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Old 11-28-2005, 07:50 PM   #101
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I had this weird dream the other week.

I fell asleep on my coach and I was watching some movie on IFC with Robin Williams and I was dreaming that I was seeing the scene that was on television in my dreams

robin was having a picnic with some woman and in my dream the womans flesh on her face was melting away and when I woke up it was the exact image on tv except the womans face was not metling away I dont know it was just weird.

Maybe I was sleeping with my eyes open and that effected my dream.
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Old 11-29-2005, 08:55 AM   #102
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I had a dream last night that was weird- unfortunately, I can't remember much of it except that it involved a heelprint preserved in wax.
"I'll kill anybody, but I'll only sleep with someone I love"- Tiffany, from Bride of Chucky
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Old 11-30-2005, 04:04 AM   #103
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About the falling dreams. I felt something else. The period between dozing off and getting to sleep I felt that I was falling right through my bed and not stopping. It happened to me twice, two nights in a row.

Aswell as the dream I have with that. The building was square with pipes running from side to side in the middle. I fell in the middle without hitting any of them, but before I hit the ground a bullet came out of nowhere and hit me in the head. I woke up at that time. In the other one I was at an amusement park and some van came out of nowhere and started chasing me. I was cornered and had no choice but to slide down the huge hill. While I was sliding I tripped and fell on the road down the bottom. Although the sea was just beyond the other side of the road.

I also have reoccuring dreams. But differently. When I was like a little youngster I had this teddy bear that meant the world to me. I was in these green microchip sewers being chased by ninjas who were trying to steal it from me. They cornered me. One threw a knife at me and I woke up. I had this same dream a year ago.

I have others that are really freaking me out just thinking about them but I can't be bothered stating them all. If you want to hear more private message me.
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Old 11-30-2005, 05:31 PM   #104
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My dreams are usually just really creepy. It's gotten to the point where I wake up and am just like "ugh, more corpses -again-" it's nuts. I've always had really gory, creepy, frighteningly realistic dreams. And recurring dreams...I have the -weirdest- recurring dreams, always around certain times, like the one I always had in high school during exam weeks:

I’m following this girl all over the place and she’s walking really slowly. I try to move to the side to pass her, but I can’t. I’m stuck walking behind her, almost like I’m magnetically attracted to her or something.
We eventually come to a staircase. I push gently at her back, trying to get her to move at least a little faster down this never-ending staircase. She turns on me with a knife, but drops it. She shrugs and turns around, continuing to walk down the stairs and past the knife just as slow as ever.
Next thing I know I shove her, really hard. The stairs finally have an end and she is lying crumpled at the bottom of them.
I run down the stairs and roll her over with my foot. Her face is all smashed and caved in and bloody. All I did was shrug and keep on walking.
Eventually I came to this room. It was dark and dingy. Graffiti covered the walls. There was this guy who came walking out of the shadows in a corner. He was scarily skinny. You could see these huge pits between his ribs.
He reached down and grabbed around his ribs, and pulled them apart a little. It wasn’t that he was that skinny, his skin had actually grown around his individual ribs. Now that he had pulled them apart I could see his insides.
He told me that while to me this might be a nightmare, for him it was a dream. He took a few steps forward and made as if to touch me in a way that was well, to say the least, inappropriate.
I ran, but when I got “home” (it was this really weird house I’ve never been in before in my life) there was a note on the door, I went to untape it from the door and read it but it blew away. I opened the door onto a desert scene. It was this expanse of sand…I went to walk back out the door and it wouldn’t open. So I walked on.
I wasn’t at all startled by the cow skulls and stuff I started passing, they show up in a lot of desert scenes. It was the decrepit skeletal trees I started passing as the sky darkened. I was soon walking through a forest of these skeletal trees when I stopped dead. Hanging from the tree in front of me was a skeleton. As I looked out into the rest of the landscape there were more bodies hanging from the trees, the further back I looked the fresher the bodies looked, they were all in various stages of decay, going back in time. The furthest one off in the distance, hanging from a tree at the edge of a vast canyon, looked like it was just hung a few hours before. With a morbid curiosity I braved the rest of the body filled grove. Looking at the body, a nude female, I notice that she seemed to be pointing out across the canyon. I looked up just in time to watch a girl step up on a stool and slip a noose around her neck. With a look up at the giant sprawling oak the noose hangs from she steps off the stool. And then I woke up

I used to have it at least once, if not more times every exam week the entire 4 years of High School. I haven't had the dream again since I've graduated from High School.
"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything." -Friedrich Nietzsche

pssst, Morrigan, tokidoki shashin wa ii...
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Old 11-30-2005, 05:45 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by rubedo
now another dream....i was running from my vision of satan...and in the end he has me cornered and as hes about to kill me...his head is kicked off...who kicks it off u ask?...the rock!

another dream-i wa spumping gas at a gas station when a giant bunny walks up and im like "dude what?" and he says nothing..then he takes his head off and its ashton kutcher!
I had a really weird dream about Ashton Kutcher a while ago...apparently he's a very ineffective taxi driver (althought the taxi was actually a bright red ferrari...) ok...this is getting confusing, I'll just explain the whole thing, lol

I wake up in this hotel room, and I’m like, "okay, where the hell am I and how did I get here? Did some guy steal me or something cause I was drunk last night?" Then I call a taxi, cause taxi guys are smart because they know where you are wherever you are, whether they speak English or not. So the taxi pulls up, but it’s not a taxi, it’s a candy apple red Ferrari. And the taxi guy isn’t some strange taxi guy, he’s Ashton Kutcher. So I get in the back of the taxi and as he drives he makes these faces at me in the rearview mirror that look like he’s swallowed a whole lemon, and he drives me to Ralph’s (very close to my house, like 1 mile away) and promptly informs me that he’s lost and can’t go any farther. So much for the neverending intelligence of taxi guys. I say I can give him directions, but he says, "you know men never ask for directions!" and says he’s still lost and makes me get out. So I get out, and he says, "I’m sorry I couldn’t take you any further but here’s your complimentary chocolate platypus." So I take this huge chocolate platypus, and it liquifys in my hand, so my hands are covered in brown chocolate platypus goo. The door magically shuts, and so he starts to pull away, and I put my hands on the window, and as he pulls away I leave this huge brown streak down the side of the Ferrari. I turn around to walk away and Ashton Kutcher gets pissed at me because I messed up his "taxi" and so I’m just like "okay, screw you cause you couldn’t take me anywhere!" I turn around and start to walk away and a light pole randomly smacks me in the forehead and I wake up.
"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything." -Friedrich Nietzsche

pssst, Morrigan, tokidoki shashin wa ii...
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Old 12-01-2005, 08:51 AM   #106
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I had a dream once the summer before my freshman year of high school that I was trapped in my high school and the hallways were lit by eerie, green recessed lights above the lockers. There was something in there trying to kill me- I dunno if it was a person, a monster, or just a force of evil of some sort. I was running through the hallways, banging on every exit door I could find but it was like they were locked from the outside. Finally I found one that opened and I escaped into the parking lot, where the thing couldn't follow me.
"I'll kill anybody, but I'll only sleep with someone I love"- Tiffany, from Bride of Chucky
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Old 12-01-2005, 11:11 AM   #107
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Originally Posted by OnixxFilth
I had a dream once the summer before my freshman year of high school that I was trapped in my high school and the hallways were lit by eerie, green recessed lights above the lockers. There was something in there trying to kill me- I dunno if it was a person, a monster, or just a force of evil of some sort. I was running through the hallways, banging on every exit door I could find but it was like they were locked from the outside. Finally I found one that opened and I escaped into the parking lot, where the thing couldn't follow me.
I'm sure when you got to your freshman year you found it not to be too different

I had a weird dream last night. And I'm *sure* it came from reading chapters about Lenin's revolutionary days (around the 1903 time period) right before I went to sleep. I was a revolutionary leader, and I was walking down the street/up the driveway towards where I was meeting everybody (which looked strangely like a combination of my old high school and my current college). Somebody had tipped me off that the truck drivers were "shadowing" me, and they were against me. Walking towards the building, there were like 10 18-wheelers just driving around, going really fast! I had to dodge them a little bit, but there were no conspicuous murder-attempts or anything. I walked in the building and started looking for my boyfriend (the inside kind of looked like a Hallmark store or something it was weird...) but there were all these middle-aged truck drivers looking at me! Some of them were "disguised" (two were in wheelchairs, and somehow I knew that was bullshit). I found my Boyfriend, and he looked like an angel. His face was so clear, it was a beautiful moment. But then I was like, "We have to go!" and as we were leaving, two truck drivers started talking excitedly, and I was like "God! Yes, it's me! Don't have an orgasm about it!" and I kicked one of the ones in a wheelchair on my way out. Hah.

Then we went up to the roof, and there was a girl, she was younger than me, with us all of the sudden. For some reason, I think she was my boyfriend's girlfriend. Maybe she was even me... I don't know. But anyways, there was a guy up there, and he had some sort of operational job up there with machinery- the roof opened and closed, sliding parallel to the ground, over a pool that was in the building below. He was like, "This is a really fun game, I'll open it just enough for you to squeeze your little bodies into the crack, holding yourselves up by your elbows, and then I'll open it more, and you'll fall into the pool!" The girl who I didn't like (the one who was flirting with my boyfriend, possibly dating him, possibly me) did it, and she came back up and was like "Oh my gosh! That was so fun!" and I was like "I don't know if I want to" and the operational guy was like "You should! It's fun!" So I looked over the edge and I was like "But the pool isn't filled..." and he was like "oh, oh well, I guess you can't do it. Yeah the pool being filled helps."
It was weird.

Sorry this post is so long- I bet nobody's going to want to read it, but if you do, it's pretty cool.
Study math.

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Old 12-01-2005, 12:22 PM   #108
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The pool being filled would be a good think...I have to say that is a rather strange dream.

I had a strange one the other morning when I dozed off while watching tv.

I was in my new Japanese class (I'll actually really be starting it next semester, yay for Japanese again!) except the classroom looked like the lobby of an office building or hotel. Where a receptionist would normally sit behind the front desk was were the teacher taught from and we all stood in front of him. The teacher was the really weird Japanese guy, he kind of creeped me out, in a bad way. Anyway, he was talking and while he was talking everybody was working on these little worksheet things that I just suddenly noticed were there, and, as I was reading over the guy in front of me's shoulder I realized I didn't have one, but that he was filling out -my- information. Like name, phone number, that sort of thing, there were some really weird questions too, like blood type and shoe size. But then I looked up to ask if I could get one and I had kind of this side angle of the front desk and saw my friend, who moved away to Arizona 3 years ago, sneaking behind the desk all stealthy-ninja like and she snags a worksheet from this giant bag this assistant is holding (for some -unknown- reason this assistant guy looked like Marilyn Manson o.0...) and he catches her and starts to flip out about it and the whole time he was flipping out I was just standing there thinking "Why the hell didn't she try to get ME one!?" And then the cat kinda jumped on top of me hopping onto the bed and I woke was weird...and that was a lot of typing.
"The true man wants two things: danger and play. For that reason he wants woman, as the most dangerous plaything." -Friedrich Nietzsche

pssst, Morrigan, tokidoki shashin wa ii...
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Old 12-02-2005, 09:58 AM   #109
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I had a weird dream last night that I was showing my boyfriend what kind of engagement ring I want by use of this plastic ring I had with rhinestones on it in place of diamonds. Yeah, like I'm gonna get engaged anytime soon! I wish! :P
"I'll kill anybody, but I'll only sleep with someone I love"- Tiffany, from Bride of Chucky
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Old 12-03-2005, 11:24 AM   #110
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We all have the weirdest dreams, post some your funniest, scarriest, and the just plain whack ones here.

>Last night, I dreamt I was a guy. After I woke up this morning, I was literally confused as to what gender I was. *shakes head* That was a sad time for me. And yourselves?
I miss you, I still need you.

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Old 12-03-2005, 12:09 PM   #111
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A couple nights ago I dreamt I was with Garfield and we were watching these two action figure-like lords fight. There was a blue one and a red one and neither of them were dying despite the fact that their entrails were all over the place and blood was gushing everywhere. The blue one hit the red one across the room, and he had just enough time to pull out an Ice Breakers Liquid Ice mint. He went to go put it in his mouth, but squeezed it too hard and popped it in his eye. He incinerated himself, and died right on the spot. THEN, Garfield went and jumped out of the window and started flying around this really green valley. Out of nowhere Snorlax (some Pokemon thing I saw on TV) flew down. BANG! I ended up in a cave laboratory in Norway.
My mother birthed me far too soon,
born at nine and dead by noon.
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Old 12-03-2005, 12:17 PM   #112
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The wheel between your mouse buttons... Use it before making new threads.
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Old 12-03-2005, 12:18 PM   #113
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Wow. Thats pretty out of whack.
I miss you, I still need you.

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Old 12-03-2005, 12:20 PM   #114
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oops, sorry. I didn't see that.
I miss you, I still need you.

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Old 12-06-2005, 08:38 PM   #115
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Last night I dreamed that I went to France to study Calculus, and my book kept falling apart, as in the pages kept coming loose from the binding. I kept trying to tell the teacher that I didn't really know very much French and she asked me why I came to France then, and I said I didn't know, because I thought I was supposed to go to England.
I can read your mind.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
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Old 04-13-2020, 02:37 PM   #116
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Why do you keep digging up these graves? You must be mad!

I'm going to add something here soon.
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Old 04-15-2020, 04:12 AM   #117
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This was the absolute worst nightmare I ever had. And not only the worst nightmare, but actually also the worst physical pain I have ever experienced in my life. I had no idea about the true power dreams could have before I experienced this exquisite hell. The dream was so terrible that it even gave me actual PTSD about it.

In the dream I was at a dentist. It was an open air reception in the middle of a desert. The kind of desert with sand dunes, like the Sahara. The sand was purple. There were pyramids somewhere in the distance, also purple. It was nighttime and there was an absolutely magnificent starry sky above us.
I was there at the dentist to have two of my back teeth pulled out. And I truly got the uncut version of that operation in the dream. The complete experience down to the most minute detail. The whole drawn out shenanigans that seemed to last hours in all its excruciating glory.
At some point, as I was screaming because of the pain, the dentist, a gray haired old man, chuckled lightly and said, “Tsk. No wonder it hurts this much when you look at the condition of your teeth.”
During this unbearable torture, I kept having visions, flashes, of a group of luminous moai statues traveling through space. I think, maybe I could also hear them communicating telepathically with each other, but sadly I no longer recall what they were saying.
At least they’re gone now, I thought, when the dentist was finished and both of the teeth were out. I was sitting there, spitting blood and thinking it was finally over, taking comfort in that at least I’d never have to go through that again. Then I woke up and realized that I didn’t have even that comfort! It was the most awful realization.
Not only did I have total recall of the full event. I was unable to forget it. I had actual, painful flashbacks taking me back to that dream periodically for years afterward. I’m very glad it’s over and doesn’t happen anymore. Though even now, my teeth do still hurt a little just from writing this down.

So tangible and ultra-realistic, this is one of those dreams that really forces me to wonder where lies the boundary between what is real and what is not. I can almost believe that it was an actual meeting with some kind of (evil?) cosmic dentist entity.

Though I have not seen the dentist again, and really hope I never will, I have actually visited the purple desert, or another one just like it, once more. This second visit was during an altered state other than normal sleep. Nothing much happened that time. I was just chilling there after my car had broken down in the middle of a highway cutting through that desert, and there was a great sense of peace and calmness to the place.
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