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Old 07-06-2005, 03:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 24
Woman of the Night(story outline)


DEAN a good looking guy steps off a plane in a small city and goes to work for a legal company. All the girls are after him but he does not seem particularly interested.

In his spare time he keeps a watch on Kahu who is a psychologist. He is obsessed with her and asks around to find out as much about her as possible. Everyone tells her she is a bit strange and Chrissy, one of the social group, says that Kahu went with a guy who was madly in love with her. The guy was found murdered about two months after he and Kahu started their affair and although Kahu could not possibly have done the murder(in fact a jealous male was arrested) the group of friends fel there is an aura of mystique, almost witchcraft around Kahu.

Kahu , in the meantime meets Jake and has a hot night in bed with him. During the lovemaking Jake, who is only twenty five, has a massive heart attack and dies. Kahu is cleared of any illegal activity.

Kahu has a father named TOM. Tom tells his daughter that she , Kahu, is a danger to men and that she must stay away from them. Kahu tries to leave the home to go to a nightclub but TOM grabs her drags her down to the basement and chains her up.

DEAN is obsessed by Kahu and stands outside her house. He strips naked. In the Basement Kahu goes wild with desire and pulls then chains apart. She runs upstairs and has a violent fight with her father. Her father has Kahu’s cousin GRAY with him and together they tie up Kahu and subdue her with a sedative.

Dean is walking to his car late at night when Gray confronts him and beats the shit out of him. He tells him to stay away from Kahu otherwise he will be killed.

Kahu and TOM and Gray travel to the country. They come across a lovely farming couple and their family. Kahu goes for a naked dip in the river and the farmer, apart from his family, joins her and they begin to have sex. Suddenly it is as if a monster is dragging the framer under the water, He screams and panics but his head goes under. Kahu tries to save him but she nearly goes under herself. The farmer’s drowned body is retrieved by the police. The cops and the farmer’s family confront Kahu and accuse her of being a witch.

At home Tom and Dean beat Kahu til she is black and blue. Tom tells his daughter she is the goddess of death and that ANY man she goes with must die. Kahu says she wants to go and live on her own. Her father says no and suddenly develops a coughing fit which turns to choking. Kahu starts to pack her bags calmly and laughing out loud while her father chokes violently to death on the floor.

Kahu goes to visit Dean. They have drinks together and everything is intimate and romantic. They go into the bedroom and make violent love. Dean is dizzy and his heart is thumping wildly. He phones for an ambulance. Suddenly he needs to go to the toilet. As he pisses his urine changes to blood and he screams in agony. He takes some strong painkillers and waits with Kahu for the ambulance. Kahu, all serious and concerned, asks him what the problem is. Dean says, “Nothing, nothing at all. Just a slight pain.” Suddenly Dean’s stomach burst open spewing blood and viscera. He rolls over and over on the floor. Kahu helps him up and into the toilet. Dean crouches to piss and his penis drops off gushing blood everywhere. He collapses dead on the floor. The police are more and more suspicious about kahu but they cannot prove a thing.

A politician is visiting the city and he is anti-Maori. He gives a long speech after which there is a dinner party. Kahu is there and she tells TED, the politician, that she endorses his views. Ted warms to her and the couple spend the evening together without anything happening.

Ted returns to his wife and two children glad in heart. Then for no reason at all he attacks his wife. He chases her around the house with a gun. He shoots her killing her. The two kids are utterly terrified of their father. The neighbours and police visit Ted but he assures them that everything is A okay. When the cops and neighbours have gone, Ted ties up one of his daughters and cuts off her ear. Next he gets a knife and gouges out her eyes. Suddenly sickened by all the evil he has done he is about to phone the cops when Kahu arrives. She assures him everything will be all right. Kahu and Ted make love and immediately after Ted goes and kills his two children. Kahu stands before Ted as he ties a noose in the ceiling and hangs himself.

Kahu meets a psychiatrist who tells her that he can cure her. Kahu tells him he is just arrogant however she agrees to an interview with him. The psychiatrist asks her about her childhood and kahu tells him she is a goddess or witch born of a witch. The witch had intercourse with a dog and Kahu was the result. The shrink decides she is quite mad and has her locked up.

During a second interview with the shrink ROD Kahu seduces him. He releases her from the psychiatric hospital then he gets a lot of gasoline and sets fire to the psychiatric hospital killing all the sleeping patients.

Dean defends a client in a murder case and loses the case. The defendant JAKE threatens to kill Dean. Dean tells the police who are unable to track down Jake. Jake wanders through the bush and comes across Kahu. The two have sex.

Dean is alone in his barricade and heavily locked up house when he suddenly encounters JAKE standing in front of him. Dean runs from Jake and tries to hide in the Basement. But Jake finds Dean and thrashes him so hard Dean is left a cripple in a wheel chair.

Two priests decide they can cure Kahu. She is heavily doped and taken into a church. When she wakes up the holy men declare she is cured. She marries a nice guy and they have a baby who is also called Kahu. When the baby is born the mother dies. Bill, the husband, buries Kahu in the family vault where her body never decays. The child grows up to resemble the mother in every way. When Kahu is sixteen she and her father become lovers. Bill goes insane and ablates his genitals. He dies.

Kahu goes from city to city. She meets guys who fall in love with her. Each guy dies a tragic and shocking death.
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Old 07-08-2005, 09:29 PM   #2
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One hell of a first post!! I'd welcome you but this isn't the INTRODUCE YOURSELF HERE thread.

I think Slut or Mistress of the Night would be more fitting. It makes me picture a funky indie movie with horrible acting that doesn't make sense. I'm not trying to insult you or the book, I tend to like those kind of films.

Is this something you've read or a book you're writing?
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Old 07-08-2005, 09:45 PM   #3
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His nick means "Fistus" haha


edit: just fyi, I didn't read either post. I be bad.
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Old 07-09-2005, 08:12 AM   #4
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at least you posted it in the right forum ....

sorry i didn't read the post either. Is this a book you're writing? something you've read and decided to share a summary? some more details as to why this thread is here would be helpful.
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Old 07-11-2005, 10:00 PM   #5
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I read it. It has some good parts....
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Old 08-22-2005, 11:36 PM   #6
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It's a screenplay I am writing retitled DEAD LOVERS.
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