. REGARDLESS of what this man was doing or his 'cause', whether you think it is just or not, he has committed criminal acts. I would imagine that if it were anyone else doing this, you wouldn't have any problem with it, but of course because he's Christian and therefore he must be only trying to spread the 'truth', he should be exempt from stuff like this?

Ahem, no.

Now, okay, I don't particularly believe in the Christian god. I'm not going to get into my religious beliefs here or anything of the sort as that isn't the subject of the topic. This man is trying to prove that god is real and that he 'has been stopped at every turn by other jealous scientists who are lead around by their wallets.' Okay, that's a pretty serious claim, we should look at that, right?

If you actually do some RESEARCH on the man, even OTHER CHRISTIAN SCIENTISTS don't like him. The people from Answers in Genesis, who are rather... off, and are creation scientists just like this man, dislike and criticize him. Now if your -own peers- don't like what you're doing, obviously you should stop and think a little bit but I suppose this guy must be 'too good' for that, hm?

Okay, as far as his own work, I did a little snooping, and I noticed that for how this man is supposed to be some awesome scientist that's 'SO CLOSE TO DISCOVERING THE TRUTH', I assumed he must have been very well-educated to actually be able to do such. Interestingly enough, other than an actually-accredited high school diploma, he holds three degrees in 'Christian Education' from unaccredited institutions. In case you don't know what an unaccredited institution is, it more or less doesn't meet actual educational standards(which are in my opinion very low anyways) and therefore is not actually recognized as education on the same level as what would be 'accredited'. In other words, Hovind is more or less walking around acting like some awesome scientist and in reality has a high school diploma and some degrees in -education-, and that's about it.

Going more in-depth about Hovind's degrees, it should be noted that for one of them, acquired from Patriot Bible University, is -incredibly- sketchy. Being a member of a family who has sent certain members off to universities like this(one being PBU, actually), I do have actual accounts of the educational standards of such institutions. Graduates lack basic knowledge of most subjects if it's anything other than English, and even then English isn't taught to well. An example would be Hovind's dissertation for PBU, which is not only incomplete(four chapters totaling 101 pages, where he claims in the introduction that it is 250 pages with 16 chapters) with poor writing and spelling. Pages are repeated, references are absent, and the work isn't original, which originality is expected in a dissertation.

Patriot Bible University actually refuses to disclose the dissertation(Wikileaks released it, however), which dissertations are -always- made available to the public by the institution that it was submitted to.

Also note that Hovind actually is pretentious enough to list himself in the phone book as 'Dr. Hovind', which is very unusual for anyone with a Ph.D, even a real one(Hovind's are not real) to do.

Sternn noted that Hovind was the man to build the 'Jesus Dinosaur land', as well. I should note that a statement by Hovind himself, claims that "the creation world view says dinosaurs have always lived with man and there might still be a few alive today." Funny enough, being raised in a Christian family(and still having to pretend I hold the faith, or be kicked out of the house), I don't ever recall reading about 'And there were dinosaurs on the earth' or whatever. The closest thing I ever hear or read about such is Christians trying to twist the Bible to their own ends for such claims. Funny what two to four thousand years of constant rewriting and change does to a book and the people who believe it. Secondly, if there 'might still be a few alive today' as far as dinosaurs go, I think we would have found them after god-knows-how-long but that's my own opinion. Note that Hovind also never got a building permit for the park. Building permits are there primarily to actually assure that the person doing the construction isn't making something dangerous to human life, via being not up to code or built incorrectly, etc.

Oh and yeah, if you want to talk about stealing SSJ, other people had to pay for this man's silly little amusement park because he didn't pay his own taxes. He caused -other people- to suffer. Not too Christ-like, now is it?

Okay, so let's go over what this man thinks is correct about the creation story and all that, what SSJ is heralding as proof that God exists and that the world was created, etc. This is a quote:

Because I'm getting very tired of typing and I want to take a shower right now, I'd just kind of have to point out that this man asks people to prove this, or prove that, and then they put forth ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS, and Hovind gets to just go 'Lawl, this is what I made up in my head, this is right, I have no evidence for any of this but I'm going to act like I do'. The man's a colossal moron trying to argue with people that actually know what they're talking about. Even OTHER CREATIONISTS think that Hovind's ideas are stupid and point out the obvious fact that the man can't actually back up what he says.

I literally had a couple more pages of stuff I could've said about this whole thing but I really need a shower and such.

TL;DR: Hovind's full of crap and he's a douchebag that has the brain of a grapefruit. He can rot.
Coll story bro. Thats what the govurnment wants you to think.
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Old 08-06-2010, 12:59 PM   #9
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I needed a good laugh today.

Kent Hovind is a tax dodging, fucktard.

Why does it not surprise me that the most juvenile and silly person in our cozy litle online community supports Kent Hovind?
Sure, little guy, humans coexisted with dinosaurs, clouds block x-rays, there was an ice shield that melted and caused the flood, which in turn caused the grand canyon in like five minutes... and Ted Haggard is completely heterosexual. /sarcasm

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Last edited by ape descendant; 08-06-2010 at 01:01 PM. Reason: Ted Haggard...
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:05 PM   #10
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Is the OP 8 or something?

Oh, noooeeeesss 'de debbil' is gonna pwn us in HELL!
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Old 08-06-2010, 01:08 PM   #11
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Yeah... what he doesn't know is that some of us are on the staff there..

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Old 08-06-2010, 02:52 PM   #12
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I'm forteen queermos.

And youed better watch it the devilis NOJOKE.
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:35 PM   #13
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ROFLMAO, yes it is... you believe in the tooth fairy as well?

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Old 08-06-2010, 03:42 PM   #14
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This kid is the shit. We chill on 4chan and chat roulette
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:44 PM   #15
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"The devil's greatest feat was making mankind believe he doesn't exist."

That just reminded me of that quote, I'm not saying it's real.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
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Old 08-06-2010, 03:46 PM   #16
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I guess that feat is something that he shares with god, santa and the great pixie....

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Old 08-06-2010, 10:42 PM   #17
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give me proof of god and I'll believe you. pwned.
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Old 08-07-2010, 06:44 AM   #18
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Theirs your proof!

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Old 08-07-2010, 07:02 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by LenorePoe View Post
give me proof of god and I'll believe you. pwned.
If God is a vessel of ignorance whose spawn and believers are those unable to hear reason and yet still feel the need to critique generic topics like religion in a pseudo-intellectual stance aside a hokey picture.

...then you, my friend, are living proof.

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Old 08-07-2010, 10:26 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
Yeah... what he doesn't know is that some of us are on the staff there..
We are?

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Old 08-07-2010, 02:39 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Sinjob View Post
If God is a vessel of ignorance whose spawn and believers are those unable to hear reason and yet still feel the need to critique generic topics like religion in a pseudo-intellectual stance aside a hokey picture.

...then you, my friend, are living proof.

I take queermo as a compliment.
and I sincerely hope you aren't saying religion is reason.
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Old 08-07-2010, 02:47 PM   #22
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He wasn't; but I wasn't expecting you to understand his elaborate insult which you just backed up.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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Old 08-07-2010, 05:45 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by ssj_goku View Post

Theirs your proof!

Lube it up and it fits perfectly into your asshole as well!

Ray Comfort is a fucking idiot. Here:

The Beginner's Quick Guide to Goth: 1 2 3 4 5

"Now some of you may encounter the devil's bargain if you get that far. Any old soul is worth saving at least to a priest, but not every soul is worth buying. So you can take the offer as a compliment."

-William S. Burroughs

You're not entitled to your opinion.
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Old 08-07-2010, 07:47 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by ape descendant View Post
Yeah... what he doesn't know is that some of us are on the staff there..
that was suppose to be our little secret ape!! now the cat's outta the bag i guess i should tell you i am IT support for most of hell and my ex works in accounting. ya see god payes the devil to punish the wicked. ape works in web development. i know a few guys in torture development and prospects. I'm really excited scince i was invited to a golf game in Agusta with fred phelps and Satan (fred dosn't know the difference between god and satan and i dont have the heart to tell him.) I gotta go shave my horns and work on my slice, but before i do i have a riddle for you goku

four people are standing at a crossroads with the nuke of all nukes in the middle. They are god, the tooth fairy, santa and chuck norris. who will diffuse te bomb and save humanity first?... give up? its chuk norris. now why didnt the tooth fairy, god, or santa do anything? Because they are all figments of you IMAGInation. good job on questioning authority but why not question the authority over your mind as opposed to the authority over your daddies wallet.
By thy cold breast and serpent smile,
By thy unfathom'd gulfs of guile,
By that most seeming virtuous eye,
By thy shut soul's hypocrisy;
By the perfection of thine art
Which pass'd for human thine own heart;
By thy delight in others' pain,
And by thy brotherhood of Cain,
I call upon thee! and compel
Thyself to be thy proper Hell!

-Manfred by Lord Byron
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Old 08-07-2010, 10:02 PM   #25
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I <3 Raptor Jesus.

Not as much as I love....


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