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Old 10-23-2013, 02:35 AM   #1
Creed of Heresy
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Grr. Argh. Etc.

You know, I don't mind admitting, I love to indulge in what many consider to be gothic cliches. I love wandering cemeteries at night and relying only on moonlight to read the engravings, and grave-rubbing the ones too worn down by time to be legible even in broad daylight. I prefer to be awake at night, if only because it's the only time of day I can drive around without worrying about sharing the road, or wandering downtown without dealing with a bunch of college frats and brats. I love to wear guyliner, black lipstick, and black (or red, or green, or gray, or silver) nail polish...especially with a glow-in-the-dark coating over it. I love my trench coat, my "inky frot" (a frot-coat, black, that I dyed to varying, nigh-invisible shades with reds and grays to give the original color faint, "inky" highlights), my Tripps (not the store-brought ones, the ones that actually cost upwards of $200 and are quite durable), my black, red, and charcoal velour trousers, my chain-decorated (both came with, and was modified with more, along with some embroidering of a symbol I use for varying purposes) black combats. I love my fishnet shirts, hand/arm gloves. I love my polished leather pants, and my red, black, purple, and white velvet vests. I love my spiked and non-spiked leather collars, fishnet neck-wraps, silver chain-link choker, and my happy-humanist and American Atheist necklaces (no ankhs or pentagrams, though; not going to pretend to believe something or express interest towards something I simply don't). And I adore my top hat, my bowler hat, my fedoras, my skullcaps.

But for all that, I also love wearing camouflage shirts and pants, and can rock a pair of dress khakis or slacks rather well, or so I've been told.

I love all kinds of music, with death rock and post-punk and darkwave being listed in there. I love many forms of art, though I admit to loving things with a death/mortality/macabre motif, or darkly-atmospheric erotica. I don't judge people (I'm an atheist yet I've been dating a catholic woman for a few weeks; not the first religious girl I've ever been with by a long shot, and may not be the last, but hopefully will be regardless of religious preferences), I don't give a free-falling fuck about skin coloration or nationality. I love all sorts of literature; I devour books with an insatiable need (I even gave the first Twilight book a chance. Then I introduced it to fire about halfway through). I'm a socio-democratic-minded progressive independent; there are many valid points from many different political views worth considering and balancing. I love cooking. If it can be fried, seared, roasted, slow-roasted, sauteed, marinated, etc, I can and probably will try to cook it.

I am an empathic individual. I volunteer at a **** crisis center to help those who have been traumatized by assault. I listen to the problems of acquaintances, friends, lovers, even strangers, all with genuine concern...granted, it'll have to merit that concern. Broken nail? Wahhh. I am fiercely loyal to those I call my friends, and generally tolerate not a single act that manipulates, hurts, or takes advantage of them.

I don't exhibit outwards aggression towards others without vindication. I don't scoff at the choices people make in regards to themselves. I don't deride others without a very damn good reason; seriously if you're trying to tell me the earth is 5,000 years old, I'm going to have a good belly laugh at your expense. And that's another thing. I don't mope, or sob in the dark, or refuse to crack a smile. I do smile. I laugh, I frown. I express sadnses and happiness in what context befits the situation.

Yet. It's the clothing that people view me by. This isn't just me. This is just in general. Buck the social norm, and you're "rocking the boat" or "inciting radicalism." I've met many who express delight and interest and admiration in what I wear. Far more so than I encounter derision. I DO tend to evoke blatant stares, but I understand this and do not mind it; I know that to many what I wear isn't really common and may seem just outright bizarre.

But there are those who, sadly, are not uncommon, who take sport in deriding what I wear. What others wear. In my mid-twenties and I'm still dealing with shitheads who are around my age, if not older by some or even many years in the same fucking way I dealt with it (in greater quantities, admittedly) in high school. Are you fucking kidding me? "Men" and "women" in their twenties or thirties, or even their forties, who feel the need to mock or insult me not because of what I stand for, believe, feel, or take interest in...but for my fucking preference of fashion. I've been called "immature" by some of these people; "you're not in high school anymore, stop trying so hard, grow up and wear something normal!" Immature? Not in high school? From these stupid fucks, that's outright hysteria-inducing at best, and condescendingly hypocritical at worst.

Fashion is, naturally, an expression of self...or at least an attempt to integrate into something you may be interested in. It DOES speak, to some extent, of who you are, but just how far does it really? Do I think the girls wearing the skin-tight butt-hugger jeans are buttsluts? Do I think the girls with the steep V-neck shirts are all eager for a breast-bukkake? Do I think the guys who wear pink are gay? Do I think every guy who wears a wife beater is trailer trash? Do I think every man who wears skin-tight T-shirts is a douchebag? Do I think the people wearing pegleg skinnyjeans and have wildly colorful hair are whining, sobbing emo pussies?

NO!! NO, I FUCKING DON'T! They dress in what they are comfortable in! They dress in what makes them feel most confident and expressive! But being expressive doesn't mean it has to define you! Not every girl wearing thigh-highs is a whore, not every guy wearing jeans is a boring, unimaginative blank slate, not every woman squeezing their figures into a corset is a cocktease, and not every man wearing a belly-shirt is a queer! Not every fucking person can be summed up in a few articles of clothing, and in fact very few can be. You can be gay, and vote republican. You can be straight as a razor and have friends who are about as straight as a circle! You can be racist but not homophobic and vice-versa. You can love the highly-engineered (sorry but it IS true) singing of Katy Perry and enjoy the howling roars of Children of Bodom, or the twangy lilt of Toby Keith and the sinister growling of Iron Maiden.

You can be a gay man and end up with a "fag-hag" whom you end up having sex with a few times at her house. You can be a lesbian and have that one male friend who fully understands it's a completely platonic relationship that you end up humping the life out of in the backseat of your car. Nobody is ever easily definable and can be summed up with a glance or a single sentence.

So why the silly fuck are there so many douchebags and sandy-vag'd cunts that seem to feel the inescapable urge to judge others by nothing more than what one single sense tells them about the other? Granted, yes, sometimes by sheer luck you assume something and it happens to be true. But this doesn't mean 100% of the population, or even 50% of the population, or even 10% of the population will provide you with such lucky guesses.

If you want to judge someone, get a fucking certification to practice law and run for judicial office...and even then you will likely learn that judging others is a singly trying practice when you suddenly must view everyone from a view of no bias or presumption.

Yes, I preach to the choir. But after having someone sling their diatribe at me on a rather trying day, I felt the need to vent.
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Old 10-23-2013, 08:03 PM   #2
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Language, please. Slurs are very unnecessary to say your point.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
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Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 10-23-2013, 08:14 PM   #3
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I tend to start swearing when irritated. Otherwise, doesn't happen much.
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Old 10-23-2013, 08:45 PM   #4
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That's a pretty shitty excuse.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 10-24-2013, 02:04 AM   #5
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I see what you did there.
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Old 10-24-2013, 03:15 AM   #6
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Dude you can curse all you want, nobody cares about that, but slurs are a whole different story, you need to cut that shit out.
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Old 10-24-2013, 03:44 PM   #7
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Happened in one stress-and-anger-induced post.

Chill, y'all. I don't make a habit of it.
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Old 10-24-2013, 04:06 PM   #8
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It doesn't matter how often it happens. It doesn't matter why you did it. You aren't seeming to fucking get that. We're being very polite about asking even though you're not entitled to that just to give you the benefit of the doubt that you might have not known that it isn't okay. This is your pass (from me, anyway, I can't speak for everyone), but understand that you do know now and that shit won't fucking fly regardless of how far into the future it is and for whatever reason that you do it.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 10-24-2013, 09:51 PM   #9
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A little apology, even a shitty "sorry, I didn't mean anything by it" would be kind of the minimum response to being told not to use a slur by any not awful person and you haven't even done that much. I'm not one to jump down a newbie's throat over a small thing but this is pretty fucking basic.
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Old 10-25-2013, 09:33 AM   #10
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Maybe it's because the context in which I was making those "slurs" was not from my own POV nor my own opinion but rather the ones that I've heard and seen calling others as such. Unless you refer to me calling the people who say such shit cunts and douchebags. Would you rather I candy-coat it and pretend like people don't say such disgusting shit with derision and contempt in their voices towards others? Fuck that. I'm sorry if I pointed out that some people get called some seriously disgusting things, but I don't support it... which you should have realized. If that is a failing on my part, then I apologize, but I do not condone the slinging of such titles upon others.

But if you guys are jumping down my throat because I merely typed those things, and the mere presence of those words is what fucking offends you so much? Then no, I don't apologize, it should have been abundantly clear that I was scorning the very idea of calling people those names just based on superficial judgment. Now I've spelled it out for you.

So: Sorry if I didn't make it clear that I despise the words and the directing of them against others.

Only slightly sorry if the mere presence of those words causes offense. I've never had this problem before with people getting up in arms over such a post or such mentionings and as I have said, maybe I didn't put it in context properly.
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Old 10-25-2013, 09:59 PM   #11
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Listen. There wasn't a misunderstanding about what you meant. What you need to understand is that this is a safe space from that bullshit. When you post on this forum, you check your fucking privilege at the door. If you don't get it sometimes, that's fine. What's not okay is when somebody asks you to stop because it bothers them and you make a conscience decision to ignore it, then make excuses about why you think it's okay. Are you gay? Are you a racial minority? Are you a woman? What the fuck gives you the authority to arbitrarily decide when it's appropriate for you to casually say slurs for them? The people that post here deal with enough of that bullshit every single fucking day without you reminding them about how they are marginalized. It's especially fucking bad that you're going to do it to compare actual oppression to some petty bullshit like being made fun of because you dress like a god damn dipshit.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:22 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by versus View Post
it's especially fucking bad that you're going to do it to compare actual oppression to some petty bullshit like being made fun of because you dress like a god damn dipshit.

Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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Old 10-26-2013, 12:32 AM   #13
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Oh V, I love you more and more each day.
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Old 10-26-2013, 01:26 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
Are you gay? Are you a racial minority? Are you a woman? What the fuck gives you the authority to arbitrarily decide when it's appropriate for you to casually say slurs for them? The people that post here deal with enough of that bullshit every single fucking day without you reminding them about how they are marginalized. It's especially fucking bad that you're going to do it to compare actual oppression to some petty bullshit like being made fun of because you dress like a god damn dipshit.
The brown-nosing peanut gallery ignored, I actually AM a minority. In fact I am of the minority that is the most hated in this country. Try being an atheist in a state that is 89% evangelical Christians who constantly inquire upon what church you attend. You either choose to lie about who you truly are for fear of persecution or you are open about who you are and get persecuted. I had to move a year ago because when I made the mistake of thinking that I could trust someone with the knowledge that I was an atheist. It got around the neighborhood, and eventually reached congregation of the Lutheran church just down the road. I started receiving death threats. I got jumped by several individuals while coming home from a trip to the grocery store and ended up in the hospital for a concussion, four cracked ribs, a fractured arm, a dislocated shoulder, and for a grand total of 112 stitches upon various cuts and slashes on my face. As for my car, they slashed the tires, broke the windshield, and smashed the windows. I had someone throw a brick through the living room window. I spent my days with the doors double-locked and the car locked in the garage. I had to keep my head on a swivel every time I went out, and from time to time I would occasionally notice someone staring at me and keeping steady pace behind me maybe 100 feet back or so. I ended up having to move, and now anytime anyone asks, I have to either play coy or lie about what my stance is on something.

A single fucking idea. A single fucking conclusion. That alone warrants assault, death threats, vandalism, and stalking, apparently. You know, by polls, people would actually vote for a muslim president, or a gay president, or a female president, before they would vote for a highly-qualified atheistic one? Respondents to surveys showed they would be less likely to support a kidney transplant for hypothetical atheists and agnostics needing it, than for Christian patients with similar medical needs.

The Boy Scouts of America does not allow atheists as members, or those with atheist families.

In 2009, City Councilman Cecil Bothwell of Asheville, North Carolina was called "unworthy of his seat" because of his open atheism, he ended up spending two months fighting with the detractors and finally won because of a supreme court ruling from 1961 that states that no religious test may take place for public office. A 2006 study found that 40% of respondents characterized atheists as a group that did "not at all agree with my vision of American society", and that 48% would not want their child to marry an atheist. In both studies, percentages of disapproval of atheists were above those for Muslims, African-Americans and homosexuals. And don't even fucking get me started on the military on this. Family custody hearings, if you're an atheist and are trying to win custody of your child against a theistic ex-spouse? Good fucking luck to ya! And finally, there are eight states in the country that simply will not allow you to run for public office of any kind if you are openly atheistic.

So yes. I know what persecution is like. I know what it's like very. Fucking. Intimately.

But still. You make a good point. I dunno what you're rambling about with "privileges," I have no assumption of privilege. That said, I can see how perhaps seeing those slurs could be offensive to others. I'll edit my post and censor them out.

But first. Let's make it equal, shall we?

When I was a Christian, did I look at someone who displayed that they were an atheist and think they were immoral sinners damned to spend an eternity in the brimstone and fires of hell, who had no conviction or understanding, who were soulless, joyless witches and heretics, who were less than human? Who were less a person than I? No. But the moment I first made the mistake of ever telling anyone else I was an atheist, many, many, many people made it quite clear that they sure did, and many do to this day. You have a better chance being accepted as homosexual or an ethnic minority than you do being a non-believer.

Maybe I am so flippant about those slurs because I've had to deal with such issues before many times. Maybe it's because I've not just heard the hatred and discrimination but felt it on several occasions. I've become hardened to it. I forget that not everybody else is.

My apologies.
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Old 10-26-2013, 01:43 AM   #15
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Heh, oh poor persecuted minority. It's not like virtually everyone here is an atheist. We can't relate to his suffering and oppression.
Originally Posted by KissMeDeadly
You fucking people [war veterans] are only a step below entitled rich kids, the only difference being you had to do and witness horrible things, instead of being given everything.
real classy
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Old 10-26-2013, 01:59 AM   #16
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Well, apparently you can only modify a post within 7 minutes of posting it, and I went and did a very long edit. Took too long, apparently.

I was going to clarify some things, but since it ate my edit, well, fuck it. I will, however, clarify my apology. I apologize for presuming, I apologize for reminding others here of the slurs that deal with themselves, and apparently I cannot edit my first post so I apologize for that, as well.
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Old 10-26-2013, 02:04 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Alan View Post
Heh, oh poor persecuted minority. It's not like virtually everyone here is an atheist. We can't relate to his suffering and oppression.
As I said. Try being one. Are you? Then you probably know what I am talking about.

You can either accept my apology with some grace, or you can insist on being a child. It's your choice.
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Old 10-26-2013, 02:45 AM   #18
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I'm irreligious, queer, and a woman. Two of those get me the same kind of hate, any hate/discrimination/whatever I get from the other is absolutely meaningless by comparison in both amount and intensity.

Don't fucking talk about being one of the most hated minorities when you're just an atheist. Yeah some people really hate atheists and apparently the shitty place you came from has lots of them but you face no systematic oppression. Your stance as an atheist does not put you at risk for being ***** and murdered. It does not make you less protected under the law. It does not mean that you will earn less. It does not mean you are anything even close to the most hated group in this country and don't cite a terribly unreliable and biased survey to try and prove how hated and oppressed you are.
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Old 10-26-2013, 02:55 AM   #19
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Now that I got that out of the way I'm gonna try and be helpful. Everybody has privileges they are a set of perceived advantages (or lack of disadvantages) enjoyed by a majority or powerful group, people are usually unaware of the privilege they possess until they actively try to see them.

Some of my privileges are that I'm white, well educated, come from a upper middle/lower upper class family, and I have passing straight privilege because even though I am queer my current partner is a man (passing privilege means that you can sometimes enjoy some of the benefits of that privilege, in many cases because most privileged groups are typically thought of as the default unless there is proof of deviation form that "norm", a common example would be a light skinned person of color having white passing privilege). This may seem like a short list but those all have a multitude of benefits, many of which are quite substantial.

It is important to be aware of the privileges because it gives you perspective of and understanding of both the advantages that you have and the disadvantages that other people face.
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Old 10-26-2013, 03:11 AM   #20
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Oh and while I'm being helpful this is kind of a good overview of the basics. Its a pdf but it's only 2 pages, some overviews are a little complicated and clearly meant for people who are kind of already interested in and have some knowledge about social justice but this is very accessible and understandable without that background.
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Old 10-26-2013, 04:22 AM   #21
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Yes, I am quite aware that being a woman is difficult. Last I checked, women make like 75 cents to the dollar compared to men on average. But the reasons for that aren't what you think they are: There is also the sexual assault thing, the bottom of the post about that. Now, you seem to imply that being gay and a woman gains you the same kind of amount of hate whereas that for being irreligious does not. I have a very, very, very hard time believing for even a moment that being a woman is gaining you equal hatred to being either irreligious or gay. ESPECIALLY gay. Women are not nearly as hated as either atheists or gays, don't even try to tell me that bullshit. As for systematic oppression, did you miss the part where I mentioned that in eight states YOU CANNOT HOLD PUBLIC OFFICE IF YOU ARE OPENLY ATHEISTIC? How about the fact there is one single openly atheistic member of congress, and none in the senate? Heck, Tammy Baldwin is from Wisconsin, she was openly lesbian before she was even elected; there's several gay members in office. Am I saying being gay is easy? No, not even slightly, I am highly aware of what discrimination and bigotry they have to endure. Am I saying sexism doesn't exist? No, I am aware of what women have to deal with in many ways. But you are the one saying that being one or the other makes you more likely to be murdered and/or sexually assaulted. "Does not put at risk for being murdered..."

Hm. So what you're saying is, when I was assaulted by that group, even if they had not scattered when a car went driving by, they would have probably stopped on their own, right? You know this for certain? I mean, clearly they are rational, restrained individuals, attacking one single guy who has done nothing to them because he's one of THOSE kinds of people. And, really? It doesn't put you at risk? I beg to differ.

Those two are the only links I've bookmarked on the topic that are still up, the rest were all broken or missing, probably archived on the sites they were once hosted on. There was one about a Christian man taking a lumber axe to two of his friends when he discovered they were atheists. It happens more than you would think.

There was also that business with Madalyn Murray...

Upon this, to kill someone for being an atheist does not constitute a hate-crime. Look it up. They will not add hate-crime to murdering someone for being an atheist.

And terribly unreliable and biased? No worries, the one I have is quite reliable and unbiased.

This is a study by a social sciences group with no affiliation with any group of any kind; they focus on religious and ethnic diversity within the US. Those who did the study had thought that muslims would most likely come up the most reviled, but, nope.

And we are not going to discuss sexual assault and gender. For a few very glaring, personal reasons. If you really feel we must, send me a PM, otherwise, no.
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Old 10-26-2013, 04:32 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
It is important to be aware of the privileges because it gives you perspective of and understanding of both the advantages that you have and the disadvantages that other people face.
Well. I'm white, described as "cute," and... Well, that's kind of it, unfortunately. I can demonstrate intellectual capacities that have been told to me to be above average, and I am told I am highly perceptive of the world. That said, I never finished high school and my GPA was a 0.00. I was a foster child, and once I hit 18, I moved the fuck out on my own. Been chugging along on retail jobs to get by. Hmm. Oh, I'm straight, too. Except that gets kind of muddied cuz I'm actively pro-LGBT equal-rights. Made the mistake of letting that be known while working at Waffle House at one point. In retrospect, that was a really, really imbecilic move on my behalf... But fuck that job, it was shit, anyways.

I can't exactly think of any particular privileges I might have other than those listed above. I try to spend a lot of time volunteering, and I give to charity...try to actively demonstrate atheists are not immoral. Would that count?
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Old 10-26-2013, 06:24 AM   #23
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What the fuck is this shit?

(Damn picture links not working... just imagine the Picard pic)
Caution, I may bite.
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Old 10-26-2013, 07:03 AM   #24
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A thread that veered wildly away from the direction I had originally intended.
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Old 10-26-2013, 08:42 AM   #25
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I don't know if I even want to.

You just said that being white isn't much of a thing, that you don't benefit much from being strait because you said that "LGBT are people too" once, and that you volunteer at a fucking rcc and can still say "Look, woman, at least you're not an atheist."
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
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Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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