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Old 01-09-2006, 03:21 PM   #1
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Top 10 Albums of 2005

Just curious to see (figured at least Pitseleh will have a great one)...and mine comes up later
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 01-09-2006, 09:25 PM   #2
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I don't think I even bought an album that came out in 2005.
Christopher Lee is a god....don't argue with me.

I'm gothtastically delicious!
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Old 01-10-2006, 04:56 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Loy
Just curious to see (figured at least Pitseleh will have a great one)...and mine comes up later
Loy! Nice to see you again. You know I enjoy these things, and uh, yeah I have a great list. 2005 was an excellent year music-wise. I could have included more, but this is definitely a list of records I can stand by, that I truly enjoyed and listened to a lot in the past year. Looking forward to seeing your list!

And since this is like, my official year-best list, I took the time to write a little blurb for each of these lovely albums, which came pretty easy, since I love them all dearly and am totally jacked up on lotsa coffee and cigarettes right now.

Here it is, in no particular order, they're all great.

Pitseleh's 10 Favourite Albums of 2005

Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary

Holy crap, this is some addictive stuff. A fireworks-display of life-affirming, energetic indie rock that sweeps you off your feet with killer riffs and sparkling synthesizers that recall both classic Bowie and The Arcade Fire, which they have close ties to. Every time I put this on it makes me want to jump on my bed like a little kid, screaming along. Not a dud song on this entire album, every song just explodes with honest passion, even the calmer ones.

Antony and the Johnsons - I am a Bird Now

Before I even heard it, I had read several reviews of this record that said tears were a common reaction upon first listen. I had my doubts, but boy did I ever find out the truth of that statement. His voice just grabs hold of that secret part of your soul and does not let go. Songs that are so timeless and exist in a space miles removed from modern pop culture, it's hard to even imagine a world where this record did not exist.

Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

This record has become a recurring entry on every year-best list, and for good reason. That an album so potentially over-the-top baroque and stuffed to the gills with a plethora of charming melodies and instruments still manages to not give you a complete pop overdose, is a feat in itself. That every single song on it also displays a heart so beautifully pure and human, is even more amazing. Lyrics, arrangements, everything on this record is just about perfect, and never feels overwrought and contrived. A lovely man, this Sufjan.

JR Ewing - Maelstrom

Gotta represent my home country with at least one entry, and there can be no doubt that this has to be it. Urban alienation and the ghosts of dead friends cover this album with a dark layer of shellac that is a step forward in both songwriting and production from their former, more abrasive outings. Still spastic, technical and aggressive, but now with a spaced-out take on hardcore that incorporates more singing, even gorgeous multi-part harmonies. Both melancholy and defiantly energetic.

Hot Snakes - Audit in Progress

In later years, windmilling, cocksure RAWK has had a huge resurrection. Every kid with a pair of frayed jeans and a trucker cap is suddenly a lifelong AC/DC-fan, and there are bands crawling out of the woodwork everywhere with their bags full of recycled riffs and coked-up attitude. Hot Snakes level them all, like a steamroller driven by an honest working Joe (or John Reis, in this case) who don't give a fuck about anything but doing his job, and doing it good. Admittedly not quite as bass-heavy as previous records, this is still a kick-ass package of no-nonsense punk rock that trumps every lame pose you care to throw at it.

Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust

A hip-hop record released by Epitaph? Well, even if this is on the most mainstream punk label there is, it makes perfect sense, and Sage is a hell of a lot more controversial than most "punk" bands anyway. Quick-witted, tongue-twisting verbal kicks in the groin to all who deserve it goes hand in hand with intensely personal and dark tracks on this album. Uncompromisingly political without being trite and self-righteous, with murky, propulsive beats, cool samples and an interesting musical framework as well.

Gang Gang Dance - God's Money

This is so out there, the only comparison I can think of that even comes close to describing it, is The Cocteau Twins on some quality acid, jamming with a seriously disjointed African drum circle, surrounded by samplers set to 'random' and produced by some insane dub scientist. This being an improvisational band in the truest sense, they never play something exactly the same way twice, so God's Money simply documents the state of the songs there and then. The fact that the album is so cohesive and accessible despite its experimental nature is further testament to the magic properties of this band, who is all about the music, and not about being weird just for the sake of it.

Hood - Outside Closer

Further perfecting their unique blend of acoustic, melancholic indie and skittering electronics, Hood return with yet another record that hits just the spot for those cold autumn days when your human frailty stands starkly outlined against the grey sky. As always, some of the songs are upbeat, catchy numbers, while others crawl along desolate landscapes of ricocheting drums and dissonant waves of horns. Like the naked trees and country landscapes that adorn the covers of all their releases, the music within twists and turns with an organic ease that puts even Radiohead's jazzy electronic experiments to shame. So intimate, it hurts to listen to. In a good way.

Malady - Self-titled

Former members of the late, great screamo bands pg.99 and City of Caterpillar serve up a thick slab of dark and crunchy yet accessible punk rock that make necks snap and ears curl in delight. The melodies and riffs on this record is on par with any classic record by Hüsker Dü or The Jesus Lizard, and shows there is still hope for the future of rock music. Excellent vocals, raggedly screamy but still melodic, with some great harmonies buried beneath.

Jesu - Self-titled

A crushing blend of sludgy, crawling metal and Slowdive-like atmospherics, this is a record that is both brutally ugly and achingly pretty at the same time. How JK Broadrick manages to make a sound so monolithic, so saturated with distortion and deep, rumbling bass while still retaining a level of microscopic detail that keeps revealing new layers of melodies with each listen, mere mortals may never know. Like My Bloody Valentine's Loveless for metalheads. Beautifully designed package as well.
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Old 01-10-2006, 09:31 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by pitseleh

Sage Francis - A Healthy Distrust

A hip-hop record released by Epitaph? Well, even if this is on the most mainstream punk label there is, it makes perfect sense, and Sage is a hell of a lot more controversial than most "punk" bands anyway. Quick-witted, tongue-twisting verbal kicks in the groin to all who deserve it goes hand in hand with intensely personal and dark tracks on this album. Uncompromisingly political without being trite and self-righteous, with murky, propulsive beats, cool samples and an interesting musical framework as well.
He was back here in the Land of Port awhile back and I missed him..


So close, yet so far..


As always you are a dashing and debonair Musical God..

Ever think of a side career in Musical Review? Seriously.

I saved your list as an HTML file to forward to Manimal for future CD/Gift Ideas..

I'll let you know what tickles my Pink Parts the most when I hear it..


Oh and Hai Loy!!

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Old 01-10-2006, 02:02 PM   #5
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Thanks for the props, darling... it really warms my northern heart.

And if any of the records on this list can brighten your (or someone's) life a bit, I will consider it an honour. Especially if you should like them so much as to feel a tickling sensation in areas that make me blush to speak of...

Much love!
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Old 01-10-2006, 04:40 PM   #6
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Hai EPS!!!!!

Pitseleh, I knew your list would rock.....

So here's my semi-official one.....I know I'm gonna have to rework this later, but here goes nothing....

1."Tender Buttons" by Broadcast-"Tender Buttons", the book, is one of the horrible, self-adulating pieces of shit ever, EVER written by anybody.....the fact that it was the worst thing ever written by Gertrude Stein might not mean much to you, but trust me, this is flesh-rippingly awful. "Tender Buttons", the album, is one the most sensuously exotic/erotic albums ever put together. Broadcast had always had a distinct place in the music world by combining 60's Brit-Pop, early Motown soul, and 70's experimental/industrial. With "Tender Buttons", they've not only become more than the sum of their parts, but have created a harbringer of the future of electronic music.

2."The Mouse And The Mask" by DangerDoom-M.F. Doom-the rap-master de jour of geeks everywhere (thanks in part to the Aqua Teen Hunger Force). DJ Dangermouse-creator of the greatest piece of Agit-Prop (and responsible for making the Beatles relevant again) known as "The Grey Album". Throw in Ghostface Killah, Cee-Lo, and Talib Kweli, and let your ears explode.

3."Chandeliers In The Savannah" by Neon Blonde-Imagine the Dresden Dolls minus the camp. OK, add lots of volume, a more disturbed imagination, a love of both the Silver Apples and Afrika Bambata, and you MIGHT come close to imagining correctly. To think that this was made by two of the Blood Brothers isn't so hard. To imagine ANY of the Blood Brothers pushing music even further than their regular band does....well, that'd be impossible without this album as proof.

4."Late Registration" by Kanye West-whether ripping into other hip-hop artists for their sexism and homophobia or telling the truth about our beloved leader ("George Bush doesn't care about black people" funny because it's true), Mr. West has made it known that he's one who speaks his mind, damn the consequences. The fact that he's one of the most talented artists out there makes what he says even more impossible to ignore.

5."Clap Your Hands Say Yeah" by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah-they've been compared to the Talking Heads and Television. However, those comparissons are off the mark. "Clap Your Hands...." is really the greatest Pixies album ever made.

6."LCD Soundsystem" by LCD Soundsystem-post-ironic hipster soundtrack that happens to be an amazing dance record you cannot deny, even if you want to. Covering all ground, from funny-autobiographical self mockery ("Daft Punk Is Playing My House") to snarky hipster out-queering most queer disco songs ("Tribulations") to the best Wire tribute ever done ("Movement") to psychedelic freak-out ("Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up") to "been there. done that" resignation ("Disco Infiltrator"), LCD just works itself into your playlist in the most insidious of ways. The fact that all their previous singles are also included on this (including the awe-inspiring "Losing My Edge" and "Yeah!"), and yo have the perfect album for music nerds the world over.

7."Campfire Headphase" by Boards Of Canada-the album Beck wishes he could make.

more to come......
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 01-10-2006, 09:44 PM   #7
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Loy, your list SU-DIDDLY-UCKS!!!

No TON???

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Old 01-10-2006, 10:57 PM   #8
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Great list, Loy. Totally with you on Broadcast, LCD Soundsystem and Boards of Canada. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah was a bit grating to my ears at first (the vocals), but it grew on me. Haven't heard MF Doom's newest album yet, but I'm sure it's great, I love all his previous outings. Will have to get that new one soon.

I'm waiting with excitement for the last three...
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Old 01-13-2006, 10:08 PM   #9
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Wolfmoon-TON? That acronym could be for a couple of different bands I've heard....all of whom suck.

Pits-here's the rest

8.Weird Tales Of The Ramones" box set-OK, so it's not exactly "new" (all these songs have been released before, not just to mention that they broke up over 10 years ago), but there's the comic books that come with this set, plus the music itself. Much like last years "End Of The Century" documentary, this box set is a sad reminder of a simple fact-the Ramones were never the biggest rock band in the world (or even as big as their numerous fans have felt they should have been). They were something different indeed-while they were around, they were quite simply the BEST rock band in the world.

9."Silent Alarm" and "Silent Alarm Remixed" by Bloc Party-Math Rock meets pop freakout meets sarcasm meets intelectual discourse. How the (International) Noise Conspiracy couldn't do it like this makes one slack-jawed in wonderment. How Bloc Party make it all booty-shaking, fist-pumpingly awesomeness does the same. Then, just to fuck with us even further, they had the whole album remixed, track by track, by some of their favorite artists. Not every song is as great as it should be, but it's a hell of a lot more consistent than most remix albums out there, and it's relationship to the regular album is liken to "Godfather 2"s to the first film.

10."Feathers" by Dead Meadow-have you ever been listening to the first Black Sabbath album and thought to yourself "God, why do metal bands today suck so bad?"? If this is you, then have I got the album for you! Stoner sludginess that envelopes the listener in feelings of euphoria and dread (often at the same time). Metalheads, listen up-this one is essential!

I know I've left out a few albums (looking over this list and my first thought is "holy fuck!!!?? How did the new Ladytron miss the list?" I'm sure there'll be more thought like that the longer I think about it).

As for everybody else-where are the lists? I mean, me and Pitseleh CAN'T be the only music nerds on this board!
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 01-14-2006, 12:04 AM   #10
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Aaahh! The new Ladytron album is sweeet. There were so many good ones in 2005 that an "honorable mentions" list would also be in order. I'll just mention one for now, that I'm curious as to whether you've heard, Loy: The Jim Yoshii Pile-Up - Picks Us Apart

They're an emo band, really, who were actually more post-rock influenced at start, with noisily swelling passages in crushingly sad post-punk emo songs. Very stark and beautiful. On this record, their third, the songs are tighter and more varied, and has parts very reminiscent of both The Smiths, Interpol, and a little Joy Division - down to clean lifting the first three chords of the 'Love Will Tear Us Apart' riff for the intro to 'Mind of God'. But it works just fine, because practically every song is a beautiful multi-layered piece of dark, baroque gloom-pop that keeps getting more interesting. Lots of very tasteful and sweet vocal melodies, sad and swinging like Morrissey, but more resigned and midwestern. Good listening for anyone with an affinity for darkly 'glossy' British '80's post-punk/new wave and lovers of classic '90's emo as well.

Ok, that's one... now someone else go.
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Old 01-14-2006, 01:05 PM   #11
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Mourning Sun- Fields of the Nephilim.(Or Carl Mcoy mostly.)
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Old 01-17-2006, 10:08 PM   #12
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im new to the board, have to admit the only reason i joined was because a couple members put up top 10 lists that were quite good, so i figured id join in on the fun and post the one that i made for my myspace, which i am new to as well and have just started writing reviews for upcoming cds as well, anyone is welcome to check that out if they feel so inclined.
anyways, here is my list

1. Sufjan Stevens - Illinois

Takes everything that made his first release (Michigan) so great and improves it dramatically. Soft acoustic melodies along with some banjo and chiors in the background tell Sufjans' stories better then ever. Amazing folk artist that seems to never fail at what he does, easily the best album of the year.

2. M.I.A. - Arular

Filled with mostly her political views and coming to grips with her own reality of being tagged as a "terrorist child" living in london. But contributions from producers like Richard X and Diplo, there are enough ground thumping urban global beats here to appeal to anyone. Best hip-hop album of the year.

3. Sugur Ros - Takk

Another great album by this group from Iceland. Replacing the cheerless drones of their last release, ( ), and opting for more strings, horns, and bass with Takk, it becomes easily their most accessible record to date. Overall warmer feel then their last outings, while remaining true to what made their second release (Agetis Byrjun) such a success.

4. Wolf Parade - Apologies to the Queen Mary

On the outside has a very Modest Mouse feel (not too surprising considering it was produced by MM frontman Isaac Brock) but underneath its stiff and tense. The dueling frontmen (Spencer Krug and Dan Boeckner) shine throughout. Blast "Shine a Light" at your next party.

5. The Clientele - Strange Geometry

Glorious melodies surround and almost completely hide the desperate, haunting lyrics that lie underneath. Even with that said, its a warm and serene album that would fit in anywhere in the 60's era

6. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah

With obvious influences from great artists such as Bob Dylan, David Bowie, and My Bloody Valentine, this Brooklyn based band delivers on thier self produced first LP. Melodic pop songs with swirling guitars and bizzare lyrics. Great all around indie-pop record.

7. Boards of Canada - The Campfire Headphase

After 2 epic records (Music Has the Right to Children, Geogaddi) this one takes a step back a bit. Luckly, a slightly underachieving BoC album (in comparison) is still better then a lot of other music out there. Still as mysterious as ever, and filled with enough odd sounds to keep you scratching your head. A few lulls, but overall very solid.

8. Vitalic - OK Cowboy

After a huge response from 2001's Poney EP in which 3 of the 4 tracks became dancefloor staples, Pascal Arbez delivers his first LP with even more heart thumping techno, along with some more quirky offbeat tracks that expand on his diversity and also act as nice breaks. Best dance album of the year.

9. Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain

Noise-Rock done right. Heavily Tuned down bass coupled with only drums and a smattering of fuzzed out lyrics. It feels like a baseball bat to the face, and listening to it while pregnant may cause an abortion. I love every second of it.

10. The New Pornographers - Twin Cinema

Another great pop album from one of the catchiest bands around. Its a bit more dramatic then their previous releases, and Neko Case shines in her cameos that have become staples on Pornographers records. They are old, but still know how to make fun pop records like kids.

anyways, enjoy. on the one on my myspace i have some honorable mention cds and a couple that i think are overrated.
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Old 01-19-2006, 07:37 PM   #13
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Gator-that's the best description of Lightning Bolt I've ever heard (
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 02-08-2006, 07:25 PM   #14
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I wish I knew where to look to get some good expirmental music.
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Old 02-09-2006, 12:02 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Rosie
I wish I knew where to look to get some good expirmental music.
Look no further: Sputnik7
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Old 02-26-2006, 09:14 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Loy
Wolfmoon-TON? That acronym could be for a couple of different bands I've heard....all of whom suck.

Pits-here's the rest

8.Weird Tales Of The Ramones" box set-OK, so it's not exactly "new" (all these songs have been released before, not just to mention that they broke up over 10 years ago), but there's the comic books that come with this set, plus the music itself. Much like last years "End Of The Century" documentary, this box set is a sad reminder of a simple fact-the Ramones were never the biggest rock band in the world (or even as big as their numerous fans have felt they should have been). They were something different indeed-while they were around, they were quite simply the BEST rock band in the world.

9."Silent Alarm" and "Silent Alarm Remixed" by Bloc Party-Math Rock meets pop freakout meets sarcasm meets intelectual discourse. How the (International) Noise Conspiracy couldn't do it like this makes one slack-jawed in wonderment. How Bloc Party make it all booty-shaking, fist-pumpingly awesomeness does the same. Then, just to fuck with us even further, they had the whole album remixed, track by track, by some of their favorite artists. Not every song is as great as it should be, but it's a hell of a lot more consistent than most remix albums out there, and it's relationship to the regular album is liken to "Godfather 2"s to the first film.

10."Feathers" by Dead Meadow-have you ever been listening to the first Black Sabbath album and thought to yourself "God, why do metal bands today suck so bad?"? If this is you, then have I got the album for you! Stoner sludginess that envelopes the listener in feelings of euphoria and dread (often at the same time). Metalheads, listen up-this one is essential!

I know I've left out a few albums (looking over this list and my first thought is "holy fuck!!!?? How did the new Ladytron miss the list?" I'm sure there'll be more thought like that the longer I think about it).

As for everybody else-where are the lists? I mean, me and Pitseleh CAN'T be the only music nerds on this board!

dead meadow is one of my favorite bands. also a very nice group of guys. i listened to 'feathers' for a few weeks straight.
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Old 03-06-2006, 04:35 PM   #17
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Slipknot's live 9.0
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