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Old 02-06-2006, 09:09 AM   #1
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I am concerned about my kitten's health.

My cat recently had four kittens, 3 of them are perfectly normal and healthy but one was born with a kinked tail. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but, about 2 weeks ago, a little red bump started poking out of her little anus.

Since then, it seems it's been growing and leaking a yellowish liquid. She can still do her business, she still eats normally, she plays, she still has a healthy twinkle in her eye and she doesn't seem to be in pain (except when momma cat cleans it).

All I can think it could possibly be is maybe her intestines poking out?

I've tried googling this and asking various friends who have been cat owners all their lives but, no one seems to know.

I'm trying to hold off for another couple of weeks until she's ready to be given away, I just don't know if this is too serious to wait. I don't have the money to pay for expensive vet procedures or operations, I wish I did. It would make my life a little easier.

I was thinking of giving her to the Humane Society since they'll give her whatever she needs before giving her a home but, again, I don't know how much longer this can wait or how serious it really is.
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:13 AM   #2
Wise Child
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Is there maybe a cattery or an animal shelter near you, Julia? Possibly someone might take a look at your kitty if you offered to make a donation... tons cheaper than the vet. I know they won't be proper veterinarians, but if they work with cats all the time possibly someone may recognise something. Sorry, this is all I can suggest.

Hugs and get-well-soons to the little mite. Cats r teh koolest!
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:21 AM   #3
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That is so awful, the poor little thing.... I am going to look up some things myself but I came across this and I think it may be Inflammatory Bowel disease or either the kitten has problems with its anal canal. It tells of it but if it is leaking a yellowish fluid, that is infection and the mucus lining is inflamed and raw or either it is the anal canal not working properly. I really do hope this helps.

I would not wait to get it looked at, but you said it only hurts when you clean it. In beagles and dogs, their glands must be cleaned and squeezed. They hurt and the dog will yelp and that is the only sign it will show. It will do everything else as it always does, the same goes for a cat who's anal canal does not close well. I am think this is the problem but I am not sure. I hope either of the links help, I will still look about.

I hope everything is well and that it is not serious.
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Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve.- Robert Burns
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:23 AM   #4
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Take her to the vet!

I know it's probably expensive, but it might be something that only your vet can take care of.

edit: Don't try to express her anal glands yourself. Let the vet tell you what the problem is and show you how to express the glands yourself. If that's what it is.
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Old 02-06-2006, 09:30 AM   #5
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Thank you all for your suggestions, they've helped.

Cannibalnuns, I went to the sites you posted. It didn't sound exaclty like what was happening with her but I went to some links and related sites I found on them and I found this:

While only a vet making an examination can make a diagnosis, it is possible that Pumpkin has either an anal or rectal prolapse or a prolapse of the colon through the rectum.

Anal prolapses are protrusions of the mucosal tissue lining the rectum. On the other hand, a rectal prolapse looks like a tube of tissue coming out of the anus. A prolapse of the colon looks like a rectal proplapse but tube is the colon passing through the rectum.

Causes? Anything that leads or has lead kitty to strain or have intestinal problems (i.e., tapeworms, other intestinal parasites, anal sac irritation, allergies, fleas, etc..)

Given the swelling, it appears likely that kitty has some intestinal problems/parasites. So what to do? Take Pumpkin to vet. While all can be treated, success is dependant on the timing of treatment. Be aware that both rectal and colonic prolapses can be fatal

I swear I'm gonna cry, I'm going to start looking for cheap or free emergency vet services, even if it means I have to give her up a few weeks early.

If anyone knows of any numbers I could call or sites I could visit regarding emergency pet care, please let me know.

Thank you so much for all your help and support thus far.
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Old 02-06-2006, 10:11 AM   #6
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It may be something as simple as a cyst...but still I would take her to the vet and get it checked out.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by JuliaGaltic
Thank you all for your suggestions, they've helped.

Cannibalnuns, I went to the sites you posted. It didn't sound exaclty like what was happening with her but I went to some links and related sites I found on them and I found this:

While only a vet making an examination can make a diagnosis, it is possible that Pumpkin has either an anal or rectal prolapse or a prolapse of the colon through the rectum.

Anal prolapses are protrusions of the mucosal tissue lining the rectum. On the other hand, a rectal prolapse looks like a tube of tissue coming out of the anus. A prolapse of the colon looks like a rectal proplapse but tube is the colon passing through the rectum.

Causes? Anything that leads or has lead kitty to strain or have intestinal problems (i.e., tapeworms, other intestinal parasites, anal sac irritation, allergies, fleas, etc..)

Given the swelling, it appears likely that kitty has some intestinal problems/parasites. So what to do? Take Pumpkin to vet. While all can be treated, success is dependant on the timing of treatment. Be aware that both rectal and colonic prolapses can be fatal

I swear I'm gonna cry, I'm going to start looking for cheap or free emergency vet services, even if it means I have to give her up a few weeks early.

If anyone knows of any numbers I could call or sites I could visit regarding emergency pet care, please let me know.

Thank you so much for all your help and support thus far.
Does 'Special Pals' have a 'no-kill' shelter where you live?

In Texas, they will provide medical care and housing free of charge, for cats and dogs. PM me your city again, and I will see what I can find.

A Prolapse is possible, or an Anal Fistula. Or it could be something as simple as an Anal infection like the others said. Try to keep Mom from cleaning it too much, and use gloves if you yourself are going to be handling the affected area.

The Yellow discharge definitely is a sign of infection.

Lets see what we can do about getting her into see someone who can make her feel better.

PM me your details again and I'll see what I can dig up..


Hang in there Beautiful.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:12 AM   #8
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You've definately gotta make sure it's a No Kill Shelter.

The SPCA says that they don't euthenize animals, but they do after a week or so. Lots of places say that they only put an animal down if they're sick or dying but that's a steaming load.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:38 AM   #9
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Really? Treacherous fucks.

How does one go about finding out whether they really put animals down or not? The SPCA claims it doesn't and yet, it does.

EPS is going to let me know the name of a few no kill shelters. I've never dealt with animal shelters before so I'm glad I got this information from you guys.

Off to the vet now. I can't afford the treatment but I can at least find out if she's old enough to be given to a shelter and I can find out what I can do for her to keep her as comfortable as possible until I can find a shelter for her.

Thank you guys for everything! I was crying my eyes out earlier but now that I'm doing something about it and finding out what else I can do at this point has helped loads.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:45 AM   #10
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Glad to be here, luv.

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Old 02-06-2006, 02:55 PM   #11
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Thank you eyes, you're a sweetheart...

Here's the update for all those who are interested.

Went to the vet. She has what is called as a rectal prolapse, a condition in which the rectum portrudes. She's likely to need an operation and overnight observation type care. I can't afford that.

I found a No Kill Animal Shelter in the same city that I live in and will be taking her in the next couple of days. The vet did give me some tips to prevent it from getting worse and making her more comfortable until then.

I wasn't ready to say goodbye to her though, not yet!

Oh well, I can't keep all 4 of them and have 5 cats right?

Thanks again guys. You've all been a godsend.
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Old 02-06-2006, 06:00 PM   #12
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Julia- so sorry to hear about your kitten. It sounds like she will get the care that she needs, and I'm glad that you are being proactive about the situation. You're doing the right thing. In my experience, a rectal prolapse is not such a big deal. Usually, it requires a couple of stitches, and could be done when the kitty is spayed.

A word (or two) on shelters:

I have worked at, and am currently a volunteer and board member at the Humane Society in my city. Although the SPCA and Humane Society shelters operate under the aegis of those national organizations, they are independently run, and most receive no federal, state, or city funding.

Policies regarding euthanasia and length of stay vary widely from state to state, town to town. Some shelters take in tens of thousands of animals per year, and have no choice but to euthanize due to space, time, animal health (disease spreads rapidly in close quarters), and staffing constraints. Others have the means, through community support, endowments, and educational programs, to find loving, permanent homes for the majority of animals entrusted to their care.

Our shelter takes in over 1500 animals (cats, dogs, ferrets, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, rats, and oddly, chinchillas) every year. Our adoption rate is around 90%. And every animal in the "unadoptable" ten percent is given every possible consideration. If euthanasia is the only option, it is carried out with kindness and respect, after much discussion and exploration of possible outcomes.

When it does happen, we mourn. It might be a pitbull with serious aggresion issues, or a sweet sixteen-year-old cat with diabetes. Nonetheless, we cry. It is a terrible and neccesary responsibility. It's also why I am no longer employed there. Call me a coward, but I think that I can do more good as an advocate and volunteer.

On the bright side, in the last few weeks, we have adopted out cats who were 8, 10, and 11 years old (Cricket, Larry, and Oscar), as well as Duke, an eleven-year-old (!) Great Dane that had an inoperable, though benign tumor on his front leg.

So, anyway, please don't write off all SPCA-type shelters as "treacherous bastards". We do what we can, with what we have. Which is generally precious little.

I think that your little kinky-tail kitten will be well cared for, and find a good home. But, Julia, please do me this favor:

When you adopt out your kittens, make sure that their people are willing to bring the kitten to the vet, vaccinate it, and have it spayed or neutered. There aren't enough homes for them all. Stop the cycle.

And finally, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE spay the mama. There must surely be a low-cost spay/neuter clinic in Tampa Bay. It will be better for her and you. No heat + no kittens = happiness!
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Old 02-06-2006, 08:59 PM   #13
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*hugs the Julia* She'll get the help she needs and a comfortable home, so don't be sad you doing exactly what you should. *looks at her mouse kitty* They are way to cute when they're young...
Your blatant disregard and lack of respect for the members here pisses me off. You think that just because Sanctus likes you for some reason(?) , that you can act like a bastard and get absolutely no comeuppance? Fuck you dickwad!

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Old 02-06-2006, 11:05 PM   #14
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Gnossos, you sound like a wonderful person and I appreciate your input. I'm sorry about the harsh words. It's unfortunate that "tone of voice" doesn't exist in a literary forum. I should've been more mindful with what I posted. Those words were meant in a very light tone, hard to explain through here, but not an exclamation of any kind.

I adopted two cats with my ex 2 years ago from the humane society. They had been there for a while since everyone seems to want kittens (exaclty the reason we picked them, such sweet cats looked over because they weren't little fluff balls, as cute as they may be). The employees and/or volunteers at that location knew the ins and outs and I saw one getting all misty eyed when she said goodbye to them. I should've been a little more sensitive, I know that when an animal gets put to sleep it is never for no good reason and always with regret. I should also appreciate the fact that we don't just have old-fashioned pounds anymore, but actual places where people actually care.

I will spay the mamma. This wasn't an unplanned pregnancy. I wanted another kitten and, I don't know how much sense this will make, but wanted her to have the experience of having little children of her own before I spayed her. I always planned on keeping at least one (although now I'm thinking 2 and it's an impossible choice), and have people who will give good homes to the other 2. Now I only have to find a home for one and that won't be a problem at all.

Thank you for such a detailed look into the works of an animal shelter. I'm just a concerned mamma and have heard horror stories. You know how mothers of any kind tend to over worry and freak out over their little babies. You helped put everything back in perspective by reminding me how much care more than not there is in these places in general

I owe you for the little bit of peace of mind I gained through that and will sleep easier tonight.
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:13 PM   #15
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I thought some of you might want to meet the little angel. Here she is:

Santarea and Sanctus, thank you for your kind words. It helps to know that I'm not neglecting my duties to the little one, as it is, I feel guilty for waiting so long. I just thought if she was acting normal and happy and still her spunky self... well, no use crying over spilt milk. You guys have helped me put some of that guilt back on the shelf and made me feel good about the fact that I did everything I could think of to do once I realized the seriousness of the matter. I just felt like such a bad mommy on top of everything else.

You guys are so great for caring.

*big bear hugs*
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Old 02-06-2006, 11:17 PM   #16
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i'm glad to hear that the kitten will be taken care of, i prefer cats over dogs but it's hard to keep one where i currently live...they seem to go missing quite alot.

If i didn't believe in Karma, my neighbor would be missing a few beagle hunting dogs.

Thanks for the update.

on the count of three everyone say: awwwwww.
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Old 02-07-2006, 06:59 AM   #17
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Your blatant disregard and lack of respect for the members here pisses me off. You think that just because Sanctus likes you for some reason(?) , that you can act like a bastard and get absolutely no comeuppance? Fuck you dickwad!

-Never mistake my tolerance for fucking approval.... never.
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Old 02-07-2006, 07:10 AM   #18
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Aaaww!! He's teh cutie!! ^_^
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Old 02-07-2006, 07:24 AM   #19
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Your blatant disregard and lack of respect for the members here pisses me off. You think that just because Sanctus likes you for some reason(?) , that you can act like a bastard and get absolutely no comeuppance? Fuck you dickwad!

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Old 02-07-2006, 07:29 AM   #20
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That precious little munchkin. She looks a wee tired... So cuddly and fluffy and just so damn cute.

Do not feel bad Julia, we never can tell a lot of things and we try to take care of them on our own. But at least you were concerned and you were watchful, so you can't feel guilty. You did the right thing and you would have taken her to the vet if you felt it was VERY serious. As long as the little thing was not in pain how could you tell? It might have just been a temporary thing for all you knew. But you were caring and concerned so how can you be a bad momma. I am glad things are better and uh.... Here.

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Firmness in enduring and exertion is a character I always wish to possess. I have always despised the whining yelp of complaint and cowardly resolve.- Robert Burns
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Old 02-07-2006, 07:31 AM   #21
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Old 02-07-2006, 11:19 AM   #22
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Julia, Gnossos is a wonderful person. Just wait til you get to know her.
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Old 02-07-2006, 12:50 PM   #23
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*rugby tackles Santarea* Run, Julia! For the love of God, grab the kitty and RUN!! We won't lose this one...
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:08 PM   #24
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Hehe.. I'm sure the baby seal club was for me, so she could steal my angel away from me. I think, deep down, she's a sucker for cute little kitties like that one...

I feel much better today. I know I'm doing the right thing for her, mostly thanks to you guys and also due to the comfort my bf has been providing lately. He's equally as heartbroken as I am but we're feeling good about everything we've been able to do and the fact that we can at least find her care elsewhere.
I seek the animated corpse that preys upon the living, usually by night, seeking blood to continue its existence.
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:52 PM   #25
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Awwwwww...she is gorgeous, Julia. God, I just love kittens. Especially little tigers with the 'M' marking on their foreheads.

I'm the first to admit to being overly sensitive to well, just about everything, but especially public opinion regarding animal shelters. I didn't mean to jump on a high horse, so to speak. Believe me, I've heard worse, from "Oh, I could never go there- it's so depressing," to "So, you just kill animals all day, right?".

I just want to dispel those notions, any way that I can.

Not to sound too sappy, but I've seen miracles happen at our shelter: the woman who'd lost three family members in one year, who adopted a cat whose person had passed away. She called us a few weeks later to tell us how he'd brightened her life. He's now a therapy cat who visits nursing homes. And Shelby the dog, who barked so hysterically when his person had an epileptic seizure that the neighbors were alerted. He wasn't trained to do so; he just loved her, and was worried. She (the person) is fine now.

I've got a lot of stories, and three little miracles in my own house: Charlotte, Randy (the One-Eared Wonder Kitty), and Shug Knight.

Finally, if you want the fun of kittens without the hassle, or if you want your kids to experience the realities of birth, many shelters have foster care programs, where you take in a pregnant or nursing mama and kits. They provide all the food, litter, and vet care, and you get TEH CUTENESS. Pretty a much win-win situation.

*Climbs down off soapbox*

Hugs all around.
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