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Old 06-25-2012, 09:46 PM   #1
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i feel like whining for a few minutes

now I know no matter where you work there is always going to be drama . That is why I haven't quit from my current place of employment . Ok so here goes ... There is this crybaby ass kisser that I work with . She has been there for a little over 2 years now , I have been there for over 4 . About 6 months after she started working there , she got promoted to assistant manager . Cool no big deal , she kissed ass to get it . I am not an ass kisser , never have and never will . So from that moment on , she was forever trying to get me fired . To no avail after several attempts she almost succeeded . One of the other 2 managers stuck up for me though so I didn't get fired . About 2 months ago , I flipped out on my manager that had my back . I basically told her about how the assistant manager had been making up lies and rumors about me and i was sick of it . I don't think she fully believed me at first , but then a week later . The crybaby went into one of her fits about how " i dont understand how someone who does absolutely nothing still has a job here " . She was referring to me of course . I had the same grip about her , but I never went and complained about her . Instead , I did my job like I was supposed to . Unlike her she would continue to do absolutely nothing . I know that for fact , because I left things a certain way and did things a certain way so that I would be able to tell . In any case , the manager that has my back pretty much told her to shut up . Well she didn't like that one bit . She then proceeded to go off about how " i had a customer that she cursed out , stalking her " , " I was stalking her " , and the best one was " I killed her dog " . lmfao !!! She got a dog for free , knowing it had a congenital defect . It had seizures . Well the dog lived for about a year , but then it got a really bad intestinal infection . The vet told her to feed him boiled chicken . Well chicken also caused it to have seizures , so knowing that she still fed it chicken anyways . Well the dogs seizures came back and were uncontrollable with medicine unlike the first time . So her and her boyfriend went to the vet and put it down . So after she tried to say I killed her dog , I am not 100% sure what the manager had said to her , but she sat in the back room crying for over an hour . Then she decided to quit . OH HAPPY DAY !!!! OH HAPPY DAAAAAAAY !!!! or at least I thought so . No one really knows what was said but the next day she came in and spoke with the owner . She was un-quit AND she was promoted from assistant manager to full manager . After all that I have been put through because of her and her lies , I have suffered multiple repocussions . I have had my hours cut , I have almost been fired , and I have gotten written up . She cries , lies and I wouldn't be surprised if she steals , and she has gotten a promotion . I really don't understand any of it , but I am not giving her the satisfaction of me quitting . Plus jobs are really hard to come by anymore . But that is a completely different rant . So yea funny story huh ? The only good thing to come out of any of it is , now everyone knows what kind of a person she really is and that I am NOT a lazy employee .
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Old 06-25-2012, 09:49 PM   #2
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:01 PM   #3
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We have a lazy person who works in the Deli. No matter what he does, he never gets fired. It's the strangest thing ever. Our department manager has been trying for months to get him fired or removed from our department. He walks off randomly on his shift for 20 minutes at a time and takes a 30-45 minute 'lunch' even if his shift is only 4 hours. The store manager won't do shit.

He's had customer complaints for being rude and starting arguments with them. I don't get it.

I hate working with lazy people, but I would hate to see someone lose their job when the job market still sucks so bad. :/
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:04 PM   #4
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yea she will never get fired because she kisses too much ass but hopefully for the time being , I don't have to worry about getting fired . Especially since everyone is wise to her bullshit .
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Old 06-25-2012, 10:20 PM   #5
The Passage
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-dies from giant wall of text frying her eyeballs until they burst into flames and turn to jelly..-

I'm dramatic. And so is this... thing that you've done to your text.

Will have to read when it's not so dark in my room.

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Old 06-26-2012, 12:58 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by DIEabolical_Vixen View Post
now I know no matter where you work there is always going to be drama . That is why I haven't quit from my current place of employment . Ok so here goes ... There is this crybaby ass kisser that I work with . She has been there for a little over 2 years now , I have been there for over 4 . About 6 months after she started working there , she got promoted to assistant manager . Cool no big deal , she kissed ass to get it . I am not an ass kisser , never have and never will . So from that moment on , she was forever trying to get me fired . To no avail after several attempts she almost succeeded . One of the other 2 managers stuck up for me though so I didn't get fired . About 2 months ago , I flipped out on my manager that had my back . I basically told her about how the assistant manager had been making up lies and rumors about me and i was sick of it . I don't think she fully believed me at first , but then a week later . The crybaby went into one of her fits about how " i dont understand how someone who does absolutely nothing still has a job here " . She was referring to me of course . I had the same grip about her , but I never went and complained about her . Instead , I did my job like I was supposed to . Unlike her she would continue to do absolutely nothing . I know that for fact , because I left things a certain way and did things a certain way so that I would be able to tell . In any case , the manager that has my back pretty much told her to shut up . Well she didn't like that one bit . She then proceeded to go off about how " i had a customer that she cursed out , stalking her " , " I was stalking her " , and the best one was " I killed her dog " . lmfao !!! She got a dog for free , knowing it had a congenital defect . It had seizures . Well the dog lived for about a year , but then it got a really bad intestinal infection . The vet told her to feed him boiled chicken . Well chicken also caused it to have seizures , so knowing that she still fed it chicken anyways . Well the dogs seizures came back and were uncontrollable with medicine unlike the first time . So her and her boyfriend went to the vet and put it down . So after she tried to say I killed her dog , I am not 100% sure what the manager had said to her , but she sat in the back room crying for over an hour . Then she decided to quit . OH HAPPY DAY !!!! OH HAPPY DAAAAAAAY !!!! or at least I thought so . No one really knows what was said but the next day she came in and spoke with the owner . She was un-quit AND she was promoted from assistant manager to full manager . After all that I have been put through because of her and her lies , I have suffered multiple repocussions . I have had my hours cut , I have almost been fired , and I have gotten written up . She cries , lies and I wouldn't be surprised if she steals , and she has gotten a promotion . I really don't understand any of it , but I am not giving her the satisfaction of me quitting . Plus jobs are really hard to come by anymore . But that is a completely different rant . So yea funny story huh ? The only good thing to come out of any of it is , now everyone knows what kind of a person she really is and that I am NOT a lazy employee .
For fucks sake. Anyways I made it easier for my delicate eyes to read.
Caution, I may bite.
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:03 AM   #7
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sorry black and red are my fave colors
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Old 06-26-2012, 06:37 PM   #8
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Really guys? I find it easier to read since the size is so big.

Anyway that sucks. I hate lazy people at work. I know a chick who comes into work high every day, and steals, and is getting promoted to manager. Sometimes work places don't make sense.
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:03 PM   #9
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thank you guys so much for not being negative . It feels nice to know that I am not the only one who has to deal with jerks at work .
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:15 PM   #10
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Coworkers make or break the job, are you looking elsewhere? Get a reference from one of the managers that had your back and get the fuck out as soon as you find another place to work.

And there are better places! I have a long list of complaints about the store I work at now but none about coworkers and its far less stressful than other retail/customer service jobs I had. Chances are, you're not being paid enough to put up with that bullcrap.
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Old 06-26-2012, 07:28 PM   #11
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I was fired from my job for reasons I don't understand. I was told different things by different people. Of which were racism, unsanitary production of food, or irresponsibly being responsible. Which drives me crazy, because, I don't think I have ever even slightly acted racist, I had no control of the food production (i was server, not a cook), and I have no idea how one would irresponsibly act responsible. However, recently I was told that it was because I may have been "too" atheist and on my off days I'd come in with fingernail polish and makeup on. Which sets a bad example for a family orientated restaurant in a religiously dominated town.
Caution, I may bite.
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Old 06-26-2012, 08:46 PM   #12
The Passage
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^^ You should try to move to a place with a society that doesn't really give a shit what kind of look you're going for, or what kind of lifestyle or identity you live with, provided it's within reasonable guidelines.

IE: Don't wear a shirt that says I Hate Black People or God Hates Fags. OR, don't walk into a cafe in the buff and expect people to serve you.

It sounds like the place you're living in now is NOT reasonable.
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Old 06-26-2012, 09:33 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by The Passage View Post
IE: Don't wear a shirt that says I Hate Black People or God Hates Fags. OR, don't walk into a cafe in the buff and expect people to serve you.
I think I'd have to eat a couple of shot gun rounds if I ever did that. lol

As for the town, it is bad, but it also has good things about it. It's a relatively small town, so it is way easier to get away with things. Good for parties, bad for when people want to assault you. So it's give and take. I think the good thing is, I have plenty of friends who feel they need to be over protective over me at all times.
Caution, I may bite.
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